Adult Confirmation Application
Full Name:______
Birth date: ___/___/______Phones: Home:______
Home Address:______
Date of Baptism:______
Name & Address of Baptismal Church: ______
Please attach copy of Baptismal certificate
If you have any questions/concerns, please contact Mary Ann Smith at (951) 505-4652
St. Joseph the Worker Church 2013-2014
Mass Reflection Adult Confirmation
We come to know Jesus through the Scriptures. If we are to live out the Word of
God, we need to reflect on what these words mean to us. Each candidate must
write a reflection on the Gospel readings for 10 Masses during the year. These
Mass sheets should be returned in to the Religious Education Office and you
should keep a photocopy for your personal record.
Suggestions on how to write these papers:
Bring a piece of paper with you to church and write down some thoughts or
words you hear in the Gospel and homily.
Write down the Scripture reference (e.g. Luke 5:1-5) so you can refer back to it
when you are writing the paper. Go to for the current
Discuss what you heard and wrote down on the way home in the car, asking
everyone to participate.
Ask yourself and your family what the Scripture and Homily have to do with your
life today.
When you get home, write your reflection on the Mass sheet while it is fresh in
your mind.
Remember, this is a reflection paper; what you write is what you feel the
Scripture is saying to YOU at this moment in your life’s journey.
St. Joseph the Worker Church
Monday :7:am
Tuesday:6:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 7:am Eucharistic Service
Thursday: 6:30 p.m.
Friday: 7:00 am
SUNDAY: 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am
Mass Reflection (Adult Confirmation)
Student's Name: ______
Grade: ______
Mass Date/Time: ______
Name of Church Attended:______
Gospel Reading:(ex. Luke 1:24-28)
What does this Gospel passage mean to you? How can you live out the Gospel in your daily life?
1. October
2. November
3. December
4. January
5. February
6. March
7. April
St. Joseph the Worker Parish 2013-2014
Adult Confirmation
Community Service Projects Guidelines
Service is based on the spiritual and corporal works of mercy and, most of all, on
the example of Christ, who came to serve. When giving service, the following
points should be considered:
Your service is not just a job to be done. It is selflessly and lovingly helping
those in need.
You should reflect on how your service project is helping you take on the
mind and heart of Christ, fulfill the needs of others and build up the
Christian community.
The giving of service should continue after your Confirmation and all
through your life.
We require that you complete a minimum of TEN HOURS of service each
year for a total of 20 hours.
Below are listed suggestions of ways in which you can serve others selflessly
(no remuneration).
Visit the elderly – in senior citizen center/residences or homes.
Perform volunteer work in your neighborhood or school.
Help a handicapped person or support the family of a handicapped child by
playing with or caring for the child.
Participate in a walk-a-thon to support your favorite charity.
Contribute your services to the local library.
Initiate a clean-up campaign in a local playground, street, park, etc.
Help a teacher before or after school.
Visit with and help to take care of someone who is sick.
Care for lawns, rake leaves for elderly or sick neighbors.
Do some service for senior citizens or shut-ins in your neighborhood by
shopping, gardening or housekeeping.
Volunteer in a homeless shelter or food pantry
Contribute your services to Religious Education–Office 909-796-4308
Other – must be approved by the Religious Education Office as a suitable
Apostolic Service.
No community service hours will be given for household chores done for
any immediate or extended family members.
When completed, fill out the Service Project Sheet and submit it to the
Religious Education Office. Please keep a copy for your records.
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
Adult Confirmation
Community Service Projects
Candidate's Name: ______
Service Project:______
Organization's Contact Person:______
Phone Number:______
Dates and Times Service Performed:______
Signature of Contact Person:______
Describe your experience during the service project. What happened did you learn?
Student Signature:______
Parent Signature:______
Sponsor Registration Form
Congratulations, you have been chosen to be a Confirmation sponsor! This candidate sees in you a profound faith commitment, and knows you are someone who cares about them in faith.
TO BE COMPLETED BY SPONSOR! You may use the reverse side if necessary.
In what capacity do you know your candidate? (Friend, Relative, etc.) Please describe.
Has your candidate shared with you the sponsor expectations and program dates? Yes __ No __
Why do you want to be a sponsor?
Do you attend Mass weekly? ______Where do you usually attend Mass? ______
I have reviewed and discussed with my candidate this year’s program, it’s requirements for both candidate AND sponsor, and have prayerfully considered this opportunity to share and grow in my faith. I feel I understand that my candidate has chosen me as his/her faith mentor and the importance of this role. I accept the requirements and responsibilities outlined and will be present both for the benefit of my candidate and the program as a whole.
THIS FORM IS DUE BY October 9, 2013
Candidate registrations will be considered late/incomplete without this form (& certificate, if applicable).
Are you registered at St. Joseph the Worker Loma Linda? Yes ______No ______*
*If not, a sponsor certificate from the parish at which you are registered MUST accompany this form.
10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354
Student's Name: ______
First Last
Please have the Sponsor for the Confirmation candidate fill out this form in its entirety. Have them take it to their parish office and have their Parish's seal imprinted on this form.
Before signing please read the following Diocesan requirements for sponsors. In accordance with the laws of the Roman Catholic Church, Canon Laws #874, 892, & 893, to be a sponsor a person must:
* Be a person suitable for this role, selected by the candidates family and having the intention of fulfilling
this role.
* Be at least 18 years of age.
* Have received the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation (attach copies
* Be neither the father nor the mother of the person being confirmed.
* Be registered in a parish and is a practicing Catholic.
* Due by October 9, 2013
*If married, must be in a Sacramental Marriage and present proof with a copy of certificate.
PLEASE PRINT(Sponsor information)
NAME: ______
ADDRESS: ______
HOME TELEPHONE: ______CELL # ______
Your Baptism date and location (parish, city and state):
Your Confirmation date and location (parish, city and state):
______Date: ______/ ______/ ______
Prospective Sponsor's signature
I certify that ______is a registered member of this parish, is a practicing Catholic and is eligible to act as a Sponsor for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
______Date: ______/ ______/ ______
Signed (Pastor of prospective Sponsor's parish)
Parish: ______
City/ State: ______
Telephone: ______
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
Confirmation Name/Saint
A part of the Confirmation process is choosing a saint and waiting a report on that saint. The name of the saint you choose is the name that you will be confirmed under. As Catholics, we know the power of having Mary and the saints pray (or intercede) for us. Many saints are patrons of different things, meaning they are the special protector or supporter of certain areas. For example, St. Cecilia is the patron saint of musicians and St. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals. Whatever saint you choose, they also become your patron saint. This means that they will be looking out for you in a special way for your entire life, until one day when you meet them in heaven!
Your Saint report should include your name, the Saint you chose, what you know about the Saint, and why you chose them.
Your report should include the following facts:
When your saint lived
Where your saint lived
Important events in his or her life
Why your saint is considered holy - what about his/her life is holy?
Your saint's feast day
Why you chose this saint - what strikes you about him or her? What do you like?
Your report should follow these guidelines:
At least 300 words
The report must be in your own words - no cutting and pasting from websites
Typed, 12 pt, plain font
Cover page with saint's name, picture if possible, and your name and date
So, choosing a saint and taking on their name is not just one more thing you 'have to do' to get Confirmed. It is a huge part of this important step in your life and a reflection of the beauty of the Catholic faith.
Please, take some time to find a saint you really have a connection with. If you have any trouble deciding on a saint, just ask and we will be happy to help.
Internet resources on saints:
DUE MARCH 14, 2014
2013-2014 Confirmation Sponsor
From the earliest days of the Church, specific people chosen from the community supported those seeking communion with the Church. At your Baptism, those significant people were your parents and godparent (your baptismal sponsors) who promised that you would be raised in the faith. They professed their faith because you could not speak for yourself. Your godparents promised to help your parents. In Confirmation, you will speak for yourself and you will renew your Baptismal promises. The sponsor will stand with you and present you the Bishop for Confirmation.
In choosing a sponsor, Church law gives us some requirements that must be met:
A sponsor must be at least 18 years old.
A sponsor must be fully initiated Catholic (one who has celebrated Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) who "leads a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken."
A sponsor can be a Baptismal godparent
Parents cannot function as sponsors for the sacraments of initiation, because persons cannot be both parents and godparents to their children according to Canon Law.
Role of Sponsor
The person you ask to be your sponsor should know you will enough to be able to testify, by his or her presence before the community, that you are someone who wishes to be fully incorporated in the Church as a believing, practicing Catholic: that you are one who takes part faithfully in the Church's worship, witness, and mission.
When you are anointed with the chrism during Confirmation, your sponsor will stand beside you with a hand placed on your shoulder. This is a sign of your spiritual relationship.
When choosing your sponsor, ask yourself:
Is this person someone with whom I feel comfortable?
Does this person live near enough to me to be truly able to be a guide and support?
Will this person be willing and able to be my sponsor - to take an active role in my faith life?
Sponsor's Responsibility - It is for the sponsor to see that the confirmed person acts as a true witness to Christ and faithfully fulfills the obligation connected with this sacrament (Canon 892)
Write a report on why you chose your Confirmation sponsor:
Your report should follow these guidelines:
At least 200 words
The report must be in your own words
Typed, 12 pt, plain font
Letter to the Bishop
Once you feel that you really understand the sacrament of confirmation, and once you have decided that you wish to accept this great gift from God ,it is time to express this decision by asking to be confirmed. you will write one personal letter Address to Bishop Barnes requesting that you be confirmed. By this time you should have already have a relationship with Jesus. if you are in this class is because you already are a Catholic and you are one step closer in personally choosing your faith with the Catholic church. This is a sacrament that is taken by personal choice, not anyone else's . Please refrain from saying "to be a better Catholic," for you should explain your own personal journey in receiving this sacrament. Also include the seven sacraments and explain how you apply it in your everyday life.
The letter should clearly express the facts
(1) That receiving the sacrament of confirmation is your decision; (2)that you have prepared for the sacrament through study, instruction, and prayer; and (3) that you have already accepted the responsibility of living a more mature Christian life by being of service to the community. in the following ministry in which you are currently involved in.
Here is one example of what you might say to the bishop in your letter. Do not follow this example strictly, but do try to include the three points mentioned above. White to the bishop with seriousness and respect___ but also write from your heart."
Bishop N;
I have been preparing for the celebration of the sacrament of confirmation for quite some time, and I would like to be confirmed in my faith. i would like to be '' sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit''. As a teenager, I realize that more maturity will be expected from me. This is true of my faith life also. I would like to be strengthened by the gift of the Holy Spirit as I continue on my journey of faith.
To prepare for this sacrament, I have faithfully attended the catechetical instruction at my parish, and tried to be of service to others by( list here the specific ways you have been of service to others) In the future, I intend to continue serving my community by(list ways you intended to continue being of service after you have been confirmed.)