Caldarella 1

CPSE 699R:Master’s Thesis

Course Syllabus

Fall 2009 Semester, 1 credit

Every other Monday 2:00 - 3:50 PM

MCKB 280

Instructor: Paul Caldarella, PhDE-mail:


Office hours:Open door policy; please contact me for a set appointment.

Texts & Required Reading:

  • American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
  • Cone, J. D. & Foster, S. L. (2006). Dissertations and theses from start to finish: Psychology and related fields, (2nd ed.).Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Course Description and Goals:

This is the first in a series of four courses designed to support graduate students through the conception, development, and completion of their theses. The goal is to provide students with support and a forum in which to facilitate the progress of their theses. This course will provide didactic instruction as well as discussion and applied assignments to achieve the course objectives.Prerequisite is admission to the CPSE graduate program in school psychology.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  • Understand the various components of a thesis.
  • Select a thesis committee (chair and members).
  • Complete a literature search.
  • Choose a thesis topic.
  • Indentify an appropriate research question.
  • Engage in daily writing/work on the thesis.
  • Understand the thesis prospectus and thesis defense process.
  • Correctly apply the APA Publication Manual, 6th Edition in writing the thesis proposal.

Learning Activities:

Assigned readings, class lectures and discussions, writing assignments, and presentations will be used to achieve the course objectives.


You will receive a T grade at the end of this semester (this indicates that your grade is in “transition” and will be posted at a later date).You will receive a passing gradeupon successful completion of your thesis.

Grade Distribution:

Reading and Writing Assignments

Review of Student Thesis (or Dissertation) Proposal (or Final Defense) Meeting

Review of a Completed BYU School Psychology Student Thesis

Chapter Presentation

Class Attendance and Participation

Reading and Writing Assignments - there will be reading and writing assignments during the course of the semester. These assignments will be designed to help students apply what they are learning in class to their thesis proposal - Total 40% of final grade.

Review and Presentation of Student Thesis (or Dissertation) Proposal (or Final Defense) – you are required to attend one CPSE student proposal or final defense during the semester and write-up a 2 to 3 page summary and of your impressions of the meeting (e.g., strengths and weaknesses) and present this on the last day of class - Total 20% of final grade.

Review and Presentation of a Completed BYU School Psychology Student Thesis – you are required to review one CPSE student completed thesis and provide a 2-3 page summary of your impressions and present this on the last day of class - Total 20% of final grade.

Chapter Presentation – Each student will lead out on one chapter discussion during the semester - Total 10% of final grade.

Class Attendance and Participation- Regular attendance and active participation in class activities - Total 10% of final grade.

31 Aug / What are theses? / T & D Chapter 1
14 Sept / Starting out
Time & trouble management / T & D Chapter 2
T & D Chapter 3 / Assignment 1
28 Sept / Finding topics & collaborators
The proposal / T & D Chapter 4
T & D Chapter 5 / Assignment 2
12 Oct / Library Room 2233 - Rachel Wadham (literature searching) / Assignment 3
26 Oct / Reviewing the literature
Managing committee meetings / T & D Chapter 6
T & D Chapter 13 / Assignment 4
9 Nov / Writing for behavioral & social sciences
Manuscript structure & content / APA Chapter 1
APA Chapter 2 / Assignment 5
23 Nov / Writing clearly & concisely
The mechanics of style / APA Chapter 3
APA Chapter 4 / Assignment 6
7 Dec / Crediting sources and Reference examples (jointly discussed) / APA Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 / Assignment 7
18Dec* / (a) Assignment 8
(b) Review & presentation of student thesis or dissertation proposal or defense
(c) Review & presentation of completed student thesis

*Please note that the meeting during Finals Week is on Dec 18th, Friday from 11am – 1pm.

Class Policies

Plagiarism: Any student who represents the work of another person as his or her own on any of the papers or the presentations will receive zero (0) credit for that paper or presentation. Cheating, submitting work other than your own, or plagiarism may result inpenalties ranging from an F in the course to expulsion from the university. All students are subject to the University Policy Statement on Academic Dishonesty in the current Catalog.

Attendance: It is the student's responsibility to keep up with discussion and assignments. Making up late work will be at the discretion of the instructor and will be penalized if accepted.

Grading: A letter grade consistent with the student's performance on assignments will be awarded upon completion of the requirements of this course. A grade of incomplete (I) may be awarded, but only in extraordinary cases. The expectation is that all work will be submitted on or before the date it is due. Insufficient time, poor time management, or course/work overloads are NOT sufficient reason for awarding an incomplete (I).

