Saturday: Three Crucial Lessons in 2011

(Acts 4:18-31)

By Senior Pastor Dr Daniel Ho

11 September 2001 was a defining moment in modern human history. It was a turning point of the lives of people all over the world, because on that day in itself, just a few people brought, the greatest and strongest nation to its knees. Never had a nation been challenged like this, and it is this reason why, that became a watershed moment. But sometimes, defining moments, or turning points, do not have to be known all over the world by all kinds of people. Some defining moments come quietly, but are just as powerful. As an example, as taken from Galatians 4:4-5:

But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. (Galatians 4:4-5)

This was the greatest defining moment for the world, because in the fullness of God’s time, He gave His one and only Son to the world, and the world has never been the same ever since. It has cosmic implications for both heaven and earth, for hell and everything that Satan seeks to do. When the Son of God came, the whole world turned around and is no longer the same again. Defining moments may not be announced to the whole world suddenly like the event of 11 September 2001, but it can come powerfully in this way.

What is your defining moment in life? What is that turning point for you in your life?


Video that was shown (excerpt)

A gentleman by the name of Frank Thomas recently passed away, naming a few people in his will. These few people did not know who Frank was; his lawyer then explained that he was a keeper of a lighthouse. His lawyer went further to explain that many of them would not remember him, but Frank remembers them, or someone very close to them. Frank was not a man of much means, but he did leave each one of them an envelope. Upon opening each of their envelopes which contains certain items, each was puzzled at their respective ‘inheritance’. Frank’s lawyer has assured them that this was not a joke; each ‘inheritance’, no matter how insignificant and trivial, was of great value to Frank. He went through a great deal of trouble to put these into their hands. Each object in the envelope represented a turning point in Frank’s life. Each of them will also find a letter in their envelope from Frank, explaining to them the value of this gift. They were encouraged to read the letter, and may choose to do as they please after that.

Mr John Griffin was bequeathed with some dollar bills. Many years ago, before beginning work at the lighthouse, Frank was miserably unemployed, with a young family to feed. He was down to his last few dollars. The grocery bill for that day came up to $16.90. When he reached for his money to pay for the groceries, it was gone. He was humiliated and heartbroken. As he took his wife, who was carrying their baby, by the arm and started to leave, someone touched him. That man who touched Frank was John’s late father. Frank was only one minute in his presence but he will never forget him. John’s father did not have much either; but he had something that Frank really needed – he had character. It turned out that John’s father did not have enough money for his own purchases after having given the money to Frank, and had to cut back on his purchases at that point. Frank spent the last 50 years trying to pass on all he gave Frank in that single one-minute encounter. Frank is now returning the money to John.

Mrs Donna Williams was bequeathed with a stalk of rose. Frank has never thanked her for the difference she made in his life many years ago. He was watching her from the lighthouse the day she lost her daughter at the beach. What a sad day it was; she did not notice him but he cried alongside with her. He lost his own child not long after that; Frank’s child was his inspiration, his life. The loss was more than he could accept. Frank became very bitter. Life lost its lustre. Months passed, but the dark clouds stayed with him. One day when Frank visited his daughter’s grave, Donna chanced upon the downtrodden Frank, and offered him a flower for his departed loved one. He refused, and only accepted it after repeated pleas from Donna. Donna dealt with her loss and was able to carry on. Her smile gave Frank the courage to go on as well, and her flower has been Frank’s constant reminder to keep his head up regardless of the storm. Frank promised Donna to give her daughter a hug and a kiss when they meet in heaven.

Mr Richard Marks was bequeathed with a shell, the one object which Frank valued most. Frank felt it was finally time for him to return it. Many years ago, the shell belonged to Richard. Richard was young, recently married and hopelessly in love. As Frank happened to pass Richard on the beach one day, Richard did not notice Frank, but Frank could not help but notice Richard as to how happy, how dedicated he was to his young bride. Richard made Frank quite envious, as his own marriage was fading fast, but Richard and his wife set Frank’s mind racing back to a time when Frank and his wife was totally in love like Richard was and very happy. As Frank watched Richard and his wife, he heard a phrase which he has not heard in a long time – ‘I love you’. Frank heard Richard’s words every time he looked at that shell. It gave Frank the courage to swallow his pride and say ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I love you’ to his wife. Frank’s relationship with his wife became so much more enjoyable after that. Frank thanked Richard in the letter, for the power of Richard’s example and those well-placed kind words. Richard was clearly moved by Frank’s letter. Richard was then seen making a phone call to his lawyer. It turned out that Richard was undergoing divorce proceedings with his wife, and instructed his lawyers to hold on for a few days and not to proceed with the divorce paperwork. Richard then advised his lawyers that he need to give his marriage one more try. Richard then said he has never felt this good in a long, long time.

