1. Name of the Department & its Year of Establishment

Botany – 1986

2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil, Ph.D., Integrated

Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.)

UG Course -B.Sc (B.Z.C)

Certificate Course :Economic Importance of Plants and Microbial Products.

3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved

Interdisciplinary courses / Departments involved
Medicinal Botany / Arts, Commerce, Physical & Applied Sciences
Mushroom Cultivation

4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system

Semester and Choice Based Credit System

5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments

The faculty teach

  1. “Environmental Studies” to Second Degree students of all programmes.

6 .Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate

Professors/Asst. Professors)

Sanctioned Filled

Asst. Professors 2 2

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization

(D.Sc./D.Litt./ Ph.D./M.Phil., etc.)

Name of the Faculty / Educational
qualifications / Designation / Specialization / No. of Years of experience
Smt.V.Bhagya Lakshmi / M.Sc.,M.Phil / Asst.Professor / Plant Physiology / 24 years
Smt.U.Suseela / M.Sc.,M.Phil / Asst.Professor / Plant Pathology / 16 years

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty- program- wise information


9. Program wise student Teacher ratio

B.Sc(BZC) – 44 : 1

10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled

Sanctioned: 1 Filled: 1

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International

funding agencies and c)Total grants received. Mention Name of funding agencies and grants received project-wise:

The course is a self-financed course. Hence no agency funded projects are under taken. But the Management funded projects on

·  Azolla Cultivation and their use as Bio-fertilizer in collaboration with Regional Research Centre (Central Institute of Fresh Water Aqua Culture, Penamaluru was undertaken in association with Microbiology Department.

o  Drip Irrigation

o  Semi-Arid Crops

o  Green House

o  Square Foot Garden

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST, DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants


·  Horticulture funded by Department of Horticulture, Vijayawada.

·  Bonsai Plants and Maintenance funded by Rotary Club of Vijayawada.

·  Model Organic farm- Sponsored by Prakash Bio-organic farm, Nuzivid.

·  Herbal Garden funded by the Management.

·  Compost pits funded by the Management.

·  “Preliminary Screening of some Medicinal plants for their combined antimicrobial activity” (Botany and Micro-biology).

13. Research facility

Research facility is provided in the Library and departmental Laboratory. The laboratory is equipped with

1.  Laminar Air Flow System.

2.  Incubator.

3.  Spectrophoto meter.

4.  Hot air oven.

14. Publications:

·  Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /international)

Smt.V.Bhagya Lakshmi, H.O.D, Botany:

Ø  authored a Text Book of Botany on “Plant Taxonomy, Embryology & Utilization of Plants” published by Surya Publications, Vijayawada 2006.

Ø  published a paper on “Associated Mycoflora of Garlic Bulbs during storage” in the International journal, Geo-Bios New Reports.

·  Monographs: 4

v  Booklet on Telugu translation of technical terms in Botany.

v  Tips on Square-Foot Gardening

v  Tips on Green House Maintenance

v  Drip-Irrigation-Best Management Practice

15. Details about Patents and income generated


16. Areas of consultancy and income generated

·  The faculty are consultants to the farmers of Nuzivid, Nutakki and Mangalagiri for growing plantations of Banana, Coconut, Henna and Jasmine for the last six years.

·  By selling Horticultural and Floricultural Products cultivated on the campus.

·  Smt. U.Suseela is a resource person on “Value of Bio diversity” to the students of Ravindra Bharathi Public School.

17. Faculty recharging strategies:

Faculty recharge themselves by attending orientation programmes conducted by other universities, attending and presenting papers in State, National and International Seminars, Symposia and Workshops.

Seminars attended: 17 Workshops: 1

18. Student projects:

·  Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter – departmental

100% of final year students undertake projects on current topics.

·  Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes


The department collaborates with Horticulture Department, Ayurvedic College, Vijayawada and Regional Research Center “Central Institute of Fresh Water Aquaculture”, Penamaluru, to conduct live projects.

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by

·  Students:

Miss.B. Vijaya Lakshmi and her team and G. Ramya and her team presented papers on “Phytoremediation” and “Golden Rice” in a seminar on Modern Trends in Applied Biology “Vruksha-09” and secured 1st and 2nd prizes.

20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized the source of funding National/ International) with details of outstanding participants, if any.

