Nuclear Power Engineering Committee (NPEC) Meeting
Final N16-01Meeting Minutes
Double Tree Hotel – Cocoa Beach, Florida
Wednesday January 27, 2016
Members Present / Members Absent / GuestsGeorge Attarian / Satish Aggarwal / Pareez Golub
Mark Bowman / Ijaz Ahmad / Richard Wood
Keith Bush / George Ballassi / Phil McClure
John (Jack) Carter / Royce Beacom (Deirdre Spaulding-Yeoman proxy) / Michiaki Akiyama
Suresh Channarasappa / Daniel Brosnan (Corresponding Member) / Kensuke Suzuki
Paul Colaianni / Robert Carruth / Tamatha Womack
Tom Crawford / Dennis Dellinger (Suresh Channarasappa proxy) / Marie Nemier
Stephen Fleger / David Desaulniers (Ron Boring Alternate present) / Ron Boring
Robert J. Fletcher / John Disosway (Jack Carter proxy) / Akira Fukumoto
Robert Francis / Walter Emerson (Corresponding Member) / Myat San
James Gleason / Kenneth Fleischer / Andrew Nack
Dale Goodney / Robert Fuld (Corresponding Member) / Alex Klemptner
Daryl Harmon / Chris Georgeson / Matharu Gurcharan
Greg Hostetter / Brit Grimm (Honorary Member) / Kirk Melson
Steven Hutchins / Robert Hall / Ken Netzel
Gary Johnson / David Herrell / Hideki Tanaka
Chris Kerr / Dirk Hopp / Ken Kawaguchi
Wolfgang Koenig / Robert Konnik (John White proxy) / Makoto Takashima
Thomas Koshy / Bruce Lord / Deirdre Spaulding-Yeoman
James K. Liming / Alexander Marion (Corresponding Member) / Cheoung Joon Lee
John MacDonald / Yasushi Nakagawa (Michiaki Akiyama, Alternate present) / Jin Woong Lee
Scott Malcom / James Parello (Corresponding Member) / Ifti Rana
Ken Miller / James E. Stoner, Jr. (Corresponding Member) / Gene Poletto
Michael H. Miller / Jim Thomas / Duane Brock
Edward Mohtashemi / Masafumi Utsumi / James Reddy
Warren Odess-Gillett / Yvonne Williams (Kirk Melson, Alternate present) / Johnathan Cornelius
Ted Riccio / Paul. L Yanosy, Sr / Mike Bailey
Mitchell Staskiewicz / Ray Herb
Rebecca Steinman / John Beatty
John Stevens / Jacob Kulangara
Marek Tengler / Matthew Loveless
Sudhir Thakur / Scott Saunders
Michael Waterman / John Minley
John White / Richard Casalaina
4 Proxy assigned
3 Alternates present
(Count 34) / (Count 20) / (Count 34)
1.Call to OrderS. Fleger
Steve Fleger, the NPEC chairman, called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. A roll call for NPEC members was conducted by the secretary. There were 41 members present including those represented by alternates or proxies (see list above). A quorum for conducting business was established.
2.Introductions, Approval of Agenda, and General RemarksS. Fleger
The chair provided some introductory remarks including expressing appreciation for all members and guests who had persevered getting to the meeting in the wake of the severe east coast snow storm over the weekend. The members and guests introduced themselves along with their NPEC and professional affiliations. The chair requested for the approval of the agenda with a few ofchangesas compared to the draft circulated to NPEC members prior to the meeting:
- Removed agenda item 7.2 “NRC Rulemaking IEEE Std 603” as Rich Stattel could not make it to the meeting.
- Added agenda item 13.5 IEC Liaison Report presented by John White. Also later in the meeting it was decided to add agenda item 13.6 NEI Liaison Report by Steve Hutchins.
- Later in the day it was determined that Lee Meeks was not present at the meeting so the agenda item 10.2 presentation on “Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing (CORDEL)” was not made.
Motion to approve the agenda as amended was provided by Ken Miller and seconded by Steve Fleger. The agenda was approved with unanimous consent.
3.Welcome & Opening RemarksS. Fleger
The chairman welcomed the members and guests to the meeting. He recommended a visit to the Kennedy Space Center and noted that the 30th anniversary of the Challenger disaster was on Thursday. He also mentioned that a visit to Daytona Beach and the speedway would be worthwhile.
4.Chair’s ReportS. Fleger
4.1ADCOM Meeting Summary
The chairman briefly discussed the ADCOM meeting from the previous day. He indicated that two PARs for new standards had been approved. One was for a guideline on display design that was approved electronically after some modification. A second was a new standard for EMC, which had been approved prior to the meeting.
The chairman indicated that a new secretary for NPEC would be needed beginning at the 17-01 meeting and that subcommittee chairs had been requested to provide candidates. The decision of the chair will be announced at the N16-02 meeting.
The chair also mentioned that a Tech Council Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator is needed. Volunteers for these positions were requested to let him know.
5.Secretary’s ReportD. Harmon
5.1Review and Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes.
The NPEC N15-02 minutes were presented as amended with comments from members on the drafts provided prior to the meeting. There were no significant changes from the last draft previously circulated to NPEC members. The meeting minutes were approvedas amendedwith unanimous consent. The approved N15-02minutes will be posted on the NPEC website.
5.2Status of Action Items: There were no action items from the N15-02 meeting.
5.3Reptile Fund
Monies in NPEC account following N15-02 Meeting $1532
Monies collected from N16-01Meeting$2390
Expenses accrued in N16-01Meeting$2134
Net balance following N16-01Meeting$1794*
* Includes approximately $6 interest accrued during 2015
The secretary noted that sign-in sheets for NPEC members and guests were being circulated.
6.Vice Chairman’s ReportT. Koshy
6.1Meetings Schedule
The meeting locations for the next three meetings, as determined at the ADCOM meeting,are as follows:
16-02Denver CO (Note July 12-14 dates are different than usual)
17-01New Orleans LA
17-02Niagara Falls/Buffalo (pending arrangements)
The arrangements for the 16-02 meetingwill be confirmed soon and arrangements distributed to NPEC members.
6.2Honors & AwardsM. Bowman
The PES Distinguished Service Award was presented posthumously to long term NPEC member Jay Persensky. It was noted that Jay helped build the NRC human factors program after the Three Mile Islandaccident and was active for a long time with Subcommittee 5 (formerly Subcommittee 7). Jay was also responsible for helping plan and hold the IEEE Human Factors Conferences. The plaque will be presented to Jay’s widow.
NPEC members are encouraged to submit nominations for awards or honors.
The Chair recognized three long time NPEC contributors who will be retiring before the next meeting and likely leaving NPEC: John MacDonald, George Attarian, and Mike Waterman. All were encouraged to be corresponding members if they can no longer attend the meetings.
7. Technical Presentation
7.1Assessment and Approval of Smart Instruments for the UK Nuclear Industry Tina Todd
This presentation provided a manufacturer’s perspective of the UK Nuclear qualification process provided by Moore Industries, International-Inc. The presentation will be available on the NPEC website.
The following previews were presented:
8.1P 1082
Ronald Boringpresented the preview for balloting P1082, Guide for Incorporating Human Reliability Analysis into Probabilistic Risk Assessments for Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities. The result of the roll call vote to allow P1082 to go to ballot was: Yes – 40; No – 0; Abstain – 0. P1082was approved to be balloted.
George Attarian and Tammy Womack presented the preview for balloting P 1792,Recommended Practice for Nuclear Power Generating Station (NPGS) Preferred Power Supply (PPS) Reliability. The result of the roll call vote to allow P 1792 to go to ballot was: Yes – 39 No – 0; Abstain – 2. P 1792 was approved to be balloted.
John Stevens presented the preview for balloting P 352, Guide for General Principles of Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities. The result of the roll call vote to allow P 352 to go to ballot was: Yes – 40 No – 0; Abstain – 1. P 352 was approved to be balloted..
The preview presentations given during the meeting will be placed on the NPEC website.
9.Nuclear StandardsActivitiesD. Harmon
9.1Status of Balloting/ Standards Schedule
Daryl Harmon presented the current status of standards within NPEC. The following is the summary of the status of NPEC standards:
Color code is based on Jan 2016 / N16-01Document Age / Total / SC-2 / SC-3 / SC-4 / SC-5 / SC-6 / Change from 15-02 / Total
0 to 2 years old / 11 / 3 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / -9 / 20
3 years old / 5 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 1 / -6 / 11
4 Years old / 6 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 0 / 0 / -1 / 7
5 - 7 years old / 19 / 7 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 3 / 13 / 6
8 or more years old / 10 / 4 / 0 / 4 / 1 / 1 / 5 / 5
41 / 17 / 8 / 12 / 7 / 7 / 2 / 41
The standards status spreadsheet was distributed to NPEC members after the meeting.
