Supplementary DataTable 1: Post-hoc classification of chemotherapy FN risk according to the textbook regimen.

Tumour type / Chemotherapy regimen / FN Risk (%) / Reference
CMF (Bonadonna) / <10 / 1
CMF (modified) / <10 / 1
AC / <10 / 1
EC / <10 / 3
FAC / <10 / 1
FEC100 / 10-20 / 1
FEC90 / 10-20 / 4
AC-Doc / >20 / 1
AC-Pac / <10 / 1
dd AC-Pac / >20 / 2
EC-Doc / >20 / 5
EC-Pac / <10 / 6
FEC-Doc / >20 / 7
FEC-Pac / <10 / 8
dd E-T-CMF / >20 / 9
ADoc / >20 / 1
APac / >20 / 1
DocC / 10-20 / 10
CarboPac / <10 / 11
DocAC ("TAC") / >20 / 1
DocEC / >20 / 12
EDoc / >20 / 13
EPac / 10-20 / 14
Paclitaxel / <10 / 15
Doc100 / 10-20 / 1
XDoc / 10-20 / 1
PLD / <10 / 16
CycloPLD (q4w) / <10 / 17
CycloPLD (q3w) / <10 / 18
DocPLD / 10-20 / 19
Vin (oral) / <10 / 20
Vin (d1,8,15) / <10 / 21
GemDoc / <10 / 22
GemPac / <10 / 23
A-Pac / <10 / author opinion
CarboDoc / 10-20 / 24
CarboGem / <10 / 25
CarboPac / <10 / 3
CisDoc / 10-20 / author opinion
CisEtoBleo (PEB, Cis low-dose) / 10-20 / 26
CisEtoBleo (PEB) / 10-20 / 27
CisGem (Cis low-dose) / <10 / 1
CisPac / <10 / 28
Gemcitabine / <10 / 29
Paclitaxel / <10 / 30
PLD / <10 / 31
Topotecan / 10-20 / 1
CarboMono / <10 / author opinion
CarboPLD / <10 / 32
CarboDoc / 10-20 / author opinion
CarboEto (Eto 100) / 10-20 / 1
CarboPac / <10 / 1
CarboVin / 10-20 / 33
CisEto (q4w) / 10-20 / 34
CDE (AC-Eto) / >20 / 1
CAV / 10-20 / 1
Doc100 / 10-20 / 35
Doc75 / 10-20 / 36
Topotecan / >20 / 1
CarboDoc / 10-20 / 37
CarboEto (Eto 200) / >20 / 38
CarboGem / <10 / 39
CarboPac / <10 / 1
CarboVin / 10-20 / 40
CisDoc (6x q3w) / 10-20 / 1
CisEto (Cis low/Eto high) / >20 / 1
CisEto (q3w) / 10-20 / 2
CisGem (q4w) / <10 / 41
CisGem (q3w) / <10 / 42
CisPem / <10 / 42
CisVin (q4w) / 10-20 / 43
CisVin (adj) / 10-20 / 2
CisVin (q3w) / 10-20 / 44
Doc100 / 10-20 / 45
Doc75 / 10-20 / 46
Gemcitabine / <10 / 47
Vin (d1,8) / <10 / 48
CisPac / 10-20 / 49
MIC / <10 / 50
Pem / <10 / 51

A, doxorubicin; Carbo, carboplatin;Cis, cisplatin; C, cyclophosphamide; dd, dose-dense; Doc, docetaxel; E, epirubicin; Eto,etoposide; F, fluorouracil; Gem, gemcitabine; M, methotrexate; MIC, mitomycin, ifosfamide, cisplatin;

Pac, paclitaxel; Pem, pemetrexed; PLD, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin; T, paclitaxel; V, vincristine; Vin, vinorelbine; X, capecitabine.


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