A lady was seen at John’s store, attempting to make payment for her purchases. She had no idea her purchases would have cost her so much and she did not have a credit card with her. Plus, her husband has just recently started working again. John then offered to waive the labour charges on her purchases. The reduced amount payable turned out to be equal to the sum the lady offered to pay and Frank’s bequest!


Turning points do not have to be something startling. It does not need to be known all over the world. Turning points could be small little things in life that turns your life around, gives you meaning, and gives you immense change and transformation.

What is that defining moment then, for DUMC? What is that turning point for DUMC. One such defining moment for DUMC is really one of the 3 August 2011 incident because that incident has affected the nation and attracted world attention. Reports were received from all continents around the world about what has happened at DUMC. The 3 August 2011 incident has resulted in DUMC not being the same again. The church in Malaysia is no longer the same. Why does God choose DUMC? No one knows but God must have a purpose and design for it all. Maybe we will only know the reason when we meet God face-to-face in heaven one day. God, in doing this, is trying to teach us three crucial lessons.

What are these three crucial lessons that we must come to grips with, so that in the life of the church of Malaysia, we can rise up and march on in a wonderful way?

1.  It is about authority

A clash of authority (Acts 4:18-21)

At the end of it all, who do we listen to? Who is in charge, who is in control? It was similar to the clash that the apostles of Jesus Christ had to confront. Peter and John were taken to the religious authorities at Sanhedrin and were told not to preach anymore in the name of Lord Jesus Christ:

Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” After further threats they let them go. They could not decide how to punish them, because all the people were praising God for what had happened. (Acts 4:18-21)

The highest authority in Israel at that time told Peter and John not to speak any more about Jesus, and Peter and John had to humbly say who they submit to, who they listen to, who is in charge here. Is it the Word of God, or the word of man? Is it the laws of God, or the laws of man? That is the challenge, the battle for truth. Why? At the end of it all, we will confront the issue of what is the truth. Where can truth be found? That is the question that every civilisation, every nation, every culture, every people group is confronted with. Bottom line, what is the truth and where is the truth? We should declare, unequivocally and humbly but firmly that Jesus Christ is the truth, the way and the life. He comes to the whole world and offers Himself to the world that it is Him and Him alone that everlasting hope can be found. When the apostles of Christ were told that they cannot preach about Jesus any more, they have to humbly say before the authorities in the midst of all kinds of threats against them, that they cannot help but speak about Jesus. At the end of it all, the question is who do we submit to. Here, in the life of the church and in Malaysia, we submit at the end of it all to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and what He has to say to us. It is a question of authority and the battle for truth at the end of it all.

2.  It is about clarity

A clarity of response (Acts 4:23-30)

Are we clear about how we respond? Are we sure about how to respond? If we respond the way the apostles responded we will never go wrong:

On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them. When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “You made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them. You spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of your servant, our father David: “‘Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed one. Indeed, Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen. Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” (Acts 4:23-30)

In the lives of these apostles, when challenged, they go back to the Bible. It is a biblical response that is needed in the midst of whatever challenge that we are faced with. It is coming back to the word of God, a theological understanding of the way we are wired by God, the way the church of Jesus Christ is fashioned by God. The apostles are seeking a way to respond which is consistent with the manner of God. It is then a question of who is the final authority, who do we listen to. It has to be God, and God Himself. No one else. In terms of response, it has to be something biblical, something that is from Scripture, something that is theological that reflects who God is and what we believe Him to be. Our response then will always be something that is in line with the Word of the living God.

3.  It is about consequence

A consequence of action (Acts 4:31)

As Christians, everything we do has effect and impact. What we do is being looked upon by other brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, because people look up to DUMC for leadership, example, and clarity of response. Whether we like it or not, people look to us as a moral example to them, that they learn from us. God is always wanting to bless us. That is why, it is important for us to understand that what we do has consequence: