Notice Of Confirmation of Public Path Order

Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Sections 257

and Paragraph 1 Of Schedule 14

Public Footpaths 349 & 351 (Ash)

Diversion Order 2017

On 17 August 2017 Guildford Borough Council confirmed the above Order. The effect of the order as confirmed is to divert Public Footpath 349 running from a point 28m north west of its junction with Public Byway 518 (Grid Ref 489228 149695) in a north westerly direction for 207m to Grid Ref. 489080 149838 on to a line running from the same point in a westerly direction to Grid Ref. 489098 149681 then in a northerly direction to rejoin the definitive route at Grid Ref. 489080 149838 and Public Footpath 351 running from Grid Ref. 489080 149862 in a north easterly direction for 206m to its junction with Public Footpath 350 at Grid Ref. 489264 149942 to a line running from the same point in a northerly direction for 22m then in a north easterly direction for 200m to Public Footpath 350 at Grid Ref. 489261 149947 as shown on the order map.

A copy of the confirmed Order and the Order Map may be seen by appointment free of charge at Guildford Borough Council offices, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, GU2 4BB and at Guildford Library, 77 North Street, Guildford, GU1 4AL during opening hours. A copy of this notice may also be viewed on the Borough Council website Copies of the order and map may be bought from the Borough Council at the price of £4.00.

This order comes into force the date on which Surrey County Council certify that the terms of Article 2 of the order have been complied with but if any person aggrieved by the order desires to question its validity, or that of any provision contained in it, on the ground that it is not within the powers of the above Act, or on the ground that any requirement of that Act or any regulation made under it has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the order, he or she may apply to the High Court for any of these purposes under section 287 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 within six weeks from the date on which this notice is first published as required by paragraph [7] [8] of Schedule 14 to that Act.

DATED 30 August 2017Steve White

Director of Resources and

Deputy Managing Director

Guildford Borough Council