Vigo Parish Council ~ Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 19th January 2015




Present: / Cllr Pat Banks (in the Chair); Cllr Sue Connor; Cllr John Goodban; Cllr Roland Graves;
Cllr Colin Talboys; Cllr Alan White; Mrs Joanne Glass (Clerk)
In Attendance: / Mr Adam Holloway (MP); Cllr Derek Shelbrooke (GBC); Ms Mandy Cason (Community Warden); Mr Lloyd (Woodside Resident).
Apologies for Absence
Cllr Mike Germain (VPC); Cllr Jim Haslem (VPC); Cllr Lesley Boycott (GBC); Ms Mandy Cason (KCC Community Warden); Mrs Jess Talboys (Vigo Services); Mr Paul Agley (Highview Tree Services).
Declarations of Interest
Questions from the Press and Public
Reports from Gravesham Borough & Kent County Councillors for the Parish Area
Cllr Shelbrooke had attended the recent Finance and Audit Committee. Things in general were quiet at Gravesham, with not much to report.
GRANT FOR HIGHWAYS GANG WORK. It was agreed with Mrs Talboys that there was not sufficient work this year to employ a team of Highways workers for the day – in fact any work that was needed could well be carried out by the current service contractor. It was therefore agreed that the Clerk would speak to Cllr Sweetland regarding funding the project to widen the road and putting in a lay-by in Admers Wood.
Cllr Banks had met with Darren from Red Alert. Darren had advised that it would be very expensive to run a cable from a camera on the street light to the recording box in the Parish Office. It might be possible if the position of the duct that carries the power for the existing light can be identified. Darren agreed to quote VPC for another camera on the Village Hall which would be able to record activity on the far side of The Bay, and point in the same direction as the temporary police camera. Darren suggested an infra-red capacity which would make it easier to pick up night time events. This would be discussed further once a quote had been received.
[Action: ongoing]
YOUTH WORK / HALL HIRE. The Clerk had liaised with Cllr Shelbrooke and Ms Coupar as agreed. Ms Coupar had been given a grant form for completion.
Reports from Community Wardens
GRAFFITI ON HIGHVIEW GARAGE DOORS (CORNER OF ERSKINE ROAD AND COMMORITY LANE). Hoists had provided a quote for this work but the Clerk had omitted to bring the quote to the Parish Meeting. The Clerk would email all Councillors with the quote and it would be discussed at the next Full Council meeting.
[Action: Clerk]
Due to an increase in local burglaries the police had arranged a meeting with local Councillors to update them of the actual figures and responses they would be making as a result. Cllrs Sweetland (KCC), Cllr Boycott (GBC) and representatives from Meopham PC were present. Cllr Germain had attended. The meeting had been a general show of the police giving reassurance of their presence in the area. The police made the point that what may be read on social networking sites may not always be the entire truth. It was noted that some of the literature sent to residents of Meopham had misleading and / or out of date information on it. It was noted that the area had a relatively low crime rate which had reduced over recent years. General advice was given, most break ins were from the side or rear of the property, residents should take care to ensure the usual security precautions were taken. Residents were encouraged to mark electronic items and other items of high value.
A poster advertising Mobile Police Station visits had been received. The Clerk would advertise this on the noticeboard. The mobile police station would be at Vigo Primary School on January 14th and 28th and February 11th and 25th between 5 and 6pm
To approve the minutes of the Full Council and In Camera Meetings held on 15th December 2014
Minor typographical errors had been noted and amended. The minutes were agreed and signed by Cllr Banks having been accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising from the Full Council Meeting (not covered under Agenda Items)
PUBLICATION OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS. Scanned copies of Councillors DPIs would be put on the website as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk / Cllr Banks]
20 MPH SPEED LIMITS OUTSIDE VIGO SCHOOL. Cllr Banks had looked into this. It did not look likely that a 20mph zone could be easily implemented in Erskine Road. It was noted that the main issue was the need to alert drivers to the need to slow down as children would sometimes step out into the road behind the bus that had just dropped them off. It was agreed that perhaps a flashing speed sign, or a “slow down children crossing” type sign, designed by local children may be a way forward. The Clerk would email Cllr Sweetland to find out if he would support this type of Parish initiative and if he were able to assist by way of any grant funding.
