Topic 4: Plant Diversity II - Seed Plants (Chs. 30, 38)
- Seed plants
- all are heterosporous vascular plants
- three major reproductive adaptations
- gametophyte reduced to dependence on sporophyte; retained in moist reproductive tissue
- seed – “baby plant in a lockbox with its lunch”; highly resistant structures that allow for a dormant phase in the life cycle to wait out poor environmental conditions
- evolution of pollen as male gametophyte – many seed plants are no longer tied to external water for fertilization
- common ancestor with seeds gave rise to all seed plants (gymnosperms and angiosperms); together, gymnosperms and angiosperms are a monophyletic group
- fossil evidence indicates origins in progymnosperm group about 360 MYA
- gametophytes are completely dependent on parent sporophytes for nutrition and are composed of only a few cells
- male gametophytes develop from microspores
- become pollen grains
- entire male gametophyte moved to the female as pollen grains
- cannot perform photosynthesis, depends on nutrients that came from the parent sporophyte
- female gametophytes develop from megaspores within ovules
- ovule contains female gametophyte surrounded by nucellus(megasporangium)
- nucellus is surrounded by 1-2 integuments (cell layers that serve as protective covers)
- micropyle – opening in integuments (allows sperm to get in)
- cannot perform photosynthesis, depends on nutrients from the parent sporophyte
- means of transporting sperm to egg varies, but typically uses a growing pollen tube that does not require outside water
- moving pollen to vicinity of ovule called pollination; agents include wind, animals
- seed develops from ovule
- seeds are highly resistant structures that allow for a dormant phase in the life cycle to wait out poor environmental conditions
- embryo protected by a seed coat, an extra layer of hardened tissue derived from sporophyte tissue in the ovule (sporophyte tissue from parent, not from embryo)
- enhanced protection from drought, cold, heat
- some protection from pathogens and predators
- external water only needed at germination
- initial food supply for germinating plant is enclosed
- seeds replace spores as means of dispersal; can enhance means of dispersal
- seeds plants together are a monophyletic group
- divided into two “groups” based on whether or not ovule is completely enclosed by sporophyte tissue at time of pollination
- gymnosperms – “naked seed”
- angiosperms – “covered seed” – covered in Topic 7
- gymnosperms
- long thought to be a grade, but molecular data shows that living members may actually form a clade
- 4 phyla with living members
- essentially, all seed plants that are not angiosperms
- all lack flowers and fruits that are found in angiosperms
- ovule not completely enclosed by sporophyte tissue at time of pollination
- instead, ovule sits exposed on a scale (a modified leaf)
- 4 phyla
- Phylum Coniferophyta (the conifers)
- Phylum Cycadophyta (the cycads)
- Phylum Ginkgophyta (Ginkgo)
- Phylum Gnetophyta (the gnetophytes)
- Phylum Coniferophyta (the conifers)
- monophyletic group
- ~600 living species; worldwide distribution, more common in cold or dry regions
- pines, spruces, firs, cedars, junipers, hemlocks, yews, larches, cypresses, redwoods
- nearly all are evergreen
- many have needle-shaped leaves adapted to dry conditions (resistant to water loss)
- thick cuticle
- stomata in pits
- tallest plant: more than 110 m (Coastal Redwood, Sequoia sempervirens)
- oldest tree: Methuselah, estimated more than 4600 years old (Bristlecone Pine, Pinus longaeva)
- sources of timber, paper, resin, cancer drug taxol, etc.
