DATE: August 24, 2014

21stSunday in Ordinary Time -Year A


In today’s Gospel we hear Simon Peter making his great declaration of faith.

Our presence at this Mass is a celebration of the same faith in Jesus, Son of the

living God.

FIRST READING: Isaiah 22: 19-23


Response: Lord, your love is eternal; do not forsake the work of your hands.

I thank you, Lord, with all my heart

you have heard the words of my mouth.

Before the angels I will bless you.

I will adore before your holy temple.

I thank you for your faithfulness and love

which excel all we ever knew of you.

On the day I called, you answered;

you increased the strength of my soul.

The Lord is high yet he looks on the lowly

and the haughty he knows from afar.

Your love, O Lord, is eternal,

discard not the work of your hands.

Response: Lord, your love is eternal; do not forsake the work ofyour hands.

SECOND READING: Romans 11: 33-36


Alleluia, alleluia!

You are Peter, the rock on which I will build my Church,

the gates of hell will not hold out against it.

Alleluia, alleluia!

GOSPEL: Matthew 16: 13-20

To call someone a ‘rock’ is one of the greatest of compliments. The ancient rabbis had a saying that when God saw Abraham, he exclaimed: ‘I have discovered a rock to found the world upon. Abraham put his trust in God and made God’s word the foundation of his life and the bedrock of his faith.’
Through Abraham, God established a nation for himself. Through faith, Peter grasped who Jesus truly was. He was the first apostle to declare that the man who entrusted him with the keys to the Kingdom was the Messiah, the Christ, and the Son of God.
The New Testament describes the Church, the people of God, as a spiritual house and temple of the Holy Spirit with each member joined together as ‘living stones’ (1 Peter 2:5).
When we have faith in Christ, we become the equivalent of spiritual stones. In many ways, being a Christian is about being asked – and responding to – the same question asked of Peter: ‘Who do you say that I am?’
David McGovern
We wish to distribute the rosters for the Spring Fellowship Dinners during August.
As such, could St Stephen’s parishioners promptly advise Kath Jones if either they are not available or wish to be included in the roster. Further, any other enquiries are welcome. Contact: Kath Jones on 4997 1529.
who will be Baptised this Sunday at Karuah
Grace is the daughter of Phillip Barry and Cathy Hogan
F / Due to strict privacy laws, names of the sick can only be put on the Bulletin with the permission of the immediate family. Thank you.
Names forthe sick or anniversary list can be added by emailing details to by ringing 4997 1822.
The sick and deceased members of our families and our parish
Recently Deceased: Nell Mayberry (aunt of Sr Margaret)
Sick List: Eunice and Harry Sharpe, Pat Tarlington, John Jones, Carmel Bentley, Michael Craven, Sid Campbell, Sophie Jordan, Belinda Cale, Frank Screpis, Dennis Cooper, Fr Peter Brock, Maureen Shelley, David Houlahan, Kevin Boland, Marlene Goodall, Mark Betar, Pat Perry, ZiggyBakalaiz, Sr Lesley Curran, John Shannon, Paul Buesel, Judi Coates, Col Crews, Sheila Spinelli, Kevin Weir.
Monday: 25 August Matthew 23:13-22
Tuesday: 26 August Matthew 23:23-26
Tea Gardens- Rosary 4.30 pm – Mass 5 pm
Wednesday:27 August Matthew 23:27-32
Tea Gardens-7.40 am Rosary followed by Liturgy of the word Communion
Thursday:28August Matthew 24:42-51
Bulahdelah – Mass 9.15 am
Friday:29 August Mark 6:17-29
Tea Gardens– 7.40 am Rosary followed by liturgy of the word
NEXT WEEKEND TIMETABLEFifth Sunday of the month
Saturday: 30 August - Karuah – 5.15 pm
Bulahdelah – 7 pm
Sunday:31 August - Tea Gardens – 8.30 am Celebration in Anticipation of
ST STEPHEN’S – TEA GARDENS You are invited to attend:
1st Friday of the month liturgy -7.40 am. 1st Saturday of the month liturgy at 8.00 am.
A great way to warm our hearts and welcome the Spring is to come to the reflection day led by SrLynette Pearce RSJ. These are SrLynette’s words to us, “A day for taking time to hear and marvel at God’s word flowing life NOW”. So you are invited to come along beinspired and enjoy this day! Wednesday 3rd September 9.30am morningtea.Start 10am finish 2.30pm.
Father Kevin has been granted Sabbatical Renewal Leave by the Diocese. He will leave on Wednesday, 3rd September and return on Sunday, 7th December 2014.
For his Sabbatical Father Kevin will be attending a 3 month Program at Hawkstone Hall, a Redemptorist International Pastoral Institute near Birmingham in England. Fr Lex Levey, Fr Bill Fuller and Fr Denis Rochford will be doing weekend supply for Fr Kevin in his absence.
We wish you well Fr Kevin as you take timeout for Renewal.
  • To Mike Stace (Bulahdelah) for purchasing & transporting the new stovefor the rented property.
  • To Dorothy and Tony Attard for their weekly generosity in cleaning the Parish Centre

