Regular Meeting of the Village of Stillman Valley
Board of Trustees
Monday, July 8, 2013
Present: / President: / Becky WaltripVillage Clerk: / Mary Scott
Public Works: / Sue Carpenter, Kenneth Long, Michael Musso, Steve McCammond and Deb Thibodeau
John Russell
Dean Insko
Village Attorney: / Doug Henry (absent); Atty. Tom Green
Also Attending: / Ron Steenken, Willett, Hofmann & Associates
A. Call Meeting to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll was called. President Waltrip led the Pledge of Allegiance.
B. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Trustee Carpenter to "approve the July 8, 2013 agenda "; seconded by Trustee McCammond. The motion passed with five (5) "ayes"; one (1) "absent" (Russell).
C. Minutes of June 24, 2013 Regular Meeting
Following the review of the June 24, 2013 minutes a motion was made by Trustee Long “to approve the minutes of June 24, 2013”; Trustee Carpenter seconded. The motion passed with five (5) “ayes”; one (1) “absent” (Russell).
D. Citizens Comments
President Waltrip read a note from Judy Jolly in regards to a coyote in town.
E. Sikich Accountants
Carly Paschal from Sikich Accountant reviewed the fiscal year end report with the Village Board. Trustee Musso made a motion "to accept the Sikich 2012-2013 Fiscal Year End Audit Report"; seconded by Trustee McCammond. Roll was called and passed with five (5) "yes"; one (1) "absent" (Russell).
F. Monthly Reports
Copies of the Bank Account Balances Report and Profit & Loss Report were distributed for review. Treasurer Fruin explained each report and answered any questions. With no further discussion, a motion was made by Trustee McCammond “to accept the treasurer’s reports for June 2013”; seconded by Trustee Carpenter. Roll was called and passed with five (5) “yes”; one (1) "absent" (Russell). There was two (2) hours overtime for both Aaron Moore and Michael Marks due to a sewer backup. After brief discussion, Trustee Musso made a motion "to approve 2 hours overtime for both Aaron Moore and Michael Marks due to a sewer backup."; seconded by Trustee Thibodeau. The motion passed with five (5) "ayes"; one (1) "absent" (Russell). Trustee Carpenter presented the monthly bills for approval. With no further discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Musso “to approve the July 2013 bills as presented”; seconded by Trustee McCammond. Roll was called and passed with five (5) “yes”; one (1) “absent” (Russell).
G. Unfinished Business
1) None
2) None
3) President Waltrip review an email from Attorney Linnabary regarding Homestead Subdivision. The Village Board was informed that a meeting was going to take place on Tuesday between Bruce Ross-Shannon and Nordic Investment in hopes of reaching an agreement regarding the punch list in it's entirety as stated by Engineer Corey Buck, Willett, Hofmann & Associates. The Village Board decision was to wait to see what the results of the meeting is before they consider to draw on the Line of Credit.
H. Ordinance / Resolution
President Waltrip reviewed Resolution No. 2013-11 in which Valley Covenant Church is sponsoring a Summer Festival on July 20, 2013. After brief discussion, Trustee Carpenter made a motion "to approve Resolution No. 2013-22; Valley Covenant Church Summer Festival"; seconded by Trustee Long. The motion passed with five (5) "ayes"; one (1) "absent" (Russell).
President Waltrip reviewed Ordinance No. 806 regarding the Appropriations. Trustee Thibodeau made a motion "to approve Ordinance No. 806, Appropriations"; seconded by Trustee McCammond. President Waltrip asked for further discussion. Public Works Superintendent Insko talked briefly about the maintenance of streets and asked for line item 152-412 be raised from $72,00.00 to $144,000.00. A sub-motion was made by Trustee Carpenter " amend Ordinance No. 806, Appropriations line item 152-412 maintenance of streets to $144,000.00"; seconded by Trustee Thibodeau.
Roll was called to approve Ordinance No. 806, Appropriations and passed with five (5) "yes"; one (1) "absent" (Russell).
Roll was called to approve the sub-motion of Ordinance No. 806 and passed with five (5) "yes"; one (1) "absent" (Russell).
I. Engineering
1. Village Engineer Steenken informed the Village Board that they are waiting on the IDOT permits and the Railroad Permits. As soon as the permits are received they will be forwarded to Attorney Henry for review.
2. Trustee Musso will be talking with the Behmer's to see if they received all the paperwork to review.
J. New Business
1. Public Works Superintendent Insko talked about maintenance needed on the F550 truck. The F550 has a lot of rust on the body and would like to see it sandblasted and repainted. One of the other trucks is having issues with the tailgate latch and needs to be repaired. After brief discussion, Trustee Musso made a motion "to approve the repair to both dump trucks to be done by Monroe Truck, not to exceed $4,000.00"; Trustee McCammond seconded. The motion passed with five (5) "yes"; one (1) "absent" (Russell).
K. President Updates
President Waltrip reminded the Village Board that she would like to see each Trustee attend at least one quarterly meeting of the Fire Department, Fall Fest Meeting or County Board Meeting. The meeting dates are as follows: SV Fire Department on July 9th, Fall Festival Meeting on July11th and the Ogle County Board will be meeting on July 17th. President Waltrip will be attending the NIMA meeting on July 11th and has a meeting scheduled with Greg Sparrow, Ogle County Economic Development on July 24th. President Waltrip updated the Village Board in regards to the website. Kipton Bucey has added a banner to the Village site, listed all the Village Board Members and is working on putting a Cardinal on the site. New Trustees McCammond and Thibodeau have been asked to get their shirt sizes to Village Clerk Scott so shirts can be ordered.
L. Executive Session
M. Committee Meetings
Water & Sewer and Streets & Alleys: None
Public Safety and Parks & Buildings: None
Finance and Ordinance: None
N. Upcoming Meeting Monday, July 22, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. on a motion made by Trustee Thibodeau; seconded by Trustee McCammond. The motion passed with five (5) “ayes”; one (1) “absent" (Russell).
Respectfully submitted,
Mary L. Scott, RMC, CMC
Village Clerk