5S Goal Sheet

Instructions: For each section, check the box which best describes the area under consideration.

Points / X
1 / Necessary and unnecessary items are mixed together.
2 / Necessary and unnecessary items separated.
3 / All unnecessary items have been removed from area.
4 / A dependable documented method keeps unnecessary items out of the area.
5 / User of the area continually seeks improvement opportunities.
Set in Order or Simplify Access
1 / Tools, books, supplies, and materials randomly located.
2 / Designated location established for all items.
3 / Designated locations are marked to make organization visible.
4 / A documented method recognizes, with a visual sweep out of place items.
5 / A documented method provides continual evaluation and implements improvements.
1 / Area is dirty and disorganized.
2 / Area is cleaned on a regularly scheduled basis.
3 / 5S agreements are developed and utilized.
4 / 5S agreements are understood and practiced continually.
5 / A dependable documented method of preventive cleaning and maintenance is in place.
1 / No attempt is being made to document or improve current processes.
2 / Methods are being improved, but changes haven’t been documented.
3 / Changes are being incorporated and documented.
4 / Information on the improvements are shared with users.
5 / Waste elimination is continually sought , changes documented, and information shared.
1 / Minimal attention spent on housekeeping and safety.
2 / A recognizable effort has been made to improve the condition of the work environment.
3 / 5S agreements and safety policies have been developed and are utilized.
4 / Follow-through of 5S agreements and safety policies is evident.
5 / General appearance of a confident understanding and adherence to 5S program.

Spider Diagram of 5S Activity

Area: ______Date: ______







Sustain1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1Set in order

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

Standardize Shine