Date / Name of the activity / Topic/Exhibits / Name of the expert
13-02-2007 / Workshop / Molecular Biology Techniques / Helini Biomolecules, Chennai.
30-06-2007 / Demonstration Programme / Planting of New Saplings, Weeding, and Composting / A.Subba Rao, Executive Engineer, A.P. Pollution Control Board, Vijayawada.
30-11-2007 / Science Exhibition / Food Web, Pond Eco System and Medicinal Plants
Bonsai plants Xerophyes. / D.Raja Gopal Rao, HOD, Botany, P.B.S.College of Arts and Science, Vijayawada.
1-09-2008 / Mulika Pradarsana / Auyurvedic products / Ramji Technologies, Kakinada
10-12-2009 / Essay Writing Competition / Energy Conservation in Industrial and Commercial Sector / NEDCAP, Vijayawada.
17-7-2010 / Inter- Collegiate Elocution “ Today’s Environment is passport to future” / Bio-Diversity and Its Conservation / Regional Colleges
15-09-2011 / Science Quest – 2011 / Live Models and Poster Presentations on Flora of Medicinal Value / Students,
Regional level colleges.

21. Student profile course wise:

Name of the Course
(refer question no. 2) / Applications received / Selected / Pass percentage
B.Sc.(BZC) / 56 / 48 / 60%

22. Diversity of Students

Name of the Course
(refer question no. 2) / % of students from the College / % of students from the Other Colleges / % of students from other State / % of students from the other Countries
B. Sc (BZC) / 30% / 70% / ----- / -----

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations?

10% of the students appeared for competitive exams like Railway Recruitment, APPSC, Group – II, III, IV, Bank Services and P. Officers. etc.

24. Student progression

Student progression / %
UG to PG / 50%
PG to M.Phil. / -
PG to Ph.D. / -
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral / -
Campus selection
Other than campus recruitment / 10%
Entrepreneurs / 5%

25. Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduates
of the same parent university / ----
from other universities within the State / ----
from other universities from other States / 100%

26. Number of faculty who were awarded with Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the

Assessment period:


27. Present details about infrastructural facilities

a) Departmental Library

Books : 200

Question Banks : 6

e-materials : 20

study materials :for all classes in all papers.

Lab manuals : 10

b) Internet facilities for staff and students : Net facility is provided to staff

and students in the department.

c) Total number of class rooms : 3

d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 2

e) Students Laboratories : 2, a Botany Herbarium and


f) Research laboratories : Research facility provided in

the Library and Laboratory.

28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College

50 students get financial assistance from Spoorthi Cell, Durga Priya, Poor students Fund and Siddhartha Foundation.

29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before development of new Program? If so, give the methodology.

Faculty update their knowledge by interacting with industrialists, academicians and farmers, scientists of the fields. They also discuss in the Board of Studies and present it in the Academic Council.

30. Does the department obtain feedback from

a.  Faculty, on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation, if so, how does the department utilize it?

Yes, the department obtains feedback from the faculty and the visiting faculty and other experts invited for seminars, workshops and guest lectures. Basing on the feedback changes are made in teaching-learning-evaluation.

b.  Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same?

Feedback is taken from students during every Semester and by considering their suggestions. Applied Microbiology has been included in the curriculum to meet the modern demands.

c.  Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same?

Alumnae, employers, the members of Boards of Studies and Academic Council express their views on teaching-learning-evaluation. The suggestions given by them are taken into consideration.

31. List the distinguished Alumni of the department (maximum 10)

S.No / Name / Designation / Place
1 / V.Geetha / Research Scholar / Germany
2 / K.Jahnavi / MS in Pharmacy / U.S.A
3 / D.Saritha / Project officer / National Green Corps, Hyderabad
4 / J. Durga Bhavani / Lecturer / Chaitanya Junior College, Vijayawada
5 / P.Durga Padmasri / Medical Representative
6 / Pavani / Lecturer / Chaitanya Junior College
7 / Rajeswari / Lecturer / Chaitanya Junior College
8 / U.Meenakshi / Medical Transcriptionist / TRANSDYNE, Vijayawada
9 / Y.Samatha / Environmental Engineer / Regional Municipal Corporation Administration, Guntur
10 / Sk.Salma / Biology Teacher / Delhi Public School, Vijayawada

32. Give details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops /seminar) with external experts :

Date / Name of the activity / Topic / Name of the expert
30-06-2007 / Special Lecture / Role of Students in Environmental Protection / A. Subba Rao, Executive Engineer, A.P. Pollution Control Board, VJA.
13-08-2008 / Special Lecture / Prospects of Horticulture / A.Ram Mohan, Department of Horticulture, VJA.
25-07-2009 / Special Lecture / Medicinal Plants-Research Update / Dr. Nishteswar, Professor, Govt. Ayurvedic College, VJA.
11-09-2009 / Special Lecture / Home Remedies / Vaidya Sri Pammi Satyanarayana, Haritha Ayurveda Kendaram, Vijayawada
06-07-2010 / Special lecture / Solid Waste Management with reference to Composting / C.Dutt, Convener, P.G.Centre P.B.S.College of Arts and Science, VJA.
18-09-2010 / Special Lecture / Recent Advances in Biotechnology / Prof.P.Prakash Babu,
Dept. of Biotechnology,
Central University, HYD.
15-09-2011 / Seminar / Transgenic organisms – boon or bane? / Prof.S.Sambasiva Rao, Dept. of Biotechnology, Acharya Nagarjuna University.
16-09-2011 / Seminar / Medicinal Value of Flora and Fauna / B.V.S.T.Sai, M.D. Pralshar Bio Products, Goa.
30-03-2012 / Special Lecture / Conservation of Water / A.Vara Prasada Rao, Dy.Director, Ground Water Dept., VJA.

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes

In addition to the traditional chalk and talk method ICT based teaching, practical orientation in labs, Power point presentations, display of charts, live models, wall magazines and arranging field trips (Nurseries, Research centre, Dolphin Nature Conservation Society) to have practical exposure, Projects, Surveys, Case Studies, Biology Animations are used.

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met

and learning outcomes monitored?

Programme objectives are constantly met by upgrading the syllabus according to present day need. Learning outcomes are monitored by conducting classroom tests, internal assessments and external evaluations. In addition to it assignments, project works, group discussions, surveys on current issues are conducted.

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities:

·  Distributed pamphlets at Rythu Bazar on “Aids Awareness” on 01-12-2006.

·  Students teach few topics in Biology to the students of VII, VIII & IX classes at Boyapati Siva Ramakrishnaiah Municipal School, Mogalraj Puram, Vijayawada.

·  Created awareness to the farmers of Nunna Village on the use of Azolla as Bio-fertilizer in collaboration with department of Botany and supplied sample of Azolla culture.

36. Give details of “Beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department:

The department inaugurated a club “Flora” with faculty and students of Botany as members. The activities taken up by the club are –

·  Conducting a Live project on “Propagation of semi-arid crops”

·  Maintaining “Wall Magazine”.

·  Maintaining Compost Pits.

·  In association with department of Microbiology Mushroom cultivation is carried out.

·  Drip irrigation technique was introduced on the campus.

·  Students are given training in preparing Bonsai.

·  Green House is maintained to provide shade to plants.

·  Plants of Medicinal and Horticultural value are maintained on the campus.

·  Flora on the campus are identified and labeled.

·  Square Foot Garden is maintained on the roof of the college building in association with the Department of Zoology.

Other activities of the department are –

·  Distributed seeds of Kitchen Garden to the housewives in and around the college.

·  Smt. V.Bhagya Lakshmi acted as Judge for the 36th Krishna District Science Exhibition at Bishop Grassi High School and Science Exhibition conducted at V.P.Siddhartha Public School.

·  Smt. V.Bhagya Lakshmi is a member Board of Studies at VSR & NVR College, Tenali.

·  Smt U. Suseela, Convenor of Eco-club and contributed extensively for it and the college was adjudged the Second Best Eco-Friendly College twice (2006 & 2007) and as the First Best Eco-friendly College successively for four times (2008,2009,2010 and 2011) by Acharya Nagarajuna University.

·  She also delivered a Radio talk on Eco-friendly activities of the college and celebration of Ganesh Chaturdhi in Eco-friendly manner.

·  Acted as judge for district level quiz competition JALAMBADI held at A P State Ground Water Department.

37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies

Give details


1.  IQAC of the college accredits the department annually.

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department


  1. Well qualified and committed staff.
  2. Faculty are the members of various committees and are actively involved in the work.
  3. Well equipped laboratory.


1.  Students with poor academic background.

2.  Staff cannot avail FIP as they are un-aided.

3.  Students prefer teaching in mother tongue.

Challenges :

1.  Teaching to the students of poor academic background.

2.  Catering to first generation learners and vernacular medium students as the best students are absorbed by professional colleges.