Unit: The Nature and Influence of Culture - 2
Grade Level/Course: 8th Grade American History
Teacher: Mr. Stidham
Learning Goals (Question 1)Complex / Explain how migrant populations stimulate diversity (e.g. Quakers in Pennsylvania, Chinese in San Francisco, and Spanish in NM.)
Simple / European immigration
Planning for Question 2 / Planning for Question 3 / Planning for Question 4
Preview / Critical Input Chunk / Actively Process / Classifying:
List the countries from which migrants came to the U.S. in the 1800s and classify them in order of the numbers that migrated from that country. / Investigate:
Name the ways the Spanish conquistators tried to influence and change the Native American culture in New Mexico in the late 1500s and early 1600s.
Note: Students may enjoy going back into their 7th grade textbooks to do most of this research. They may want to compare the way Onate treated the Indians compared to the way Vargas treated them and their culture.
Teacher Summary:
Teacher will do a narrative summary about how the Quakers’ arrival in America influenced culture in many ways. Explain the ways, i.e. Protestantism, pacifism, abolitionism, and William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. The teacher will go on to explain how the Spanish influenced and still influence the New Mexican culture, i.e. Catholicism, foods, animals, and social classes. / Video:
Show the following video about the Quakers and how they have influenced life in Pennsylvania and other Central Atlantic states.
Cached / Jigsaw:
Students will be divided into groups of 3 or 4. Each group will research one of the following cultures and write (on chart paper) how this particular group has influenced American culture. Each group will share its findings with the entire class.
Native American
Resources: Please add any text page numbers, web links, articles, or other unit resources here.