Ancient Chinese Independent History Project

Computer Based Research and Product

Choose a topic à Determine what you already know (or think you know) àask questions about the topic to deepen your learning à Research answers to your questions à Take notes à Create a product to show your learning

Step One: Choose a topic from this list of Ancient Chinese History topics. You may suggest a topic to the teacher, but you need to get the teacher to sign off on your topic before you begin.

Go into depth with one of the 3 Philosophies Shang Dynasty

Mandate of Heaven Warfare in Ancient China

Qin Dynasty Han Dynasty

Women in Ancient China Silk

Civil Service Exams and Bureaucracy Standardization of Culture

Terracotta Army Tomb of the First Emperor

The Great Wall of China The Grand Canal of China

Chinese Naval Fleet of the Ming Dynasty Cratsman and Artisans in Ancient China

Step Two: Brainstorm what you already know about this subject. Record what you know here. It is OK if you don’t know very much- but really try hard to document what you know, think you know or what you guess to be true about this topic. Also think about how you know it. Did you learn it in class discussion, read it in the text, or are you making assumptions from pictures or other sources?

(You may choose to type this here)

Step 3: Ask at least 4 questions about this topic. Include at least two “how” or “why” questions. Write your questions here, then have Ms. Bourg initial your questions. Remember, your questions will guide your research. You may add more questions as you complete research. Asking questions now will guide your research.

(You can type or write your questions here)

Step 4: Research and take notes. Choose at least 2 sources. One can be the textbook. Keep track of where you get your information and facts. You must keep and turn in your notes. You may not copy and paste facts into your notes. You may choose to use a chart like this:

History Alive! Page 215 / -The first emperor of China was from the Qin dynasty
January 26, 2011 / -learned to make iron tools around 481 BCE

Step Five: Choose and create a product to show your learning. Products could include, but are not limited to:

Journal (Like the one we did for the Silk Road) Timeline

MindMap from Inspiration PowerPoint

Cartoon Strip Voki

Informational Flier or Brochure Digital Poster

Children’s Book (like we made from the Buddha Books, or a digital for of that)

Products should be in digital form- if you need it scanned, let the teacher know) and posted to the XWorldStudies wiki that you can link to from Ms. Bourg teacher space.

In order to post products, students must first join the wiki and then verify their membership by clicking on the link sent to their email. Students were instructed to do this in class the week before the project.

Students will only have 4 days in class to work on this assignment. Students should plan to use all of their time in class to work. If a student finish’s early, the teacher will choose an additional product for the student to complete in order to enhance their learning. Students should spend all of their in class time enhancing knowledge and product.

Please see the wiki for a list of websites you can use to help you create a product that shows what you know.