Date: 7 November 2015
Present: A. Southwell, S. Hiscock, J. Jones, S. Kemp, G. Bucknell, J. Hudson
Apologies:M. Pack
Minutes distributed and accepted (AS, second SK)
Business Arising
- SK heard nothing from P&C Fed. re unflued heaters, to send another letter
- Now on Bunning’s BBQ list
- Didn’t approach YPS re field days fundraising as resolved Bunning’s BBQ
- IT people to be approached re canteen advertising
- Investigate signs/pictures outside canteen, with prices
- SK to go to rodeo to accept cheque
- GB send letter to Picolli re hall heaters not being properly installed and use of school funds to fix
Correspondence out
- Letter to P&C Federation re update unflued heaters
Correspondence in
- Rodeo committee letter requesting our presence to accept cheque
Treasurer’s Report
General Account
Opening Balance / 587.99Income
Interest / 0.32 +0.27 (2 months)
Expenditure / 0
Closing balance / 588.58
Accepted AS, second SK
Canteen report
Running very smoothly
New slushy machine arrived and installed
Healthy Eating School Environment workshop useful, new ideas on healthy options
Added large salad bowls and dipping box, kids enjoying these
Looking into a few more healthy items to phase in
Can price list, photos /canteen page be on school web site?
Talked to Ag dept about expanding plot to grow stuff for canteen
Closing Balance $20852.94, accts still to be paid $9900
Term deposit $10443.20 matures Nov. 2015
Principal’s report
- See below
General Business
- Kiln room now paid for, so P&C $ not needed for this. Alternative is to help pay for heaters for Hall. School can pay some and P&C balance, cheaper to do now (by $2000) than in winter. Current quote to run out soon, SH to contact contractor re when cheaper price is valid to. JJ to investigate ‘list’ for funding for new hall.
- Canteen Lump sum to be put into monthly rate in case needed for hall heater or other needs (moved SK, second JJ)
- AS to look at survey to see what things P&C need to do
- $300 from oven sale to go to hats for 2016 Yr 7 (moved SK, second SW)
Next meeting:7:30 Monday 7th December 2015, Christmas meeting in the school bistro. Supper provided by the school.
P & C PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: 2nd November 2015
Korean Visit: All reports suggest that the return visit to Korea from 23rd September to 3rd October was a great success and a real eye-opener for the students lucky enough to participate. Thanks again to Mr Barrett and Ms Young who accompanied the group and put so much time and effort into the organisation.
Exams, Reports and Plans: Congratulations to our Year 11 achieverswhose HSC Preliminary Year Reports and Awards were distributed ata well-attended celebration assembly on Friday 23rd October. Last week theCareers Adviser and I interviewedeach Year 11 student to offer support in planning and to ensure that theirchosen subject options adequately address their academic and careeraspirations and potential.The HSC examscontinue with students and staff generallyresponding positively to the “challenging but fair” papers completed so far.
Ag Achievements at Murrumbateman, Illabo, Scone and Albury:Onceagain our show team and the agriculture and primary industriesstudents and staff are to be commended for the impressive exhibitsand multiple awards received at the Murrumbateman Field Days (best display award), theIllabo Sheep Show and the Scone and Albury Cattle Shows over recent weeks.
Many thanks to the musicians who performed so impressively and the students and staff who hosted the school display over the two days of the Murrumbateman Field Days: much positive feedback was received about the school’s profile at the event.
Garage Sale Clean Up: Almost $1000 was made for the school from the sale of old furniture and equipment as well as farm produce at last weekend’s garage sale: many thanks to staff, parents and students who supported the day.
Captains Initiative: Following playground interviews with students to ascertain leadership priorities, the new school captains have surveyed students on ideas for alternative canteen offerings, contained in a letter for the canteen management’s consideration.
School Review Process: The department-sponsored Tell Them From Me school parent and teacher surveys have been collated and results published for consideration by the executive. Unfortunately there were only 50 parent responses, but both those and the teacher responses were generally positive compared to like schools. The lowest relative scores (60-65% rankings) related to the “parent involvement” category for teachers and the “parents support learning at home” and “inclusive school” categories for parents. These particular outcomes will help form the Community Engagement Team’s terms of reference in 2016.
Staffing:Recent rigorous interview processes have resulted in the appointment of Heath Wade as Maths Head Teacher and Tracy Randall as Science Head Teacher. Congratulations to those successful candidates and many thanks to the parent panel members. Teacher appointments for 2016 are Renee Gerkens (Geography/Legal Studies in HSIE) from interview, Ree Nicholson (English) by transfer and Ali Unal (Maths) by direct appointment. At this stage our student numbers for 2016 appear to be stable at around 515 which will result in minimal further staffing changes.
Funding:The school has received its Resource Allocation Model (RAM) needs-based funding notification for next year.In line with the “Gonski” Review, this funding is allocated according to identified needs, with some for the entire school, some for particular groups and some for individual students. “Equity loadings” coversocio-economic background ($49,184), Aboriginal background ($16,320) and low level disability ($39,433).“Base school grants” includeper capita on enrolments ($33,269), staff professional learning ($47,326), andlocation loading ($30,880). There is also targeted funding for individual students who require high or moderate level adjustment for disability.Accountability for funding use is through the annual report and aligns with priorities from the collaboratively developed school plan.
Buildings / Facilities: The awning along the B Block wall has been completed, providing effective shade and shelter for students and serving as an aesthetic link between the new and old buildings. Asset Management have agreed to refurbish a storeroom in the B block corridor near the hall foyer as a counsellor’s office and making the old office adjacent to the art rooms into the kiln room. These upgrades should occur before the end of the year, along with the removal of some of the older demountables.
Other Matters:
Please see InTouchas well as the school’s website for full details of recent events and achievements, including those referred to here.