SUPERPAVE Digest 430

Topics covered in this issue include:

1) AASHTO T308 and Direct Irradiation Furnace


2) Re: AASHTO T308 and Direct Irradiation Furnace

by Christopher Bacchi <>

3) Re: AASHTO T308 and Direct Irradiation Furnace


  • To:
  • Subject: AASHTO T308 and Direct Irradiation Furnace
  • From:
  • Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 12:58:42 -0600

Are there any reports that compare the direct irradiation and convection type


I know Troxler has done some limited studies. One other report or memo from

NCDOT seemed to support equivalent results. I would like to see a more detailed

study. Troxler is supposed to send me a loaner this month. At this point, I

just can't recommend it. I would think that it probably compares well with

itself and for most aggregates it would compare well with the NCAT ovens. As an

alternate method, it may be more appropriate for inclusion in AASHTO T308.

Kenneth Hobson

Oklahoma DOT - Bituminous Branch

405-522-4918, 405-522-0552 fax

  • To:
  • Subject: Re: AASHTO T308 and Direct Irradiation Furnace
  • From: Christopher Bacchi <
  • Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 14:58:50 -0500

I believe Florida DOT has done some research on the NTO furnace. Greg Sholar will

probably be able to give you some information in it. His email address is :

His phone number is (352)337-3278.

  • To:
  • Subject: Re: AASHTO T308 and Direct Irradiation Furnace
  • From:
  • Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 14:23:37 -0600

Thanks for the contact info. I read on the NCAT web site that Florida DOT was

to complete an ignition oven study of field mixture variability as opposed to

the controlled laboratory studies previously completed by NCAT and others.

Kenneth Hobson

Oklahoma DOT - Bituminous Branch

405-522-4918, 405-522-0552 fax

SUPERPAVE Digest 431

Topics covered in this issue include:

1) Ignition Furnaces


  • To:
  • Subject: Ignition Furnaces
  • From:
  • Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 10:56:04 -0600

As a follow-up to my previous post, I would like to present the group with some

additional information.

When comparing ignition furnaces, one should consider the environmental issue.

Some work has been done in this area. Not only environmental issues but safety

must be considered. Be sure to ask these question when evaluating ovens.

There will be a paper presented at AAPT ( March

2001. The paper is titled "A Comparison of Ovens Used in Determining Binder

Content by the Ignition Method" by Stacy Williams and Kevin Hall. I don't have

their contact information or I'd ask them about these issues. I hope to read

the preprint in a few weeks. This next AAPT meeting looks to be one of the

best. Many papers will address topics relevant to today and tomorrows


I hope these posts have helped you as much as they've helped me. As always,

thanks for the posts and private email responses.

Kenneth Hobson

Oklahoma DOT - Bituminous Branch

405-522-4918, 405-522-0552 fax