Forbidden Desire

By: Dani Shafer

Disclaimer: I don't own them, please don't sue.

Ratings: NC-17-->let's get on with the smut :)

Spoilers: None, this is completely AU.

Pairings: Buffy/Angel(us)

Summary: After Hank Summers racks up a 4 million dollar gambling debt Angel O'Connor is ordered, by his father, to abduct Hank's only daughter, and hold her as collateral.

AN: Special thanks to Sarah...she is a life saver, and a damn good beta.


Chapter 1


Buffy walked briskly down the long dark alleyway, checking her surroundings frequently. All day she had had the eerie feeling that someone was watching her, following her every move, breath and sentence. The cold night air seemed to be heavier and darker than usual that night. There was a slight masculine scent to it that would waft seductively through the air, raising the hairs on her slender arms.
A sharp autumn breeze howled down the hollow alleyway gathering speed and debris. It rushed at her full force slapping her harshly in the face, giving her golden skin an all over reddish hue. She gripped her long leather duster closer around her slight frame, ignoring the shiver that ran down the base of her spine, making her body tremble.
Her breaths came out in short ragged puffs of white air, as she quickened her pace. She could faintly hear the sounds of a second set of footsteps lightly ricocheting off the tall buildings that surrounded her. The faster she walked the closer and louder the footsteps became, until they seemed like they were on top of her, beating her eardrums with each heavy pounding step. All her senses became enflamed, and she felt a deep pull in the pit of her gut.
Angel could see her petite frame clutching to itself for warmth as she quickened her pace. He smiled wickedly to himself as he closed the gap that separated him from her; his long strides were at least double of what hers were. Coming up closely behind her, he could smell the sweet aroma of her: panic, fear and vanilla as it radiated off of her body, assaulting his senses.
Buffy could feel the warmth of his breath beating down the nape of her neck, warming her entire body. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, tasting the alluring scent that had been following her. A shudder passed through her body at the touch of his large hand on her small shoulder; a single tear created out of fear slipped out of her closed eye and travelled down the smooth skin of her face and onto the ground.
The deafening silence was shattered as the salty drop of liquid dropped harshly to the gritty asphalt shattering its molecules with a splash.

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. It is your choice." Angel said in a deep velvet voice.
Buffy laughed softly as she turned her body around, knocking his arm away. Her voice caught slightly in her throat as she looked into the harsh dark eyes of her captor. "A choice...what choice do I have in the matter? Am I going to let you beat and rape me in this dingy alley, or am I going to simply let you kill me?" Buffy said confidently as she straightened her body to its full 5'4" height, she would not let herself be intimidated by this stranger.
Angel smirked at the small feisty girl in front of him. Her large emerald eyes shone with fury, as gold flicks of anger passed through them. Angel knew that if it had been any other person facing her wrath, they would have been intimidated; they would have turned to run. She possessed so much power and confidence. But Angel wasn't just any other person, he was not afraid.
"I assure you Ms. Summers my intentions are to do neither. My orders are simply to capture you and take you to LA. I do not wish to inflict any harm on you, but if you refuse to play nicely pain can be arranged and enjoyed..." Angel said taking a step closer to her, eliminating the mere inch that had stood previously.
Buffy contemplated the idea in her head for only a brief moment, [Stay in New York, or get kidnapped and held captive by this psycho in LA...huh tough one?]
Buffy took a small step backwards, regaining her personal space and power. In a matter of seconds she pulled her fist back, and landed a square punch forcefully on the base of his nose. At the contact of her fist she could feel the sticky blood spray out and coat her hand. Angel's hand went immediately to his face, cupping the blood as he yelled and cursed at the pain.
"Goddamn it! You punched me in the fucking nose! Fuck!" He howled in pain.
Buffy turned her body slightly sideways as she swiftly kicked her leg up and into his groin for three rapid blows, one right after the other. She smiled triumphantly as he dropped heavily to the ground holding his dick, and rolling in the dirty slime of the alley. Taking advantage of his weakened state, Buffy delivered one more harsh kick to his side, as she took off running down the empty alley.
Angel was furious, he was pissed, and he was intrigued. The so-called 'helpless,' as his father informed him, Buffy Summers had just dropped him in a matter of seconds, all without even batting an eyelash. He rolled his eyes dismissing the pain in his face and lower extremities as he rose unsteadily on his wobbling legs. He could see her body running towards the empty New York streets and smiled. He almost liked it better when they ran.

