Portville Central School
Preliminary Smart Schools Investment Plan
Smart Bond Act
The Smart Bond Act is the result of a proposal to fund technology and expand Pre-K statewide. The bonds where voted on by all NYS voters in November 2014. Portville’s allocation is $974,908.
Requirements to Attain Funding
Submit and have approved a three-year technology plan.
Form a committee of stakeholders to create a preliminary plan.
Post the SSIP online for 30 days for public review and hold a public hearing.
Make revisions as necessary.
Post the final plan on the school website.
Submit the SSIP to NYSED for approval.
Portville Central School’s SSIP for Classroom Technology
Portville Central School will use Smart Bond funds to support the resources needed to purchase equipment and create stations in the new Envisioneering Center located at the school campus. Portville Central School will house and equip the Envisioneering Center with 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, MIG/TIG welding, circuit board printers, 3D microscopes, hydroponics, a sound studio with mixing boards, drones, green screen technology, along with advanced video production tools and systems to prepare for this technology. These devices will be used to foster creative thinking and workforce skills that are currently not available to them. The center’s users will be taught how to use the computer-based machinery and then be mentored through proficiency.
To take advantage of new employment opportunities, prospective workers must have access to and engage in career‐specific education and skills training that can help them succeed and advance in their careers. A number of emerging sectors require a workforce with strong science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) skills. For workers to take advantage of employment opportunities in growing sectors, they must have both the foundational knowledge and the relevant technological skills needed to succeed.
Four areas of the PCS Envisioneering Center:
Fabrication Area:
Ø CNC machine (metal)
Ø 3D Printer
Ø Shopbot (CNC wood/plastic)
Ø Laser Printers
Ø Computerized Vinyl Cutter
Ø Automated sewing machine
Ø Various tools needed to prepare materials for the computerized machines and to maintain and set up machines.
Electronics Area:
Ø Soldering stations
Ø Circuit board printer
Ø Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Lilypad Kits
Ø Necessary tools and accessories to build and repair electronics
Bio Technology Area:
Ø Greenhouse electronics for monitoring and controlling light/water
Ø Highly technical self-sustaining chicken coop
Ø Microscopes
Ø Probes and monitoring tools to perform biology experiments
Communications Area:
Ø Video equipment: cameras, video-editing equipment, green screen technology
Ø High HD Drones
Ø Sound Studio Equipment
Updating Instructional Technology:
Technology Upgrades
Ø Replace 108 desktop machines through-out District. Current machines are 8+ years old.
This Technology Will:
Portville Central School is on a mission to create a STEAM, maker-centric environment in the community at large. STEAM is an acronym for the fields of study in the categories of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Art is integrated into the other fields of study by drawing on design principles and encouraging creative solutions. The Envisioneering Center’s environment is intended to be open to the student body as well as the community to collaborate, create, innovate, tinker and make. There are spaces in the Envisoneering Center for ideation and team building. It is intended that users will be able to bring those ideas to life in true maker fashion thanks to the Envisioneering Center’s 3-D printers, printed circuit board routers, laser cutters, digital sewing machine, computer controlled systems and more. The trend nationwide, though lacking in rural areas, is to have shared technologically-rich environments. These spaces are essential to encourage creative product development, which leads to both employable skills and a higher potential for small business and entrepreneurial endeavors.
Contact Information:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this plan please contact Thomas Simon, Superintendent of Schools, at 716-933-7140 or .
SSIP Portville Central School Budget
Area of Expenditure / TotalFabrication / $171,254.49
Electronics / $110,404.95
Bio Tech / $47,500.00
Communications / TBD
Desktop Upgrades / $93,590.00
Grand Total $422,749.44