Research Paper Series

Available through the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy

9002. “Historical Trends in the U.S. Cost of Capital.” Robert Gillingham and John S. Greenlees. December 1990.

9003. “The Effect of Marginal Tax Rates on Capital Gains Revenue: Another Look at the Evidence.” Robert Gillingham and John S. Greenlees. December 1990.

9004. “An Econometric Model of Capital Gains Realization Behavior.” Robert Gillingham, John S. Greenlees, and Kimberly D. Zieschang. August 1990.

9101. “The Impact of Government Deficits on Personal and National Saving Rates.” (Revised) Michael R. Darby, Robert Gillingham, and John S. Greenlees. February 1991.

9102. “Social Security and the Public Debt.” James E. Duggan. October 1991.

9201. “Issues in Eastern European Social Security Reform.” John C. Hambor. June 1992.

9202. “Life-Health Insurance Markets.” John S. Greenlees and James E. Duggan. July 1992.

9203. “Property-Casualty Insurance Markets.” Lucy Huffman and David Bernstein. August 1992.

9301. “The Bank-Reported Data in the U.S. Balance of Payments: Basic Features and an Assessment of their Reliability.” Michael Cayton. February 1993.

9302. “The Returns Paid to Early Social Security Cohorts.” James E. Duggan, Robert Gillingham, and John S. Greenlees. April 1993.

9303. “Distributional Effects of Social Security: The Notch Issue Revisited.” James E. Duggan, Robert Gillingham, and John S. Greenlees. Revised April 1995.

9501. “Progressive Returns to Social Security? An Answer from Social Security Records.” James E. Duggan, Robert Gillingham, and John S. Greenlees. November 1995.

9701. “Housing Bias in the CPI and Its Effects on the Budget Deficit and Social Security Trust Fund.” James E. Duggan, Robert Gillingham, and John S. Greenlees. January 1997.

9702. “An Improved Method for Estimating the Total Taxable Resources of the States.” Michael Compson and John Navratil. December 1997.

2001-01. “Some Regulatory and Institutional Barriers to Congestion Pricing at Airports.” Edward Murphy and John D. Worth. May 2001.

2001-02. “Actuarial Nonequivalence in Early and Delayed Social Security Benefit Claims.” James E. Duggan and Christopher J. Soares. June 2001.




2003-01. “Annuity Risk: Volatility and Inflation Exposure in Payments from Immediate Life Annuities.” Christopher J. Soares and Mark Warshawsky. January 2003.

2005-01.“Possible Alternatives to the Medicare Trustees’ Long-Term Projections of Health Spending.” Jason D. Brown and Ralph M. Monaco. January 2005.

2005-02. “The Long-Term Real Interest Rate for Social Security.” James A. Girola. March 2005.

2006-01. “Implications of Returns on Treasury Inflation-Indexed Securities for Projections of the Long-Term Real Interest Rate.” James A. Girola. March 2006.

2007-01. “Mortality and Lifetime Income Evidence from Social Security Records.” James E. Duggan, Robert Gillingham, and John S. Greenlees. December 2006.

2007-02. “The Impact of Post-9/11 Visa Policies on Travel to the United States.” Brent Neiman and Phillip L. Swagel. June 2007.

2008-01. “Prefunding Social Security Benefits to Achieve Intergenerational Fairness: Can It Be Done in the Social Security Trust Fund?” Randall P. Mariger. December 2008.

2008-02. “Do Social Security Surpluses Pay Down Publicly Held Debt? Evidence from Budget Data.” Randall P. Mariger. December 2008.

Copies may be obtained by writing to:
Ann Bailey, Department of the Treasury
1500Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Room 4409 MT
Washington, DC20220
Telephone (202) 622-1519 or fax (202) 622-4112