He took off at full speed, wiping the blood from his nose as his thick black leather coat flapped loudly behind him in the wind.
Buffy was panting as she ran as fast as her short legs would take her. She cursed her decision to buy the impractical Gucci sandals she was wearing. She peeked over the side of her shoulder to see the large form of her attacker gaining speed with each passing second.
In the second it took for her to turn her head back around, he was already tackling her with brutal force to the hard ground. She screamed in pain as she was crushed between the cold cement and the firm large body of her attacker. She kicked and flayed her arms about in a last effort to get free.
"Let go of me you Bastard!!" She yelled loudly, creating an empty echo on the deserted streets.
"Tisk, tisk..." Angel said shaking his head as he sat straddling her lower body, pinning her in place. He grasped her moving arms, and detained them roughly behind her back, making it painful for her to move them.
He leaned down slowly moving her shoulder length blonde hair off the back of her neck. "I, we... could have... done this... the easy... way, but no." He whispered in a low seductive tone against her soft ear lobe, using extra pants of breath in between words. He could feel her body shudder with fear? Arousal? He wasn't sure, knowing could be more trouble than what it was worth. Without thinking coherently he softly nuzzled his injured face into the crook of her neck, painfully inhaling the sweet feminine vanilla of her unique scent, enjoying the softness of her skin against his. Where their skin connected, heat and electricity formed rapidly, the heat kept increasing until they were both burned by the forbidden contact.
Buffy's body shook slightly against her will. He was whispering so softly, so gently, so seductively into her ear that she couldn't even focus on what he was saying; she was lost. She was fuming with rage and desire that he could overpower her, detain her against her will, and yet make her body quiver with just a few words against her sensitive ear. She wanted to moan as she felt the hot soft skin of his face rub lightly against hers creating a burning friction.
Angel could feel her rage. It was hot and engulfing, it was burning deep wounds of regret into his skin. Shaking off his feelings he pulled back and deftly bound her wrists with rope that he pulled out of the pocket of his jacket. One handed he reached into another pocket and pulled out a small silver phone.
He dialled quickly by memory and spoke into the phone:
"Sir...It is done...send the car to 1st and Chelsy. Thank you sir...I will contact you shortly."
Buffy found herself unusually quiet as she listened to his brief conversation. His tone seemed strained almost harsh in an overly polite way. She wondered who was on the other end of the phone, and what in the hell did they want her for. It was clear to her now, that he really didn't want to hurt least not yet.
Angel threw his phone harshly into a nearby gutter, watching it drift away in the current with a smile. He pulled another small brown case out of his pocket. He opened it, revealing a small needle and a bottle of serum. Buffy could feel him shifting on her back; curiosity got the better of her as she struggled to turn her head.
She looked just as Angel was removing the cap with his teeth. He quickly injected the thin brown liquid into the shaft of the needle. He tapped it twice with his thumb, as hepushed the plunger displacing the excess air.
He could feel her eyes on him as he prepared the shot, he could once again smell her fear. For the first time in his lonely life, he felt bad. He could see the pools of tears gathering in her deep eyes, and it clutched at his dead heart.
"I promise this will only hurt for a second...It is not my choice in what I do, or don't do. Try to understand that please...if you relax your arm, the will hurt less..." He said as he watched the fat tears drop from her beautiful eyes.
Buffy was paralysed with fear. She hated needles, they terrified her...she wanted the words of the handsome stranger to comfort her, but she knew it was no use. She closed her eyes tightly, muscles tensing as she prepared herself for the searing pain. Seconds later Angel slid the sharp point smoothly into her skin, injecting her with the poison. Buffy could hardly feel the stinging prick.
Buffy's eyes fluttered as her body went limp. She could already feel the harsh poison coursing through her veins, pumping into her blood with each slowing beat of her heart. Angel smiled guiltily at her while he rubbed the injection point softy, trying to make the pain go away. With all her remaining strength she smiled weakly at his gesture, before she slipped into unconsciousness.