Drop/Withdrawal:Students who drop or withdraw from the course must notify the instructor in writing. Failure to notify the instructor shall result in the student being considered absent without leave from the class and the student shall be considered responsible for all work missed.

Course Changes: The instructor reserves the right to modify or change any part or all of the syllabus or the course requirements at any time during the quarter. Students shall be notified of any such changes.

Disability or Special Considerations and Accommodations: To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact the Office of Students with Disabilities. If you have a self-identification form from the Office for Students with Disabilities indicating that you have a disability, which requires accommodation, please present it to me so we can discuss accommodations necessary to assist you in learning and completing assignments. If I am aware of your needs, I can make accommodations.

Preventing Sexual Harassment:Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an educational program or activity that receives federal funds. The act is intended to eliminate sex discrimination in education and pertains to admissions, academic and athletic programs, and university-sponsored activities. Title IX also prohibits sexual harassment of students by university employees, other students, and visitors to campus. If you encounter sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination, please talk to your professor; contact the Equal Employment Office at 801-422-5895 or 1-888-238-1062 (24-hours), or or contact the Honor Code Office at 801-422-2847.

Selected Parts of the CPSE EDS Student Handbook Relating to the Thesis


During winter semester of their first year, after finalizing a thesis topic, students confirm their official thesischair and advisory committee. The thesis committee chair becomes the student’s faculty advisor.

Curriculum and Scheduling

The program curriculum consists of a minimum of 70 semester hours of credit—48 credit hoursof academic course work, 6 credit hours of thesis (CPSE 699-R), 5 credit hours of practicum(CPSE 678-R), 6 credit hours of internship (CPSE 688-R), and 2 credit hours of elective/optionalcoursework.

Thesis Guidelines

As part of the program, all students are required to complete a thesis. Students are required to complete 6hours of “thesis credit” prior to internship year. Before applying for an internship position, students mustsuccessfully defend their thesis prospectus(don’t wait that long!). A thesis class, 699-R, is provided to support students in writingtheir prospectus, completing research, and writing their thesis.

Each student also selects a chair and twocommittee members for their thesis committee. The Chair must be a member of the CPSE Department andthe committee members must have graduate faculty status. One member of your committee must be fromoutside the CPSE department. Your chair and the program graduate coordinator will guide you through the

process of writing your thesis prospectus and the final manuscript after you have collected and analyzed yourdata. Two forms (Thesis Prospectus Approval Form and the Co-authorship Agreement Form) are required to be completed as you successfully defend your prospectus. Students, not faculty, areresponsible for the accurate completion of the appropriate forms. Students also are responsible for deliveringthe completed forms to the appropriate campus person or office.

When you are ready to defend your final thesis, follow these guidelines and procedures:

1)Download “Minimum Standards for Submitting Dissertations, Theses, or Selected Projects”from Graduate School website – follow these guidelines to format your thesis.

2)Submit draft of complete thesis to chair (allow 2 weeks for review); make changes as


3)Submit thesis to committee and Graduate Coordinator for approval to defend. Use Form 8c:Department Scheduling of Final Oral Exam (signed by committee). This must be submitted 3 weeks prior to defense date.

4)Schedule thesis defense date/time/place with Diane Hancock (use Form 8c: DepartmentScheduling of Final Oral Exam).

5)If necessary, submit revised thesis to committee at least two weeks prior to defense date.

6)Successfully pass oral defense of thesis and comprehensive oral exam.

7)Make necessary revisions of thesis.

8)Submit revised thesis to committee chair (and committee, if necessary) for approval. Makechanges as necessary.

9)Submit paper copy of thesis and signed form 8d: Approval for Submission of Dissertation,Thesis, or Selected Project to Graduate Coordinator. Make changes as directed.

10)Submit revised paper copy to the Dean of McKay School of Education (K. Richard Young orAssociate Dean Barbara Culatta) for approval. Submit Form 8d. Make changes as necessary.

11)Submit thesis electronically via ETD website for Graduate Coordinator and Dean’s approval.

12)Submit final printed copies (on approved bond paper) and signed form 8d: Approval for

Submission of Dissertation, Thesis, or Selected Project to Library Administration Office ifsubmitting paper copy of thesis (2060 HBLL). Pay any required fees.

