Stockton Local Safeguarding Children Board

Briefing for schools and education settings no. 23


Each local authority is required to establish a Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) for their area and Section 13 of the Children Act 2004 specifies the organisations and individuals (other than the local authority) that should be represented on LSCBs. This includes representation from the Education sector. This briefing note is put together by these representatives as a means of ensuring the key discussions, information and action points arising from the Board meetings are communicated to schools as swiftly and as accessibly as possible.

Information sharing July 2016.

Please find below some resources that have been issued recently; I hope you find them useful.

·  NHS England - CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation) Pocket Guide

The attached has been produced for Health Staff but should be of interest to all staff working with children and families.

·  Understanding Autism, Asperger’s & ADHD

The University of Derby have created a free online short course titled “Understanding Autism, Asperger’s & ADHD” that is designed to help individuals learn more about these conditions, the importance of understanding the classification, assessment, diagnosis and more. To access this course which is available for free until 17th July please click this Enrol link

·  NSPCC resources

Please be aware of the following resources from NSPCC:

For schools

·  Teaching materials for schools – PHSE accredited lesson plans for KS2

·  Free Share Aware leaflets for schools – helping parents keep children safe on social networks. Or you can download the guide here.

·  Net Aware site and newsletter – ensuring you’re up to date with the latest developments online

·  New resources backed by Cleveland Police regarding sexual exploitation.

Thinkuknow is a new public awareness campaign to get parents and careres thinking and talking about the importance of discussing sex, relationships and the internet with their children.

The first resource is “The world changes. Children don’t”.
This short film that tells the age-old story of Romeo and Juliet… with a modern twist. It shows how the lives of these young lovers might play out online today, including the Lark ‘tweeting’ and Romeo ‘friending’ Juliet.
The police are asking support for this campaign in the following ways:
1. Share the film: ‘The world changes. Children don’t’
2. Support the campaign on social media
If you have not done so already, you can ‘like’ CEOP on Facebook at ‘ClickCEOP’ and follow us on Twitter ‘@CEOPUK’ for live updates and shareable content.
3. Promote the Thinkuknow website
The parents section of the Thinkuknow website provides information to support parents and carers to understand and respond to the risks their children may face as they grow. It covers a broad range of online safety issues from nude selfies to what to do if you think your child is being groomed online. Find it at:

·  Stockton Safeguarding information

Please remember all resources from the forums and all recent briefings are available on our website:

The next Safeguarding Forum is on 28th June 2016, 9am-12pm, venue Preston Hall.

For any further information or queries, please contact Diane McConnell, Assistant Director of Schools and SEN, in the first instance: