


7th Grade Math

Magnolia Intermediate School

Mr. Richards

Course Materials

•Textbook: CPM Course 2

•Math Toolkit workbook

•Pencil (every day)


•All assignments will be posted on the assignment board & website.

•My website is updated weekly, typically Monday mornings.

•Assignments are due the day after they are assigned.

Absent work

Assignments missed due to an excused absence will be accepted for full credit based on the district policy of one day for every absent day. After that, absent work will be considered late work and will be subject to the missing/late work policy. It is the responsibility of the student to come in and see that all work is corrected within the time frame either at lunch or during Rattler Time. In the case of an extended absence please contact me for a possible adjustment.

If you are absent…

Being absent does not mean that you have unlimited time to complete projects.

Being absent does not mean that you are not responsible for deadlines.

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to come in at lunch and/or Rattler Time to correct anything that you might have missed or to take any quiz that you might have missed.

When in doubt, ask.

Missing/Late work

  • Late assignments will be given 50% credit if turned in within 2 days. Any assignment turned in after 2 days will be given a zero.
  • Partial credit will be given for partial work.


The lowest test score in a trimester, excluding the final, will be dropped. There are no retakes for summative tests or finals, and make-ups for absent tests will differ from the test given in class, in form, but not substance. The trimester final will encompass material from the entire trimester. It is recommended that students keep all trimester work for review prior to the final. The chapter “Closure” functions as the study guide for the tests and the final. Formative assessments, quizzes, can be retaken for an averaged score – it is the student’s responsibility to come in and ask for a retake and must have demonstrated additional preparation. Retake quizzes must be taken prior to the chapter test.


A standard grading scale will be used to determine final grades, i.e. 90-100% A, 80-89% B, etc. All work will be included in the final grade using the following formula: Projects = 60%

Test/quiz = 20%

Keyboarding = 10%

Participation = 10%

Cheating of any type, either giving projects to another to copy, or copying another’s work, or cheating on a quiz,or talking during a quiz period will result in a zero for that quiz.

Testing protocol: students are to remain seated until they are ready to turn in their tests. Students may not interact with any other student during the testing period – this includes, but is not limited to, asking another student for supplies or help with directions, or any other issue – all questions must be made directly to the teacher using a silent raised hand signal. Any violations of the testing protocol will result in the loss of that test and students will then be given the option of taking a zero or coming in at lunch to take a different test version. Repeated incidents will be referred to the office for disciplinary action.

Class Passes

Students will be given 3 class passes each trimester. Class passes may be used to leave class for personal business, (restroom, library, etc.). If unused, all 3 passes may be turned in for extra credit at the end of the trimester for a maximum of 15 points in the Project category.


Study Skills

All students are expected to use their class time wisely by working on subject specific assignments. Students are expected to obtain “Problem Solvers” after tests as an ancillary to the Mathematics Common Core objectives. These expectations will be assessed regularly through quick checks taken as points entered into the 10% category, Participation. This may happen once or more weekly and will vary from class to class. Students may receive anywhere from 0-10 points depending on observed working behavior. A head down on desk, drawing pictures, reading a novel in lieu of assigned work, whispering with neighbors, etc. would be an example of a zero, a student working periodically/intermittently during class might earn a 5, while students engaged in individual, meaningful activity for the majority of time allowed would earn a 10.

Class Management

One rule: Respect! Respect of self, respect of others, respect of school rules and school property


–Student reminders, refocus, emails/notes/calls home

–Serious infractions will be referred to the office; most infractions will be taken care of in class.

And lastly,

An important aspect of middle school is preparing for expectations of high school; first among those is active participation in the process along with personal responsibility and accountability. It’s important that you understand that as amiddle school student,you, not your parent or teacher, are responsible for coming in to complete absent work during lunch and/or Rattler Time and to make up any missed assessments – I am available almost every day before school, at lunch, or after school for students. I encourage all of my students to be proactive in communicating any problems to me in a timely manner so that potential solutions can be implemented quickly and before a grade is beyond repair. Always remember that the key to success in any endeavor is to:


To contact me

•Best method for quickest reply is email:

•School phone: 268-2815

•Website access:

Mr. Richards

Magnolia Intermediate School

7th Grade Math

Please remove this page from course outline and turn in by the due date below.

Student Name: ______

Period: ______

We have read and reviewed the course overview and understand the expectations of the class.

Parent Signature: ______

Student Signature: ______

Date: ______

This is your first homework assignment – it is worth 10 points and is due on:

______. 2 points will be deducted for every day it is late.