Church cleaning, Margaret Pile, Maria Mason, Rosie Newton, Anita Pinkerton Readings, Mark Smyth ; Prayers of the Faithful, Gemma Stace ; Presentation of the Gifts, Margaret Pile & Beryl Barry ; Altar Server, Bianca ; Minister of Communion, Terry & Ian ; Nursing Home Communion, Sr Margaret
Church cleaning- (First week of the month)Group 1 ; Leader, Peter McKay ;Welcome, Donna Howarth ; Readers, Paul Carter & Pamela Eades; Gospel, Denise Dewar ; Reflection, Gloria Beale ; Minister of Communion,Daryl Martin;Audio Visual, Bev Knight; Flowers, Kath
Church cleaning :Aireen& Julie-Gai; Greeters: Julie-Gai & Trent
Reader : Sr Margaret ; Offertory : John & Catherine ; Special Minister : Denise
Well there has been a lot of indoor activity this week at St Joseph’s Bulahdelah, but at least the school veggie garden has been getting a lot of watering. We really have had a couple of weeks of runny noses, sore throats and barking coughs so hopefully the rain might kill a few of the airborne viruses that are about at the moment. On a happier note, this week, we welcomed a beautiful new family into our school; Mya (in Year Three) and Kelson (in Kindergarten). The family are from Hawk’s Nest and will be travelling from Hawks Nest on our Tea Gardens’ bus. I know you join us in welcoming the Hawkins Family into our family oriented community. With Every Good Wish, Joanne Trotter Principal.
On Saturday 13th September we are holding a Trivia Challenge in St Stephen’s Church Hall. For the reasonable price of $5 per person, we are offering a fun night - some easy, some challenging trivia questions with generous prizes up for the taking. There will be tables with a maximum of 8 and they don’t all have to be Parishioners. We are also reserving a table for any singles that would like to band together for the evening. Starting after evening Mass, the evening will commence at 6.15 with a 6.30 start of the quiz.
To save on the workers having to do any washing up, it’s a BYO night. Please bring any nibbles, food and drinks you wish to consume. We will supply tea and coffee however. There will also be a giant Tombola up for grabs.
There have been seven tables booked so far so if anyone was contemplating organising a table, now is the time to reserve one. See Ian or Jan Mackenzie-Smith or phone 49970794
Cost: $20.00 per copy and available from Paul Carter.
I seem to have ‘lost contact’ with this DVD. If anyone has it at their home could you let me know? Thank you
First Prize: Linda Doyle Second Prize: Shirley Moran
Monday 25 Social Committee Meetingat 10.30am at
St Stephens
Wednesday 27 Wrap with Love Knit-In at 1pm at St Stephens
Wednesday 27 Yummies 4 Mummies at 9am
Wednesday 27 St Vincent De Paul meeting at 3.00pm / Readings for next week
22ndSunday in Ordinary Time Year A
1stReading: Jeremiah 20:7-9
2ndReading:Romans 12:1-2
Gospel: Matthew 16:21-27
Tuesday 02Anointing Mass at the Manor at 10am
Wednesday 03 Parish Reflection day at St Stephen’s 9.30 -2.30
Sunday 07 Family Mass at St Stephen’s
Monday 08 Sharing the Journey at St Stephen’s at 9.30am
Tuesday 09Women’s Shed at Karuah at 9.30am
Wednesday 10Yummies 4 Mummies at 9am
Wednesday 10 Liturgy at Peter Sinclair Gardens at 10am
Wednesday 10 Wrap with Love Knit-In at 1pm at St Stephens
Saturday 13 Trivia Night at St Stephen’s 6.30pm
Sunday 14 Family Mass at St St Brigid’s 8.30am
Sunday 21 St Stephen’s Community Meeting after mass
Wednesday 24 Wrap with Love Knit-In at 1pm at St Stephens
Wednesday 24St Vincent De Paul meeting at 3.00pm
Sunday 28 OLOR Karuah’s Community Meeting after mass
Tuesday 07 Anointing Mass at the Manor at 10am
Wednesday 08 Yummies 4 Mummies at 9am
Wednesday 08 Liturgy at Peter Sinclair Gardens at 10am
Wednesday 08 Wrap with Love Knit-In at 1pm at St Stephens
Thursday 09 St Brigid’s Community Meeting at 7pm
Sunday 12 Family mass at St Brigid’sMonday 13 Sharing the Journey at St Stephen’s at 9.30am
Tuesday 14 Women’s Shed at Karuah at 9.30am
Wednesday 15 Wrap with Love Knit-In at 1pm at St Stephens
Friday 17 Parish Formation Team Meeting at 2.30pm
This weekend atKaruah