[Action: Clerk]
Minute Actions carried over from the Annual Meeting on 19.05.14
RISK ASSESSMENT REVIEW: This would now go to the Annual Meeting in May 2015.
These three documents would now go to the Annual Meeting in May 2015. The Clerk would send the current documents to all Councillors in plenty of time.
The Clerk would pass these three documents to the Policies Working Party.
[Action: Clerk]
NOTICEBOARD GUIDELINES. The Clerk had not yet drafted a journal article regarding the guidelines for using the noticeboard, but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
TRENCHES / BOMB HOLES NEAR VILLAGE GREEN. Cllr Talboys would speak to Trosley Country Park regarding this matter.
[Action: Cllr Talboys]
TITLE DEEDS: The Clerk had not yet stored the land registry documents with the Parish Solicitor as she was trying to get them copied first.
[Action: Clerk]
ELECTION MATERIAL: The Clerk had emailed Cllr Connor a copy of the KALC election poster as agreed. Cllr Connor asked Councillors to provide any photographs they may have for the poster.
[Action: All Councillors]
DRAFT PARISH CHARTER: The Clerk had emailed Meopham Parish Council as agreed.
Neighbourhood Plan Report
TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS. Clerk to email Wendy Lane (GBC).
[Action: Clerk]
The Clerk had not yet written to Karen McGarry and Gerry Pemberton to thank them for delivering the leaflets to all households in the village but she would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
As a result of the drop-in sessions it was noted that many residents were concerned about the idea of “in-fill” development. It was agreed to try and adjust the wording in the plan to reassure residents and to avoid confusion. Residents should be aware that Vigo Parish Council would not permit any building development on VPC land.
[Action: Cllr Haslem]
Sustainable Development Statement. Cllr Haslem and Cllr White to work on this.
[Action: Cllr Haslem & White]
Local Authority Planning Applications and Projects / Covenant 3 Applications
[Action: ongoing]
GBC20141007: 8 THE COPPICE: The company dealing with this extension had contacted the Clerk to state they would be applying for Covenant Approval for this work. It was agreed that as long as the plans were the same as those submitted to GBC for Full Planning Permission then Covenant Approval would be given (conditional on white uPVC window frames).
[Action: Clerk]
CHURCHSIDE: The Clerk had written to the resident as agreed. The resident had responded to state they wished to apply for retrospective planning approval. The Clerk had emailed the resident detailing how they would need to apply, and to re-state that approval would be dependent on the style, material and colour of the replacements, and that the dark grey windows that were in place at the moment would not be approved.
[Action: ongoing]
20140939: 143 HIGHVIEW: The Clerk had emailed Gravesham Borough Council as agreed.
20141116: 215 HIGHVIEW: The Clerk had emailed Gravesham Borough Council as agreed.
TIMBERBANK: The Clerk had written giving Covenant Approval as agreed.
TIMBERBANK: The Clerk had written giving Covenant Approval as agreed.
TIMBERBANK: No response had been received from the resident, nor any application for Covenant Approval. Cllr Banks would check if the cladding had been replaced yet and if it was in an acceptable style or not.
[Action: Cllr Banks]
TIMBERBANK: COV 3: Application to brick in existing lower left hand window (front) and replace the existing wooden frame with UPVC double glazing. All agreed, Clerk to write accordingly.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW: COV 3: Application to put a pitch roof on existing porch (as the flat roof had started to leak). It was noted that no drawing or diagram had been supplied; the Clerk was to request one. A decision on approval would be made once the drawing had been received.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW: COV 3: Application to move side (rear fence) out to enclose land belonging to the resident. To install a driveway to the front. Drawings had been supplied for both, and the Clerk had provided photographs of the property to illustrate the proposal. There were no objections as long as the height of the fence did not exceed the existing. The Clerk was to write giving approval.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW: COV 3: Application to replace two front upstairs windows, photographs of proposed windows supplied. There were no objections as long as the replacements were of white frames with plain glass. The Clerk was to write giving approval.
