Psi Beta Handbook – Activities

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Calendar for Chapter Activities

SpringElect officers after spring induction ceremony

Outgoing officers hand over notebooks and discuss duties with incoming officers

New officers familiarize themselves with Psi Beta chapter office, files, materials, Web site and faculty advisor

SummerOfficers study bylaws, handbook, notebooks; construct or update Web site

Officers meet for leadership self-training

Pre-fallPsi Beta retreat for all chapter members for fun, goal setting, and brainstorming

Officers draft calendar of events with approval of advisor and tentatively schedule on the college activities calendar (Schedule officer meetings to prepare agendas for regular meetings and to plan and evaluate all activities. Regular monthly membership meetings, field trips, conferences, induction ceremonies, community service projects, graduations, social events.)

Officers draft a budget

First regular business meeting

Membership approves calendar of events and budget

Assign committee members as needed

Treasurer collects chapter dues

Officers finalize Psi Beta schedule on the college activities calendar

Officers submit budget requests to college according to school policy

FallMembership drive (Members register ONLINE with Invitation Code)

Participate as a chapter in school orientation

Induction ceremony

Programs, field trips and regular meetings

Ask members to update addresses online at

DecemberElect chapter officers for vacancies for second semester

Community service project

Social function

Honor Psi Beta graduates

Members update addresses at

FebruaryVote in national elections

Contact regional vice-president about the regional meeting

SpringMembership drive (Members register ONLINE with Invitation Code)

Induction ceremony

Elect chapter officers

End-of-year social function

Honor Psi Beta graduates

Prepare award competition submissions

Calendar for Coordinating with the National Office

FallWatch for fall newsletters at home addresses

DecemberMail or email Activities Report and photographs for winter newsletter

JanuaryNominate and vote in national elections

FebruaryWatch for letters from vice-presidents

Check News Updates online

MarchMail or email Activities Report and photographs for spring newsletter

SpringPrepare award submissions

Watch for spring newsletters at home address

Order honor cords, medallions, stoles, tassels and seals for graduates

Order certificates of appreciation for faculty advisor and officers

May 15Deadline for Allyn & Bacon research papers to be received electronically

June 1Deadline for Community Service Award, Faculty Advisor Award, Outstanding Chapter Award and College Life Award submissions to be received

File Annual Chapter Checklist

Download and copy or purchase additional handbooks for new chapter officers

June 30End of fiscal and academic year for Psi Beta

Membership Drive

Publicize by

·inviting psychology students to a Psi Beta function (very effective if promote free food available);

·holding membership information meeting for all interested students (display around campus a Show of Interest sign);

·notices about membership criteria and benefits in the college paper;

·word of mouth to classes and through current members, including the encouragement of ethnic minority students;

·wearing Psi Beta tee-shirts, sweatshirts, ribbons, buttons, jewelry;

·bulletin boards, sandwich boards in Student Centers, posters and fliers for registration and Club Day;

·listing Psi Beta in department catalog and syllabi for psychology classes;

·sending memos to professors to announce Psi Beta in classes;

·seeking permission for Psi Beta members to announce and distribute flyers in classes;

·posting sign-up sheets for Show of Interest on Psi Beta and Psychology Department bulletin boards;

·creating Power Point or a videotape of chapter activities for presentations at orientation or Show of Interest meetings;

·constructing Psi Beta chapter Web site linked to the college, psychology department and sites;

.wearing Psi Beta honor cords, medallions, stoles and/or tassels during graduation ceremony.

Chapter Activities

Chapters can glean specific ideas for programs from the “Chapter Activities” reported in all issues of the Psi Beta Newsletter. Alumni chapters are a wonderful source for organizing, publicizing, and implementing chapter activities including induction ceremonies.

Chapter Social Activities

Occasionally invite psychology faculty members, candidates for Psi Beta membership and/or Psi Beta alumni, as guests.

·Chapter retreat

·Induction banquet, reception, breakfast or luncheon

·Pizza party

·Dining out, picnic

·Christmas social and/or caroling

·Dinner or potluck supper for potential members

·Reception for potential members and faculty

·Party for retiring advisor or other faculty member

·Socials with faculty members

·Get-acquainted socials

·Trivial pursuit games in psychology

·Hike, camping trip

·End-of-the-year party

Chapter Educational Activities

These activities are designed to fulfill Psi Beta's mission to promote scholarship, leadership and research.

