August 25, 2012

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JESSICA SHEPLEY: It was good. It's a lot of fun. A lot different than it's been the last couple of months. I was really relaxed and actually enjoyed playing golf today for the first time in a long time.

Q. Why is that? Do you just feel it's coming more natural for you?

JESSICA SHEPLEY: I just think I just enjoyed it. I'm at the Canadian Open. It's a beautiful day. I'm playing on the weekend, my family's here, my friends are here. I've kind of had a few hiccups this year, so I've just been kind of trying to be patient and hoping that things would come together, and I had a good round. But it's golf. You just kind of never know.

Q. So are you going to tell me you didn't feel any pressure being out there today?

JESSICA SHEPLEY: No, I did not feel any pressure. I'm glad I'm playing, but at the end of the day I'm playing for my country, but I'm also playing for myself now. Unfortunately, some of the girls didn't make it, but at the end of the day, it's a golf tournament and half the field doesn't make it into the weekend.

Q. Again, was there more support today? A little bigger support with this crowd here today? I imagine some of them are rooting for you?

JESSICA SHEPLEY: Yeah, I had a lot of cheers and congrats and good lucks from greens to tee and before I teed off and at the turn it was nice.

Q. Did anybody say can I get some mojo going?

JESSICA SHEPLEY: No, I had some good friends out here. My parents are here. I saw Sandra Post when I made the turn who is a good friend of mine. It was a great day.

Q. You saw Sandra Post?

JESSICA SHEPLEY: Yeah, it's good. She was my first instructor and still very close. She's been a mentor to me.

Q. So you don't want to let that thing go, the trophy?

JESSICA SHEPLEY: No, I'll hold on to it. As long as I sign my scorecard tomorrow, I've got it locked in, but you never know.

Q. There are other things that could happen?

JESSICA SHEPLEY: If I finish my round, I should be good.

Q. Got to get the bugaboo out of 18? Is that the tough one for you?

JESSICA SHEPLEY: No, I hit a great shot into 18. Probably one of the best irons I hit all day, and the greens are just really, really hard. We kind of debated between a 4 and a 5iron, and I tried to knock the 4 down and it just hit. I can't be mad about that. I hit a great shot.

My chip, I just gave it a little too much respect. I thought it was going to be a lot quicker than it was. No, I don't stand on that tee. I'm not worried about it.

Q. What is the mission tomorrow? You're sitting on 1over. Do you say let's get under? Is there a number in your head?

JESSICA SHEPLEY: Yeah. I had a number in my head today and I was pretty close to it. I'd like to get into red numbers, my best finish out on the LPGA was T27, which was in Hawaii this year. So I'd like to have my best finish out here. That would be nice.

Q. You've got the red number, that is kind of the big thing. You had T45 last year, so T27, that's got to be in that spot right now, I would think?

JESSICA SHEPLEY: Looked like about T34.

Q. Well, you never know. This is Hawaiitype weather right now a little bit?

JESSICA SHEPLEY: Yeah, absolutely. You never know. Get a couple more putts to drop. I hit it really well today and gave myself lots of chances. Maybe get a couple of those to drop and you never know what can happen. Thank you.

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