27 August — Saint Monica.Memorial.Born at Tagaste (Algeria) about 331.Died at Ostia (Italy) in 387. Before her marriage her faith bore fruit in her recovery from a drinking problem and later helped bring her husband to Christianity. Undertook many years of penance and prayer for her brilliant but wayward son Saint Augustine. Monica isremembered for her parental devotion, her patience, and her persistence in prayer.

28 August — Saint Augustine, Bishop, Doctor of the Church. Memorial

Born at Tagaste (Algeria) in 354.Died at Hippo (Tunisia) in 430.Augustine renounced the Christian faith and espoused Manicheism. He lived for fifteen years with a woman who remains unknown and with whom he had a son, named Adeodatus. Baptised in 387, together with his son, after a long inner struggle and under the influence of Saint Ambrose and the prayers of his mother, Saint Monica. Bishop of Hippo for thirty-four years. Remembered as a model pastor and as a preacher and writer whose thought has had an enduring influence in Christian history.


Pope FRANCIS stuns Vatican workers by dropping into the canteen and grabbing his lunch on a tray...

Is he suggesting a different kind of leadership?

EVANGELII GAUDIUM (The Joy of the Gospel)

‘Being a disciple means being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others, and this can happen unexpectedly and in any place: on the street, in a city square, during work, on a journey.’ Para 127 from EvangeliiGaudium, Pope Francis, Nov. 24, 2013


John Anderson, Director of Tahlee at Carrington will be speaking at the men’s breakfast at the Baptist Church, Myall Street Tea Gardens about his passion in planning for Tahlee to be a sustainable community development. The Breakfast will be on Saturday 6th September at 8.00 am. Cost will be $10. Those interested should advise Brian Lourey


***Bishop Geoffrey Robinson presents “Church in Crisis” which will be held on Friday 19 September at 6:00 PM at Victor Peters Suite, 841 Hunter St, Newcastle West. Save the date. This should be a very interesting presentation. If you would like to attend please speak with either Mary Leafe or Sr Margaret

***2014 Expo for Families & Carers will be held on Thursday 09 October at 9:30 AM at Newcastle Panthers, King Street, Newcastle. Theme: Support & Information for Families & Carers in their caring role. No cost, all are welcome.

***ACTiv8 Spring Retreat will be held on Friday 17 October at Lake Mac Outdoor Recreation Centre, Balcolyn. The cost of the retreat is $115.00 per participant. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at or visit


A blind man with a seeing eye dog at his side walks into a grocery store. The man walks to the middle of the store, picks up the dog by the tail, and starts swinging the dog around in circles over his head. The store manager, who has seen all this, thinks this is quite strange. So, he decides to find out what's going on. The store manager approaches the blind man swinging the dog and says, "Pardon me. May I help you with something." The blind man says, "No thanks. I'm just looking around."
