Beginning Swimming PHED 110

Submitted by

Kim Resnick, Instructor


This program is very individualized, as each students will come with different skills levels. This is a beginner swim class and will focus on water adjustment skills, water safety and the fundamental skills of swimming.

Day 1 (Aug. 31st)

Introductions, self-assessment, goals, tour of pool, review of swim levels, class expectations, water entry & exit, and instructor assessment of students.

Day 2 (Sept. 2nd)

View the American Red Cross video "Swimming & Diving Skills", Front crawl segment. Discuss the mechanics of the stroke along with rhythmic breathing. Talk about swimming mechanics. Pool will be closed for the next two classes. We will still have class. (Dry Land)

Day 3 (Sept. 9th)

View "Swimming & Diving Skills", Back crawl segment. Discuss the mechanics of the stroke and practice in water. Review skills on alternating arm action and flutter kick.

Day 4 (Sept. 14th)

View "Swimming & Diving Skills", Breaststroke segment. Discuss the mechanics of the stroke and practice in water. Review days 1-4 skills in water.

Day 5 (Sept. 16th)

View "Swimming & Diving Skills", Butterfly segment. Discuss the mechanics of the stroke and practice in water. Review skills in water.

Day 6 (Sept. 21st)

Meet with a water aerobic instructor and participate in a shallow water aerobic class and a deep water aerobic class. Review skills above in water.

Day 7 (Sept. 23rd)

View "Swimming & Diving Skills", Sidestroke segment. Discuss the mechanics of the stroke and practice in water. Review skills above in water. Work on endurance, tread water & float for 1 minute.

Day 8 (Sept. 28th)

View "Swimming & Diving Skills", Elementary Backstroke segment. Discuss the mechanics of the stroke and practice in water. Review skills above in water. Work on endurance, tread water & float for 1 minute.

Day 9 (Sept. 30th)

View "Swimming & Diving Skills", Flip turns &touchturn segment. Discuss the mechanics of the turns and practice in water. Review skills above in water. Work on endurance, tread water & float for 2 minutes.

Day 10 (Oct. 5th)

View "Swimming & Diving Skills", Diving segment. Discuss the mechanics of diving and practice in water. Work on endurance, tread water & float for 2 minutes.

Day 11 (Oct. 7th)

View "Lifeguard" video, Entries & Approaches segment. Practice in water. Work on endurance, tread water & float for 3 minutes.

Day 12 (Oct. 14th)

Work on endurance, tread water & float for 3 minutes. Introduce water game, Volleyball.

Day 13 (Oct. 19th) Last day of class.

Work on endurance, tread water & float for 5 minutes each. Introduce water game, Water Polorelay races.