“T” grades for CPSE 699R are entered on the student’s transcript until the thesis is successfully defended.After completing the thesis, official grades are entered.

A final hard copy of the thesis is required for the School of Education to review. After all final corrections aremade and all signatures are obtained, the SP Program requires students to submit an electronic version of thethesis to the university. Students may also have hard copies of the thesis bound, but this is not required.

Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education

School Psychology Ed.S. Program

Thesis Prospectus Approval Form

Name of Student

Proposed Title

Advisory Committee:

We, the undersigned, met as a group on (date), evaluated the dissertation prospectus, counseled with the student, and now submit the attached prospectus certifying that it meets departmental standards of thoroughness and quality of scholarship. We further agree to conduct a preliminary examination of the dissertation prior to scheduling a date for the final oral defense to determine the readiness of the candidate for the defense.

Committee Chair Signature / Printed Name
Member Signature / Printed Name
Member Signature / Printed Name

Prospectus cleared by BYU Institutional Review Board (include signed copy): ______


Coauthorship Agreement Form (attached): _____



The attached prospectus has been approved by the Department. The student may proceed with the study as proposed and approved.


Department Chair/Graduate CoordinatorDate

Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education

School Psychology Ed.S. Program

Co-authorship Agreement Form

(1)We the undersigned have read and understand policies of the Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education of Brigham Young University and the APA Ethical Principles related to publication credit

(2)We agree upon authorship based upon our projections of contributions to the study.

(3)We agree that, in the case of a dissertation or thesis, if the student does not submit a manuscript based on the work within one year following their final defense, the student’s advisor may prepare and submit a manuscript based on the student’s dissertation or thesis. This manuscript will still list the student as first author and the advisor as second author, as per APA’s Ethical Principles.

The following represents our preliminary agreement on authorship of the study





First Author: ______

Printed name Signature

Second Author: ______

Printed name Signature

Third Author: ______

Printed name Signature

Fourth Author: ______

Printed name Signature

Fifth Author:


Printed name Signature

Updated: November 21, 2018



Graduation Deadlines for Graduate Students

2009-2010 School Year


Dec 2009Apr 2010Aug 2010

Sep 25Jan 29May 28Last day to apply for graduation. Submit the approved Graduation Application (ADV Form 8a) to the department.

Oct 9Feb 12Jun 11Last day departments may enter Graduation Applications (Form 8a) in AIM (ADV01).

Oct 16Feb 5June 4Last day to submit a copy of dissertation or thesis (with ADV Form 8c signed by your Advisory Committee) to your program’s Graduate Coordinator. This date reflects the “last day” to submit a form for the graduation deadlines. Note that if you choose an earlier exam date, a ADV Form 8c (signed by your Advisory Committee)is still due a minimum of three weeks prior to the defense date to your program’s Graduate Coordinator and a minimum of two weeks prior to the defense date to the CPSE Department Graduate Secretary.

Oct 23Feb 12 Jun 11Last day to schedule a final oral examination (defense of dissertation or thesis) with Department using the Department Scheduling of Final Oral Examination form (ADV form 8c).

Nov 6Feb 26Jun 25Last day to have a final oral examination (defense of dissertation or thesis ).

Nov 13Mar 5Jul 2Last day to submit a final copy of dissertation or thesis (signed by Advisory Committee) to your program’s Director.

Nov 20Mar 12Jul 9Last day to submit dissertation or thesis and Approval for Submission of Dissertation or Thesis (ADV Form 8d) to the Dean of your college for signature. For ETDs, the document in PDF format must be submitted online by logging into the ETD submission site ( After the Department has approved the ETD, the Dean’s Office will review and approve the ETD.

Dec 4Mar 19Jul 16Last day to submit final printed copies and/or ETD with ADV form 8d to the Library Administration Office (2060 HBLL). Students should then bring a validated ADV For 8d to Graduate Studies (105 FPH). Last day to complete any remaining requirements for a degree including payment of fees, submitting grade changes (for Is, Ts, etc.), and for departments to enter examinations results (oral or written) in AIM (ADV08).

NoneApr 22Aug 12Graduation -- University Commencement

NoneApr 23Aug 13Graduation -- College Convocations


1.December graduates are invited to participate in April Graduation exercises.

2.Final examinations may not be held during the "interim period" between semesters.

3.Ample time should be allowed to make corrections in dissertations or theses after the final oral defense and before the deadline for turning in the final copies to the library.