Chapter 2


Angel manoeuvred his large body closer to hers on the bed, the soft feathers shifting and indenting to make a perfect mould of his form. He reached one hand out to stroke her soft silky hair. He touched it carefully before weaving the silk through his coarse hands, relaxing instantly as he let it slide on the insides of his fingers.
His mind was racing with thousands ofthoughts as his hand dropped slowly from her short hair and landed on the smooth surface of her tanned skin. He reached one manicured finger out to trace the slender bones of her neck, holding himself back from repeating the actions with his tongue.
He pulled his hand back quickly, staring idly at the tips. They felt as if they were glowing with desire and lust. He had specific instructions not to touch Buffy in any shape, way or form. As he looked at the petite blonde sprawled out comfortably on his bed, he knew that was going to be a challenge.
He had been watching her sleep for over 4 hours. He was fascinated at the way her small chest would raise and then fall, the way her delicate pink lips parted softly as he touched and caressed her skin. Even in her drug induced sleep she was responsive to his touch.
He was beginning to worry when she would wake up. It was halfway to LA when she had originally started to wake up, her emerald eyes looking confused and clouded with fear. He had quickly given her another injection, hoping that her small body could process it. As long as her breaths remained even and relaxed he knew she would be all right. He leaned down, his muscular chest putting pressure on her arm, and pressed his plump lips against hers. He could feel her lips curve into a smile. He pulled back shyly and smiled to himself. That was all he would allow himself, one chaste kiss.
Angel could have sworn he heard moan softly from the lack of contact, as her lower lip slid out in a playful and sexy pout. He smiled brightly showing his perfect white teeth as he let her bright sunshine light up his empty soul.
Buffy shifted comfortably, manoeuvring her body deeper into the feathers.She felt so comfortable, so safe, she almost felt loved. She opened her eyes slowly, her vision blurred and doubled. She shook her head lightly whilst trying to focus her eyesight. She yelped in pain and sat up abruptly, gripping her pounding head.
She could feel each loud, painful thud of her heartbeat in her temples, making her dizzy and nauseous. She held onto her head tighter, groaning in pain.
"Here, take these..." Angel said as he held out an expensive crystal goblet and some aspirin.
Buffy shrieked, backing her body up against the large Victorian headboard.She was here, somewhere, with her attacker.
"I am not going to hurt you, so calm down. These are aspirin, I am sure your head is killing you. I can tell you are in pain, your lower lip is trembling..." Angel said almost pouring the full cup of water on her lap as he stared at her beautiful lips.
Buffy quickly sucked back on her lip, tucking it safely between her blunt teeth. Angel groaned softly, just louder than a whisper. He could tell she heard it by the way her eyes lit up and widened. Buffy shook her head, trying to get the naughty thoughts to disappear.
He really was quite handsome, she noted to herself. When she had first seen him, he was so dark and demanding. His eyes were harsh and empty, like he was in a different place.Now his brown eyes sparkled with mischief.His hair was dark, matching his eyes, and styled in gel with short spikes.
She had to smile, as she looked at his slightly red and swollen nose, it was where she had punched him. [Damn...I guess I didn't break it!].Her eyes moved down his thick neck, to the tight black shirt he was wearing.She could have sworn that she could see every outline, every ripple of his muscles.He was in good shape, and well toned. [I wonder what HE looks like without a shirt...]