Desautels Hot Cities Tour: Manila/Palawan/Hong Kong2017

February 23th – March 5th, 2017

“Taking the Future to the Future”

Application Process
A. Eligibility - U2, U3 BCom Students and a limited number of Arts, Agriculture and other McGill students
This program will only be available to U2 and U3 students. This ensures that upper year students are given priority. The program will also be open to outside faculty students who are both minoring in the Commerce faculty and have taken the necessary prerequisite or received special permission from the Professor.
B. Application
Each applicant will be required to fill out a standardized application form. Questions include CGPA, extra-curricular experience, work experience and a short essay question. These questions follow a typical resume format but will follow a standardized layout in order to sort applicants easily.The essay questions will display what the applicant hopes to gain from the trip, what they can contribute and why it is important to study developing economies.
C. Screening and Judging
Applications will be reviewed by a panel of independent judges. Applicants will be considered based on four criteria. Their academic achievement, involvement outside of academics, work experience and their essay response. The program will greatly benefit from well-rounded students who are looking to contribute to the success of this program before, during and after they complete it.Judges will narrow the applicant field to 30 students.
D. Final Selection
Selected applicants will be chosen and contacted by email or phone. If they are selected, and accept, they may apply for a travel bursary.
Important Dates:
September 30: Application Deadline
October 8: Participants chosen and contacted
October 12: Bursary applications due by midnight
October20: Bursaries awarded by midnight
January 15: Final payment due (to be confirmed)
February 23: Departure

DesautelsManila/Palawan/Hong KongBusiness Trip

Due to the Bcom office by September 30th, 2016, 16:00

Applicant Information

Last Name / First / Student ID
Phone / E-mail Address
Have you lived outside of Canada? / YES / NO / If yes, please list the cities.
Have you ever been to the Philippines? / YES / NO / If so, when and for what?
Do you hold a passport? / YES / NO From what Country? Or Coutnries?


Major/Concentration(s) / Year e.g. U2 / CGPA

Extra-Curricular Experience

Please list yourthree most relevant extra-curricular experiences
Commitment / Position / Years
Commitment / Position / Years
Commitment / Position / Years

Employment – please list your most interesting/relevant employment

Employer / Date
Employer / Date
(Intended) / Date / Summer/Full Time 2013

Applicant Checklist

It is mandatory that as a participant of this trip, you are able to answer yes to all of these questions.
Are you able to attend the program in the Philippines and Hong Kong betweenFebruary 23thand March 5th? / YES
Do you understand that the trip will cost up to $4000? / YES

Essay 1 – What can you contribute as a pArticipant of this program? what do you hope to gain? (250 Words Maximum)

Essay 2– please describe an academic and non-academic achievement that makes you unique (250 Words Maximum)

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?

Disclaimer and Signature

I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
If this application leads to being selected for this program, I understand that I must abide by all safety rules and regulations outlined before the trip.
Signature / Date