9.2 Previews/Work-in-Progress Reports forN16-01
The following previews and Works in Progress are planned for the 16-02 meeting: P 387, P 384, and P 603.
At the 15-02 meetings NPEC decided to create a task force team to address the area of Cyber Security in our standards. To date, 10 people have asked to be a part of the task force but no leader has been identified. At the request of the Chair, Gary Johnson provided an update on IEC Cyber Security standards efforts and the possibility of working together on a joint logo standard. IEC 62645 was published in 2002 and provides general requirements for a Cyber Security program. The standard is currently being revised. There are three additional cyber standards that are planned or under development:
1) Interaction between Safety and Security (in progress)
2) Cyber Security Controls (not yet started)
3) Cyber Security Analysis/Modeling (not yet started).
Gary indicated that these standards might be considered for joint logo development, and even if that doesn’t occur the task force should keep apprised of what IEC is doing in this area. It was also noted that NEI wanted ANS to develop a standard around their Cyber Security criteria, and a proposed ANS standard on Cyber Security does exist. This standard might focus on the consequences of a Cyber attack.
10.Technical Presentations
10.1Severe Accidents Lessons LearnedG. Johnson
Gary Johnson provided a presentation on lessons learned from severe accidents for I&C and HSI.This was based on work Gary has done for EPRI and IAEA. In looking at 19 severe accidents Gary addressed how severe accidents happen, how they might be prevented, and the role of defense in depth. One of the many interesting facts presented by Gary was that of the severe accidents that have occurred in the US, four of them took place in Idaho. Gary’s presentation will be available on the NPEC website.
11.New Business
11.1NPEC Panel Session at the IEEE PES General Meeting 2016M. Bowman
Mark provided a presentation regarding a NPEC panel session at the IEEE PES general Meeting being held in Boston July 17-21, 2016. The session will be Tuesday afternoon from 3-5 PM with 9 panelists, 3 technical papers and 3 additional presentations. The topic of the session is Modeling and Analysis of Open-Phase Faults. Mark also noted that PES has kept a spot for NPEC at each General Meeting (that we have not taken advantage of for a long time) and we should be considering other topics to present at future general meetings. The presentation that Mark provided will be available on the NPEC website.
Nuclear Industry Events of Possible Interest to NPEC MembersR. Wood
At the request of the Chair, Richard Wood identified a number of upcoming events that may interest NPEC members. There will be an ANS embedded topical meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human-Machine Interface Technology at the 2017 ANS Meeting being held in San Francisco, CA. The NRC Regulatory Information Conference is being held March 8-10, 2016. There will be a session on Digital I&C Path Forward, which one must register for in advance. There is also a workshop being held on March 11, 2016 at the Bethesda Marriott North on Common Cause Failures with Instruments having Embedded Digital Devices. If you would like to attend, contact Richard at . Richard also reminded NPEC that he is the United States coordinator for IEC standards. If NPEC would like to see more draft standards for review we should let Richard know.
12.Subcommittee Reports:
12.1SC2J. White (for Bob Konnik)
12.2SC3T. Crawford (for Yvonne Williams)
12.3SC4K. Bush
12.4SC5R. Boring (for Dave Desaulniers)
12.5SC6G. Hostetter
The subcommittee reports for this meeting will be available on the NPEC website.
13.Liaison Reports:
The following liaison reports were provided at the meeting:
13.1NRCK. Miller
Not available at the meeting.Will post a report to the website.
13.2MDEP W.Odess-Gillett
13.3Nuclear Risk Coordinating Committee (Not available)G. Ballassi
13.4ASMETed Riccio (for Craig Sellers)
13.5 IECJ. White
13.6NEIS. Hutchins
These reports will be made available on the NPEC Website.
14.Recap of Action ItemsD. Harmon
There were no action items identified during the meeting to this point. A suggestion was made to invite local IEEE chapters to our NPEC meetings. Steve Fleger will discuss how to make that happen at the next meeting with Malia. This one action item was added below.
14.AdjournmentS. Fleger
Tom Crawford made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Tom Koshy. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30p.m. without objection.
NPEC Open Action ItemsAction Item
No. / Assigned
To / Description / Due / Status
N16-01-01 / S. Fleger/M. Zaman / Determine how to invite local IEEE chapters to future meetings and invite the Denver/Colorado chapter to N 16-02 / 04/ 2016 / Open