November 17, 2009

The Board of Trustees of the Hull-Daisetta Independent School District met in regular session on Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. in the Administration Building.

School Board Members Present: Inez Echols, David Meadows, Jenna Brett, Vincent Espree, Marvin Fregia, Charles Walker, and Joe Espree.

School Board Members Absent: None

Others Present for this Meeting: Superintendent Mary Huckabay, Principal Quinn Godwin, Principal Kelley Berry, Assistant Principal Greg Box, Maintenance Director Frederick Freeman, Dean Hill, Duane French, Anne Richardson, Coach Joe Slack, Dani Perkins, Heather McKey, Kaitlyn Birdwell, Finance Director Frances Fregia, and Kathy Riley.

Board President Inez Echols called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Board Member Charles Walker led the invocation.

Board Vice-President Marvin Fregia led the pledge.

Item 1 Public Comments/Audience Participation: Mrs. Margie Hickman was concerned

about a situation that happened in the Elementary Cafeteria and asked that her name

be placed on the agenda for the December 15th Board Meeting.

Item 2 Presentation from Duane French regarding the Ag. Department: Ag. Teacher

Duane French introduced himself and his assistant Dean Hill, FFA President Danni

Perkins, and student Heather McKey. Mr. French reported that Heather McKey

represented the FFA Department at nationals this year in Indiana, she sang in the

choir, and will also represent the FFA Department at the state convention. Mr.

French gave a brief progress report about the Ag. Department. Mr. French also

reported about the Young Farmers organization and how they raise money for


Item 3 Overnight trip for Girl’s Basketball Tournament-Brent Anderson:

Board Member Charles Walker made the motion to approve the overnight

trip for Girl’s Basketball Tournament December 3rd and December 4th. Board

Member David Meadows seconded and the motion passed: seven for, none


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November 17, 2009

Item 4 Consent Agenda:

a.  Minutes of Previous Meetings(s)

1.  October 20, 2009

b.  Monthly Financial Report

Board Vice-President Marvin Fregia made the motion to approve the consent

agenda as presented. Board Secretary Jenna Brett seconded and the motion

passed: seven for, none against.

Item 5 Budget Amendment(s): Finance Director Frances Fregia reported Budget

Amendments as follows:

FUND 279, Title II, Part D AARA

Increase revenue and expenditure by $2,166.

Board Vice-President Marvin Fregia made the motion to approve Budget

Amendments as presented by Finance Director Frances Fregia. Board Member

Joe Espree seconded and the motion passed: seven for, none against.

Item 6 Superintendent’s Report:


Beginning of Year Current Difference

(8-31-09)  (10-20-09)

High School - 161 166 +5

Junior High - 74 75 +1

Elementary - 249 258 +9

DAEP/AB - 1 2 +1

Total - 485 500 +15

Playoff game

Superintendent Mary Huckabay reported that Thursday night the football team will

be traveling to Woodforest Stadium for the playoff game.

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November 17, 2009

Item 6 Superintendent’s Report Continued:

Performance Based Monitoring System (PBM)

Each year Special Education, Bilingual Education, Career and Technology Education

and No Child Left Behind programs are monitored by (PBM) Performance Based

Monitoring System. Data from PEIMS is gathered and analyzed. When any of the

Criteria measured are outside the acceptable range, in order to become acceptable

again, interventions are assigned. Last year we were dinged and had to do an

intervention plan, make further data submissions to TEA and have a conference with

TEA representatives on how we plan to address the situation. This year the district

has an intervention stage of “1”. This means that we have improved and there will be

no formal monitoring documents to submit to TEA.

Principals’ Report

Jr. High/High School Principal Quinn Godwin reported on the following:

TAKS Exit-level retest

● 7 seniors have not passed

● 2 students need to pass Math and Science

● 5 students need to pass Math only

● Next test is March 4-5

Academic Excellence

● Junior High – Gold Performance

● High School – Gold Performance

Veterans Day

● Luncheon

● American Traveling Veterans Tour

Early Release

● November 19th at 2:45 pm

● November 20th at 12:00 pm

Counselors Corner

● Encouraging students to apply to at least 3 colleges

● Recommending them to take a campus tour

Career Fair – December 10th

● 22 participants confirmed

● 10 colleges confirmed

Liberty Workforce Academy

● Hosting signup – December 7th

● CNA clinical – November 18th

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November 17, 2009

Item 6 Principals’ Report Continued:

Lee College

● Dual-credit enrollment December 8th

BETA Blood Drive

● December 2nd

Rape and Suicide Crisis Center

● December 7th

Junior High UIL Contest

● December 8th & 10th in West Hardin

Junior High & High School Benchmark Tests

● December 14th & 15th

Project Graduation Winter Ball

● Junior High – December 11th

● High School – December 12th


● JH Football went undefeated for 2 yrs. and are District Champs

Student of the Month

● JH – Kortlyn Wells & HS – Colby Henry November 2-6

● JH – Colby Espree & HS – Justin Gartner November 9-13

● JH – Crysta Scott & HS – Dana Cook November 16-20

Teacher of the Month

● November – Addie Walker

Elementary Principal Kelley Berry reported on the following:

● Thursday PreK & Kindergarten will have their Thanksgiving Feast

● 3rd grade will have their Thanksgiving Program on Friday

● December 8th & 10th UIL

● Benchmark test lots of areas to work on

Maintenance Report

Frederick Freeman Maintenance Director reported on the following:

● Weekly maintenance schedule

● Water leak at Jr. High campus in Raywood

● CAPS came out and looked at a/c units

● Lights have been fixed under the stadium and on back side of

press box

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November 17, 2009

Item 7 Cafeteria Practices: Superintendent Mary Huckabay reported that this year and

last year the District has taken drastic measures to cut the amount we are funding

the food service from local funds. The food service department is having significant

difficulties collecting charges at the end of the school year and therefore we decided

to reduce the allowable charges to $10.00.

Board Vice-President Marvin Fregia made the motion to modify the policy on

cafeteria practices to include allowing employees to charge on longer than 10 days at

a time up to $20.00 with an option to revisit this policy. Board Member Charles

Walker seconded and the motion passed: seven for, none against.

Item 8 Resale Bids: Board Secretary Jenna Brett made the motion to accept 8.3 acres on

FM 770 resale bid number 3 in the amount of $6,200. Board Member David

Meadows seconded and the motion passed: seven for, none against.

Item 9 Employee Christmas Gift Certificates: No action was taken.

Item 10 Bus Purchase with ARRA Stimulus Funds (Special Education): Superintendent

Mary Huckabay reported that the District can purchase a bus for Special Education

with ARRA Stimulus Funds from Longhorn Bus sales in the amount of $85,180.

Board Secretary Jenna Brett made the motion to approve the purchase of a bus, for

Special Education, to be bought with ARRA Stimulus Funds from Longhorn Bus

sales in the amount of $85,180. Board Member Joe Espree seconded and the motion

passed: seven for, none against.

Item 11 Election to Liberty County Central Appraisal District Board of Directors

2010-2011: Superintendent Mary Huckabay stated that the voting entitlement for the

District is 200 votes.

Board Member Joe Espree made the motion to cast 100 votes for Robert

Edwards and 100 votes for Kevin Ladd to be elected to the Liberty CAD Board of

Directors. Board Member David Meadows seconded and the motion passed:

seven for, none against.

Item 12 District and Campus Improvement Plans: Board Vice-President Marvin

Fregia made the motion to approve the District and Campus Improvement Plans as

presented. Board Secretary Jenna Brett seconded and the motion passed: seven for,

none against.

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November 17, 2009

Item 13 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Liberty County Long Term

Recovery Committee and HDISD for use of Raywood facilities to house

volunteer groups: Superintendent Mary Huckabay reported that the MOU is an

agreement between Liberty County Long Term Recovery Committee and HDISD to

help pay utilities when the Recovery Committee needs to use the old Raywood Jr.

High facilities to house their volunteer groups.

Board Member David Meadows made the motion to approve the Memorandum of

Understanding between Liberty County Long Term Recovery Committee and

HDISD, for use of the Raywood facilities to help pay for utilities. Board Member

Vince Espree seconded and the motion passed: seven for, none against.

At 8:06 p.m. it was announced that the Board would convene into executive session as authorized in the Texas Open Meetings Act, for the purpose of discussing those matters allowed. It was further announced that no final action, decision or vote shall be taken while the Board is in executive session.

The Board returned to open session at 8:28 p.m.

Item 14 Closed Session – Consider Employment, Resignations, Reassignments,

Substitute Teacher List, Extended Leaves, Additional Positions and Other

Personnel Matters:

a.  Resignation of exempt employee(s): No action was taken.


b. Employment recommendation of exempt employee(s): No action was


c. Approval of new substitute teacher(s): Superintendent Mary Huckabay

recommended that Board employ Paul Graham, Jessica Williams, Meredith Storey and Karah Hickman as substitute teachers.

Board Vice-President Marvin Fregia made the motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Mary Huckabay, to employ the four applicants presented as substitute teachers. Board Member Vince Espree seconded and the motion passed: seven for, none against.

d. Remove House Fringe Benefit from Superintendent Contract:

Board Member Vince Espree made the motion to remove the Housing

Fringe benefit from Superintendent Mary Huckabay’s contract, because

she no longer lives in the house provided by the district. Board Secretary

Jenna Brett seconded and the motion passed: seven for, none against.

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November 17, 2009

Adjournment: Board Vice-President Marvin Fregia made the motion to adjourn the meeting at

8:32 p.m. Board Member David Meadows seconded and the motion passed:

seven for, none against.

These minutes were approved this 15th day of December, 2009.


Inez Echols, President Jenna Brett, Secretary