PRESENT:Joe Caravetta Secretary

Blair Chatterson

Dale Garrett

Warren Baker

Mike Sosnowski RDEK Area A Director

Peter Molander

Brad Joseph

MISSING: Lorne Earl

Dr. Susan Rohn

Dave Beranek

Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Brad Joseph

A presentation was given by Rob Veg, Senior Planner for RDEK regarding the Elk Valley ALR Review Project. Rob advised it’s been about 1 year now since they started the field work leading up to this report. Some of the issues identified while doing the work were how does the RDEK implement the main concerns of the report and use this report as a supporting document when reviewing applications. Rob advised that this report will not be used as a block approval for ALR applications and those boundaries changes supported in the report will still have to be an individual landowner’s decision. Policy issues will probably be more complicated and it is anticipated that if the ALC accepts this report and agrees with joint submission that the process will be simplified.

The main focus of the recommendations is that the RDEK will be able to deal with the subdivision applications at the local level. There are two main requests; one is that certain nonfarm activities will be exempt such as secondary suites, small sawmills, home based business; secondly the delegation to grant subdivisions will be delegated to the RDEK Board level allowing decisions to be made locally. Rob then identified specific tenures that would be delegated to the RDEK for approving locally, such as the relative issue under 946 of the Local Government Act, applications on 4 hectares or less, land split by roads, retired farm secondary residence, those applications not impacting Agricultural capability (proof provided by a report from an Agrologist). Basically this will allow the RDEK to act on behalf of the ALC on certain agreed upon issues in making decisions regarding agricultural applications at the local level. Rob was asked some questions by the committee to clarify certain points and Rob was thanked for attending and presenting his well prepared report.

Meeting called to order at 20:10 hours

1.0 Minutes

1.1 Planning and Building committee meeting minutes for July 2, 2009 were reviewed, no comments


2.1Planning and Development Service Report for July, 2009 was reviewed,

No issues

3.0 ALR Applications

3.1 FileP709-108 –Sosnowksi/Mt. Fernie Park Area

Mike Sosnowski gave a presentation on his application advising that he is applying for approval to store sand on his property for his son’s business. The land has never been used for agricultural purposes and that the sand could be removed back to original ground to go back to agricultural land if needed. Mike then excused himself from the meeting.

Motion made by Blair Chatterson to accept the Sosnowski application, seconded by Dale Garrett. Motion passed unanimously.

4.0 Miscellaneaous

4.1 Elk Valley ALR review Project

Following comments from the committee

Peter- Fully supports the ALR review and would to see this report implemented

Brad – ALR served its purpose and needs to be reviewed, time to change the

ALR review process and this is a step in the right direction.

Blair- Would like to do more on his land, it is not farm land he

can’t doing any farming and see’s this report as a positive approach to

addressing those lands that have no agricultural capability

Warren- very good report supports it 100%, makes sense to allow local

government to deal with this and makes economic sense to reduce levels

of government to address these types of issues.

Joe- fully supports this report as well allows for more power to the locals and

more autonomy and reduce the beauarcy with these types of applications

Dale- fully supports the report and feels this will allow or open up more


Brad Joseph made a motion to fully accept and endorse the ALR review process report by the RDEK, seconded by Warren Baker. Motion passed unanimously.

Joe Caravetta Secretary

Next AAC meeting scheduled for September 15, 2009