100 years of innovative development ("Vetropack Gostomel Glass")
I'm doing something that is fun, both in life and in business! (M. Milstein)
The company with the Ukrainian mentality ("Novopak SV")
Legal aspects in the printing company ("Profi-Press")
Innovation in packaging (world of experience)
Polymeric adhesives ADMER ®
Plastic films for meat packaging
P.V. Zamotaev, Dr., CG Consulting, Kyiv
The author presented the basic requirements for polymeric films in the case of their packaging for meat products. He describe how monofilms and polymer multilayer films. The author has carefully considered the basic properties of the films that influence the protection of meat products and the terms and conditions of storage. He also present the barrier properties of the film, considered the modern types of packaging and processing technology, which prolong the shelf life of different types of meat products. Among them - packing with modified atmosphere and controlled gas environment.
Polymer or a cardboard box: what to choose?
V.N. Krivoshey, Ph.D., IAC Upakovka, Kyiv
The author presented an algorithm in the choice group packaging - plastic or cardboard box. The solution of such a problem requires a comprehensive approach and compromise. The author has considered various options for construction of the box by examining the packaging materials, has led the advantages and disadvantages of plastic crates and cardboard boxes. The result of such action — the need to consider all the costs of using different types of group package.
Packaging of food in flexible materials
V.L. Schreder, PJSC Ukrplastik, A.N. Gavva, Dr., NUFT, V.N. Krivoshey, Ph.D., IAC Upakovka, Kyiv
The authors provide different types of packages, which are made from roll of flexible packaging materials. Among these packages and wrappers of different shapes and with different design elements, including closures. It is shown a description of these types of packaging and schemeof packaging equipment to make them. The authors reported on the development of new kinds of packaging from roll material, which should be expected in the near future.
Logistical aspects of packaging
A.M. Gavva, Dr., L.O. Krivoplyas-Volodina, Ph.D., G.R. Valiulin, Dr., National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv
The authors examined the special of the analysis of optimal organization packaging production according to the logistics construction. They gave examples of the formation of different technological cycles with the most used methods of placing products.
Nitrogenrevolution in thepackaging industry
J.A.Stupak, K.V. Vasilkovsky, Ph.D., V.V.Migovich, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv
The authorsconsideredtechnologies and equipmentfor storage, transporting and dosing of nitrogen liquid, which widely usein the packagingindustry.Nitrogen can use not onlyas a component ofmodified gasatmosphere,but also in thepackagingof beverages.
Leister sets the trend in shrink
Spectral characteristics of fingerprints on packing materials
K.I. Savchenko, O.M. Velichko, Dr., V.F. Morfluk, Dr., VPI NTU KPI
The authors presented the analysis of inks used for printing on a variety of packaging materials. They showed that the spectrographic studies of prints colors give a real measure of their quality in different areas of the spectrum. Authors studied the prints of model paint in different colors and composition on paper, PVC and polystyrene.
Kinematics of the planetary cam lever mechanism
V.T. Senkus’, V.E. Bosak, O.B. Knysh, I.N. Kravchuk, Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Lviv
The article considers a unique planetary cam-lever mechanism for driving follower links in one direction with a dwell, which can be employed in packaging and printing machines. An estimate of the cyclogram for the work of the mechanism is provided and the method of calculating its kinematic parameters is developed. Restrictions as to its usage are identified and possible improvements are suggested.
What to read about packaging?
How much is recycled packaging waste?
V.G. Slabiy, UkrPEK, V.N. Krivoshey, Ph.D., IAC Upakovka, Kyiv
The authors finish the series of articles about the problems of determining the cost of recovery and recycling of packaging waste. The basic idea is consumer always pays (directly or indirectly) for all services for recycling and disposing of the packaging. The authors consider the basic problem of creating systems of waste management and the choice of packaging for an economic instrument for the effective functioning of the system in the four perspectives: the legislative framework, the definition of the main objective, the choice of system of economic instruments. In each case, the authors make the conclusionsand recommendations.
Package «before» and «after»
N.S. Udris, Ph.D., KyivNationalUniversity of Culture and Arts
The author investigated the dominant patterns of behaviour the modern Ukrainians with respect to used packaging. She found the level of knowingof problem with packaging waste the Ukrainian population and the relation to the methods of its solution. In comparison with the views of people from other countries, the author concludes that the ecological environmental thinking Ukrainians is only at the initial stage of formation, but the need to implement a variety of cultural and social activities, as well as the prospects of it’s success are very high.
"Inprodmash. Packaging "- a sign of autumn
Chronology of the pack
V.L. Schreder
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