- “soft” wood (unlike angiosperm trees, no vessels or fibers in xylem)
- pines as a representative group
- over 100 species
- native to Northern hemisphere
- typically thick bark (survive fires, drought)
- secrete resin from leaves and bark
- response to wounding
- deters fungal and insect attacks
- source of turpentine (volatile liquid, organic solvent) and solid rosin
- pine life cycle
- pine tree is sporophyte, with sporangia located on cones
- gametophyte generations reduced; retained within sporangia
- male gametophyte is pollen grain (no antheridium)
- female gametophyte produces archegonia within ovule
- heterosporous: separate male and female cones
- male cones (pollen cones)
- clusters of 30-70
- usually at tips of lower branches
- 1-4 cm long; papery scales in spirals or whorls
- pair of microsporangia sacs within each scale
- microspore mother cells in microsporangia form haploid microspores
- each microspore becomes 4-celled pollen grain
- pollen grain carried by wind (pair of air sacs provides buoyancy)
- mature pollen grains have a “Mickey Mouse” appearance
- one cluster of pollen cones can yield over 1 million pollen grains
- female cones (ovulate cones)
- typically on upper branches of same tree with pollen cones
- larger than pollen cones
- scales become woody (highly lignified)
- pair of ovules develop at base of each scale
- megasporangiumcallednucellusembedded in each ovule
- nucellus is nutritive tissue surrounded by thick integument (covering) with hole (micropyle) near one end
- one layer of integument later becomes seed coat
- single megaspore mother cell in each megasporangium
- produces 4 haploid megaspores; 3 break down
- surviving megaspore develops over about one year into female gametophyte with sometimes thousands of cells
- female gametophyte has 2-6 archegonia, at micropylar end
- each archegonium has one large egg (visible without a microscope)
- female cones take two or more seasons to mature
- reproduction
- scales of ovulate cone open
- pollen lands near micropyle, caught by sticky fluid
- evaporating fluid pulls pollen through micropyle into ovule
- scales close (female gametophyte not mature)
- pollen grain germinates, forming pollen tube that digests through nucellus (takes about 15 months to reach archegonium)
- one of the four pollen grain cells (the generative cell) undergoes mitosis; one of products divides again, making two sperm cells
- mature male gametophyte is germinated pollen grain with pollen tube and sperm
- when archegonium is reached, one sperm fertilizes egg
- zygote develops into embryo within seed; usually only one successful zygote per ovule
- embryo (new sporophyte, 2N) has rudimentary root, several embryonic leaves (cotyledons)
- food source in seed derives from rest of female gametophyte (1N)
- scales of cone open and separate; winged seeds disperse
- from initial ovulate cone formation to final seed production 3 years or more
- Phylum Cycadophyta (the cycads)
- monophyletic group
- ~200 living species, tropical and subtropical; many in danger of extinction
- along with conifers, dominated Mesozoic era (245 MYA – 65 MYA)
- slow-growing; some grow >15 m tall
- most resemble palm trees, but produce cones (female cones up to 45 kg, or 100 lbs!)
- have life cycle similar to pines
- unusual sperm
- have thousands of flagella arranged in spirals
- swim within ovule to archegonium
- largest sperm known
- Phylum Ginkgophyta (Ginkgo)
- monophyletic group
- 1 living species, Ginkgo biloba (also known as the maidenhair tree)
- exists only in cultivation (no natural native populations); first cultivated in Japan and China
- deciduous – lose leaves
- flagellated sperm (similar to cycads)
- dioecious
- stinky seed coverings (produce butyric and isobutyric acid, making the smell of rancid butter)
- males often planted on city streets (do not stink like females; resistant to air pollution)
- Phylum Gnetophyta (the gnetophytes)
- apparently a monophyletic group, but could be paraphyletic
- ~70 living species in 3 genera: Welwitschia, Ephedra, Gnetum
- some evidence that they form a clade with angiosperms (if so, then gymnosperms are what?)
