The Harry Potter series of books and movies

The theme and the subconscious Powers behind this literature are very straightforward and so is its symbolism. We shall hence decipher it in a very short article. We shall say very little more than what we have already said in the MAGAZINE article ‘Mustering the Forces for the Final Confrontation’:

Taking advantage of immature Man’s thirst for super power, the‘Beast’ (which Beast?) is recruiting young children to prepare them for the final programming to fight under his markagainst the forces of the Counselor, convincing them that the latter is the ‘Antichrist’. There is no Antichrist. The term was coined as the most abominable title in order to protect the title ‘Christ’, which was coined as a substitute for the crucifiedJesus. Notice that the power that Harry Potter has comes from the Beastand is activated only in the presence of the Beast, when the mark of the Beast is energized on the right top corner of his forehead. Of course, the Beast (incarnate as Lord Voldemort)is bad, a murderer that killed Harry’s folks, but Harry Potter, and all the other kids that identify with this hero, are only going to use the Beast’s power for good, against the evil guys, who are really all those who disagree with them, including their own unreasonable teachers and parents who give them a hard time. The first film prepared these power-thirsty kids to respond to his call to buy the latest edition in record-breaking numbers. Notice also that all those kids standing in line to buy the latest book had inked the mark of the Beast on their foreheads. All these kids are already part of the Beast’s army and will be triggered into action when the Beast issues the right coded command, which was printed in their subconscious mind during the reading of the books and, especially, during their intense fantasizing of all sorts of scenarios of how they would be using these powers if they had them. When they fantasize, they invoke the presence of the Beast. Like Harry Potter, they have the magic powers only in the presence of the Beast. Many of these kids developed strange intense headaches during and after reading the book. Joanne Rawling is only the writer of the books. TheBeast is the Author, who uses her to recruit an army for himself. This is whyhe rewards her with billions. Only those who serve him are rewarded with money and fame.

The series is a version of the Game between the Spiritual Powers at ‘level 2’, (all of them very high wizards), fighting for the control of the Planet. Notice that it is a war between wizards, one side presented as the ‘Good side’, Harry Potter and friends, and the other as the ‘Dark side’, Voldemort and company. However, they are all the same, part of the wizards and witches community. Actually, Harry Potter is one of Voldemort’s horcruxes and this is where most of his powers come. When the spirit of Voldemortis near, Harry Potter’s powers are turned on full. Harry Potter the wizard is in essence a Voldemort’s copy. There are no good and bad wizards. They are all one big family. (They were all removed on Jan 01, 2009).

Thoth the Atlantian (later Egyptian) wizardis the top wizardon the planet. He proclaimed himself asplanetary high priestor god right after the destruction of Atlantis.He became the primedisciple of Rwanem,the Adamiteteacher-priest and, after Rwanem trusted him with hissoftware package, to the degree that Thoth became hisguru’ssoftware twin, hecolluded in hisguru’smurder, bound his spirit in limbo under his control though witchcraft and took over as Rwanem’s substitute; as Hermes-353. Then he christened hisAtlantiancompanion Mermek, the prince of the destroyed 5th planetof our solar system Nebadon,ashisChrist, had the latterappointed at the head of the Reptilian hierarchy in Shambalaand theyhave been trying ever since to replace Caligastiawith Christ on the planetary throne.