·Hold leadership training retreat for officers

·Sponsor speakers or panels on diverse careers in psychology

·Attend leadership conferences

·Have joint meeting with a nearby Psi Beta chapter or Psi Chi chapter

·Visit psychology departments at senior colleges and universities or invite speakers to tell you about them

·Attend state, regional or national psychological association conventions

·Initiate teaching apprenticeships for members

·Invite faculty members to share educational and professional experiences with chapter members

·Award scholarship or an award for highest scholastic achievement to a Psi Beta member

·Publish chapter newsletter

·Organize field trips

·Sponsor discussions, symposiums, or workshops on job opportunities, or on senior college and university admission procedures

·Present a chapter poster at a regional psychology meeting

·Establish a mentor program for Psi Beta members

·Let students present research papers or posters at a Psi Beta chapter meeting

·Have students present research papers at psychology regional meeting

·Sponsor a $50 national membership grant for an exceptional Psi Beta candidate in financial need

Campus Activities

Campus Social/Promotional Activities

·Enter campus competitions: scrapbook, best club, homecoming queen or king

·Participate in school fairs, orientation

·Survey student body; e.g., interests in psychology

·Sponsor scholarship fundraiser

·Sponsor Faculty Appreciation Day or Week

·Serve as a tour guide for visitors to campus

·Invite members of another honor society on campus tocollaborate with Psi Beta members on a social activity or community service project

·Invite high school psychology classes to attend a Psi Beta psychology program

Campus Educational Activities

Invite other college students, high school classes, and other local Psi Beta or Psi Chi chapters to attend. Some of these events may serve as fundraisers, also.

·Sponsor psychology awareness week

anxiety workshops


renowned speakers

study skills


mini-conference with student presentations

·Sponsor a Psychology Career Day or Mini-Conference

·Sponsor symposiums, panels, lectures—source for speakers:

faculty members

faculty from nearby four-year colleges

local mental health organizations, hospitals, private practice, and


Sponsor psychodrama skits with audience participation

·Sponsor a mini-course program

·Sponsor film and speaker series

·Sponsor leadership course

·Sponsor radio show

·Sponsor a College Bowl

·Hold Coffee House discussion groups on psychology

·Establish a Psychology Resource Center or library on campus

·Serve as researchers on a grant-funded study

·Work with Student Government Association to establish an Honors Council (governing body of all honor societies on campus)


Fundraising projects are especially successful when they involve the entire campus or at least are held in conjunction with campus-wide events. Remember, students like to eat. For publicity use a catchy theme. You may wish to link your fundraiser with another club's fundraiser to share cost and time.

·Bake sale

·Car wash

·Sell candy—Death by Chocolate, Chocoholics Anonymous

·Sell Valentine’s Day flowers, Christmas tree ornaments

·Used textbook store

·Garage sale

·1 mile, 4 mile, 10K runs

·Rat races at campus fairs with rats named after professors

·School competitions with monetary awards

·Raffle ( or call them Donation Drawings) items donated by merchants

·Raffle a prime reserved parking place each semester

·Booths at fairs

holiday crafts

popcorn machine, snowcones, pizza

ESP testing

handwriting analysis

biorhythm charts

color analysis

customized celluloid buttons

·Thanksgiving raffle for “stuffiest person” with the winner receiving a donated turkey

·Sell unique tee-shirts or sweatshirts

·Sell refreshments during a college event, i.e. intermission at theatre

·Visit elderly with sponsors paying an hourly rate

·Golf tournament

·Charge admission for lecture series or mini-convention

·Submit a unique chapter community service project for the $25 Community Service Award.

Community Service

Volunteering for community service is encouraged to build self-esteem and an appreciation of one's own opportunities. Students should be realistic, however, about their time, energy and resources available for fulfilling commitments. Below are numerous suggestions that require a variety of levels of commitment.

·Sponsor seminars on abuse, addiction, stress


·Special Olympics

·Red Cross Blood Drive

·Habitat for Humanity

·Heart Association Dance-a-thon

·10K run for donations for family services, etc.

·Televised fundraiser participation

·Big Sister/Brother—Little Sister/Brother

·Gather data for local agencies

·Volunteer in or adopt a local mental health institution, nursing home,

hospital ward, facility for the retarded, or children’s home

·Give monetary or clothing donations to shelters for homeless or abused

·Deliver food to the homeless

·Sponsor Depression Screening Day

·Sponsor AIDS Awareness programs

·Organize tutoring service for an elementary school

·Offer tutoring hotline on campus before exams

·Establish a shelter for abused women and children

·Develop an original, much-needed, community project that involves chapter members' interest, enthusiasm and volunteer services

·Heather's Teddy Bears (See Guides for information on this project)

·Hold a fundraiser to fund equipment or supplies for a non-profit organization

·Trick or treat in costume for canned goods for a Food Pantry with advance advertising

·Guest speakers with handouts on health or behavior for community guests

·Construct a web page for a non-profit organization

Updated Spring 2010