- vessels in xylem (common in angiosperms, found only in these gymnosperms)
- members of Gnetum have broad leaves similar to angiosperm leaves
- some genetic similarity to angiosperms
- Welwitschia – bizarre plants of southwest African deserts
- stem is shallow cup that tapers into a taproot
- two leathery leaves (often split) grow continuously from base
- conelike reproductive structures at leaf base
- dioecious – separate male and female plants
- Ephedra common in Mexico and southwestern US, but found on most continents
- shrubby, stems resemble horsetails (jointed, with tiny scale-like leaves at each node)
- some species monoecious (male and female parts on same plant), some dioecious
- drug ephedrine historically extracted mainly from a Chinese species of Ephedra
- Phylum Anthophyta – flowering plants (antho – flower)
- also known as angiosperms (angeion – vessel or enclosure; sperma – seed)
- ovules enclosed within carpel (parent diploid sporophytic tissue) at pollination
- the “vessel” is the carpel, which is a modified leaf
- carpels, especially their enlarged basal portion (the ovary), usually develop into fruit, which is unique to angiosperms
- about 250,000 known living species (dominant photosynthetic organisms on land)
- predominant source of human food
- most widespread and diverse plant phylum
- range from microscopic to plants with leaves over 6 m long
- flowers show incredible variety from species to species
- variety of lifestyles includes parasites (ex.: mistletoe, dodder, beechdrops); mycotrophs (derive nutrients from fungi; ex.: Indian Pipe, others); epiphytes (ex.: some orchids); “carnivorous” (ex. pitcher plants, sundews, Venus flytrap)
- monophyletic group with seeds, refined xylem, double fertilization, and these synapomorphic characteristics:
- seed contains endosperm
- presence of flowers (modified stems and leaves)
- true fruits
- evolutionary history
- monophyletic group
- origin about 140 MYA
- phylogeny
- historically divided into two classes, dicots and monocots
- recent genetic analysis has shown that the traditional dicots are a paraphyletic group
- thus, the old classification scheme is being replaced
- no conclusive cladogram has been produced for angiosperms
- studies are ongoing
- most modern cladograms have Amborella and water lilies as a sister group (or groups) to the rest of the angiosperms
- cladogram below from
- various class-level groupings have been proposed, the overall naming and formal classification within Phylum Anthophyta is still in a state of flux
- nevertheless, by far most of the living angiosperm species are found within two monophyletic groups, eudicots and monocots
- eudicots
- most have embryos have two cotyledons (seed leaves)
- leaves have netlike veins
- flower part typically in multiples of 4 or 5
- groups of vascular tissues in a ring
- pollen grains mostly with 3 or more apertures
- endosperm mostly used up in mature eudicot seeds
- about 175,000 living species; includes nearly all flowering trees and shrubs
- about a sixth are annuals (entire growth cycle in one year or less)
- monocots
- embryos have one cotyledon
- leaves have essentially parallel veins
- flower part typically in multiples of 3
- groups of vascular tissues scattered
- pollen grains mostly with one aperture
- endosperm typically present in mature monocot seeds
- about 65,000 living species; no true wood, few annuals
- Why were (and are) angiosperms successful?
- 130 MYA two major continental masses
- Laurasia = North America, Europe, Asia
- Gondwanaland = South America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, India, New Zealand)
- angiosperms first appeared in Gondwanaland, in what was likely a drier interior region
- advantages of flowering plants
- transfer of pollen over great distances promotes outcrossing
- efficient seed dispersal via fruit
- endosperm gives seedlings a fast start
- leaves appropriate for fast growth in hot, dry environment
- coevolution with insects
- dominant by ~80 MYA, second half of Cretaceous Period
- all present angiosperm families represented by that time
- many insect orders appeared or became more abundant at that time
- Flowers
- modified stems with modified leaves
- develop as primordium bud at end of stalk called pedicel
- pedicel widens at tip to form receptacle
- other flower parts attached to receptacle in four whorls; from outside in:
- calyx – sepals; usually green, leaf-like, and protect immature flower
- corolla – petals; usually colorful, attract pollinators; together with calyx called perianth
- androecium – stamens; male reproductive structures
- filament + anther
- microspores produced within anther, shed as pollen
- gynoecium – female reproductive structure
- center location is most protected
- formed from leaf-like structure with ovules along margin
- edges fold inwards around ovules, forming carpels
- primitive: many separate carpels
- advanced: carpels fused (called pistil)
- carpel/pistil segments
- ovary – swollen base with 1 to hundreds of ovules; develops into fruit
- stigma – tip; sticky and/or feathery to catch pollen
- style – usually present; separates stigma from ovary
- nectaries may be present at base of pistil; secrete sugar, amino acids, and other compounds to attract pollinators
- know the structures of a flower [Figure 38.2] and their functions
- typical Angiosperm life cycle
- female gametophyte
- single diploid megaspore mother cell in ovule undergoes meiosis while flower develops
- of 4 haploid megaspores produced, usually 3 break down
- remaining megaspore expands and replicates and divides until there are 8 haploid nuclei in two groups of 4
- one nuclei from each group migrates toward center; these are polar nuclei
- polar nuclei usually fuse to make a diploid nucleus, but may remain separate – in either case, they wind up in a single cell
- cell walls form around other nuclei, creating the 7-celled, 8-nucleate embryo sac or megagametophyte (female gametophyte)
- meanwhile, two layers (integuments) of ovule develop into seed coat with micropyle (small opening)
- in the megagametophyte, one of the cells closest to the micropyle becomes the egg; the other two there are synergids
- the three cells on the other end (the antipodals) eventually break down
- male gametophyte
- anthers with patches of tissue that become chambers lined with nutritive cells
- each patch has many diploid microspore mother cells
- microspore mother cell undergoes meiosis, making 4 haploid microspores that typically remain grouped in a tetrad
- each microspore nucleus replicates and divides once (via mitosis) without cytokinesis (meaning they remain as one cell with two nuclei, a binucleate microspore)
- usually, tetrad then breaks up
- two-layered wall develops around each binucleate microspore, now called a pollen grain
- outer wall – sculptured, appearance usually species-specific, often has chemicals that can react with an appropriate stigma to stimulate pollen tube formation
- apertures in outer wall – where pollen tube may grow out; eudicots – usually 3; monocots – usually 1
- pollination – transfer of pollen to a stigma
- usually between flowers of separate plants
- agents include wind, water, gravity, mammals, birds, insects
- various reward systems for animal agents (pollen, nectar, etc.)
- evolution of floral characteristics associated with pollination
- some plants self-pollinate (inbreeding) – pollen to same plant
- pollination followed by fertilization only if chemical signals are right
- fertilization
- pollen grain cytoplasm absorbs substances from stigma
- bulge forms through an aperture in pollen grain; becomes pollen tube
- pollen tube follows chemical gradient through style to micropyle
- chemicals diffuse from embryo sac
- micropyle usually reached within a few days (up to a year in some species)
- pollen grain has two nuclei; one, the generative nucleus, lags behind
- generative nucleus undergoes mitosis to make two non-flagellated sperm; this may occur in pollen grain or in pollen tube (male gametophyte now mature)
- pollen tube enters embryo sac, destroying a synergid
- double fertilization – essentially unique to angiosperms
- one sperm unites with egg, forming zygote
- other sperm unites with polar nuclei, forming 3N primary endosperm
- primary endosperm rapidly undergoes many cycles of mitosis, forming endosperm
- endosperm provides nutrients for embryo; in many seeds, it is gone by the time the seed is mature
- seed coat hardens
- remaining haploid cells degenerate
- now have seed with 2N embryo, 3N endosperm, and 2N seed coat (seed coat from parent female tissue)
- Seeds
- embryo – quickly forms all systems, then growth arrested (dormancy) – mature seed about 10% water, very low metabolic activity
- typically, dormancy occurs just after first leaves (cotyledons, or seed leaves) form
- stored food (in angiosperms, 3N endosperm and/or cotyledons)
- seed coat – tough, relatively impermeable
- protection from predators, pathogens
- protection from desiccation, harsh conditions (crucial on land)
- may allow seed to last hundreds of years
- dormancy broken only when conditions are right (seed bank in soil)
- germination = breaking dormancy = resuming metabolic activity, growing out of seed coat; occurs after water penetrates seed coat to embryo, bringing oxygen
- Fruits – mature ovaries
- fleshy – pomes (apples), drupes (peaches), true berries (blueberries, peppers), hesperidiums (oranges), pepos (melons, gourds), aggregate fruits (strawberries, raspberries), multiple fruits (pineapple, fig)
- dry – follicles (milkweed, magnolia), legumes (peas, beans), siliques and silicles (mustards), capsules (irises, lilies, orchids), caryopses (grasses), nuts (chestnuts, hazelnuts, acorns), achenes (sunflowers), samaras (maples, elms, ashes), schizocarps (parsleys)
- dispersal
- by wind
- wings – maples
- parachutes – dandelions, milkweeds
- dust-like seeds – orchids
- by water – coconuts
- by vertebrates
- fleshy, edible fruits (blue, black, red) – seeds often deposited in feces
- dry, edible – nuts, others – squirrels bury and forget about them
- dry, inedible – hooks to grasp hair, feathers (cockleburs, etc.)