[Action: Clerk]
TIMBERBANK: COV 3: Application to install uPVC cladding at the front of the property. This cladding had been removed by a previous owner, the current owner wished to reinstate it. The cladding would be white uPVC. The area to be re-clad was described by the resident as approx. 8 feet wide and 6 feet high at the highest point. In general there were no objections however Council Members asked for clarification of the type of cladding on neighbouring properties. Cllr Banks would inspect other properties and report back to the Clerk before any approval letter was sent.
[Action: Clerk]
Covenant Breaches / Enforcement
BRAMBLEBANK Fence Height (to the side) and Land Enclosure (to the rear): The Parish Solicitor had written a draft letter which had been approved by Councillors. This letter would now be sent to the resident’s solicitor. The letter gave the residents 28 days to reduce the height of the fence and remove the fence from the Parish Council owned land.
[Action: ongoing]
CHESTNUT LANE: The resident had responded with a list of dates when they were available. It was agreed that Councillor Graves and Cllr Talboys would meet with the residents on 31st January. The Clerk was to write and confirm accordingly.
[Action: Clerk]
BRAMBLEBANK: A response had been received from the resident’s solicitor asking for a site meeting. The Parish Solicitor wrote to Hatten Wyatt to suggest that the residents correspond directly with the Parish to set up a site meeting. No correspondence had been received from the residents, therefore the Clerk was asked to write asking for a list of dates that the residents would be available to meet.
[Action: Clerk]
TIMBERBANK: The Clerk noted that the resident had made an application for covenant approval to replace one of the front windows. The resident also intended to make repairs to the porch and paint other windows. The resident had emailed the Clerk to let them know he had met with a builder and was awaiting estimates for the works.
The Clerk had yet to liaise with the resident regarding a meeting with other residents to discuss the garage block disrepair.
[Action: Clerk]
CHESTNUT LANE: The Clerk had not yet responded to the resident’s request for an extension to the time frame to complete the tree work, and for a copy of the covenants. The Clerk would do this as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW: A number of letters had been sent to this resident regarding the row of very large trees to the front / side boundary of their property. No response had been received to any of the letters. Therefore the Clerk (in conjunction with Cllr Banks) had asked the Parish Solicitor to write to the resident regarding this matter. The Parish Solicitor had written and asked that a response be sent in the next 28 days.
[Action: ongoing]
Green Belt Review
GREEN BELT REVIEW. No further update. It was noted that this matter would be part of the discussions at the forthcoming meeting with Brandon Lewis MP.
[Action: Cllr Haslem]
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Tree Policy

SURVEY OF TREES LESS THAN 15 METRES FROM PROPERTIES IN VIGO. Ongoing – Cllr White and Cllr Haslem to complete their surveys; the Clerk to pass the survey that was for Cllr Hogwood onto Cllr Germain. Cllr White asked the Clerk to provide a new copy of his map as he had mislaid the original.
[Action: Clerk, Cllrs White, Haslem and Hogwood]
HORNBEAMS: OVERGROWN TREES: Cllr Talboys reported that all agreed tree work had been carried out and that there was no need for a letter to confirm as the resident had now moved.
WATERLOW ROAD TREE (between The Gallops and Timberbank): Kent Highways had assessed this area and noted that it would be good (although not essential) if the Parish were able to carry out some remedial work to improve the sight line. It was noted that as this pollarded Hornbeam was actually an ancient boundary marker, the Parish were not agreeable to removing the tree. It was noted that perhaps some of the new sprouting growth could be cut back. Cllr Talboys agreed to draft a formal response to the resident who had raised concerns about this matter.