- by explosive dehiscence (jewelweed, others)
- many angiosperms also have asexual (or vegetative) reproduction
- stolons – runners – long slender stems that grow along soil (ex.: strawberry)
- rhizomes – underground stems – common in grasses; bulbs and tubers are rhizomes specialized for storage (ex.: potato)
- suckers – roots produce sprouts that grow into new plants (ex.: apple, raspberry, banana)
- adventitious leaves – numerous plantlets develop from tissue in notches along leaves
- apomixes – embryos in seeds may be produced asexually
- artificial: cuttings (for some species, can get roots to grow with appropriate environment)
- Floral Evolution
- first flowers
- numerous spirally arranged sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels
- petals and sepals similar in color and form
- all parts free (not fused)
- parts
- complete – calyx + corolla + androecium + gynoecium
- incomplete – one or more whorls absent
- perfect – has both androecium and gynoecium
- imperfect – missing either androecium or gynoecium
- complete flowers are always perfect; incomplete flowers can be either perfect or imperfect
- trends
- separate floral parts grouped together or fused
- connation – fusing within a whorl
- adnation – fusing between whorls (for example, sepals and petals fused together)
- reduction or loss of floral parts
- bilateral symmetry instead of radial symmetry
- ancestral type: radial symmetry; example: buttercups
- derived type: bilateral symmetry; examples: snapdragons, orchids
- bilateral symmetry in some cases has arisen independently in different groups
- Pollination mechanisms (pollination syndromes)
- wind – passive, primitive (oaks, cottonwoods, birches, grasses)
- copious amounts of pollen
- most pollen travels no more than 100 m
- flowers small, greenish, odorless
- corollas reduced or absent
- often grouped in large numbers, may hang down with tassels that wave in wind and shed pollen freely
- male and female parts often well-separated on plant to reduce chance of self-pollination
- often flower before leaves grow – keeps leaves out of the way
- animals – some cycads and gnetophytes also have this, so symplesiomorphic trait
- bees – most numerous of insect-pollinated plants use bees
- find via odor
- orient via shape, color, and texture
- usually blue or yellow flowers, bee sees in ultraviolet
- many have stripes or lines of dots to indicate nectaries (nectar guides)
- nectar offered as food for bees (pollen also)
- often close association between a bee species and a plant species
- flower only open when bees are active
- pollen collecting apparatus specific for particular plant
- other insects
- butterflies – flower usually has flat landing platform and long, slender floral tubes for long proboscis
- moths – flower usually white, yellow, or other pale color, heavily scented, typically need to be found at night
- flies – flower usually smells and somewhat appears like feces or rotting meat
- beetle – large flowers, copious pollen; beetle may eat other flower parts
- birds
- large amounts of nectar
- red – bees can’t see red, less likely to feed on the copious nectar
- usually odorless – birds have a poor sense of smell
- often in long, thick tube
- mammals (bats especially) – uncommon, but for some species is the only means of pollination; variety of appearances
- self-pollination
- small, inconspicuous flowers
- shed pollen directly onto stigma (or falls there by gravity); often before bud opens
- advantageous occasionally because no other plant is needed and no vector is needed – good when pollinators aren’t around (Artic, mountains)
- if you are well-adapted, might as well produce clones
- disadvantage of genetic load of bad mutations
- Promoting outcrossing
- staminate and pistillate flowers
- dioecious – separate sexes
- monoecious
- dichogamous – stamens and pistils reach maturity at different times
- stigma and stamens don’t touch (includes heterostyle)
- genetic self-incompatibility – pollen tube arrested or never germinates
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