Peralta Community College District
UNIT PLAN UPDATE Template ~ September 2009

Each discipline will complete this form to update the unit plans developed in 2008. These will be reviewed at the college level and then forwarded to the district-wide planning and budgeting process. The information on this form is required for all resource requests – including faculty staffing requests – for the 2010-11 budget year. [** FACULTY WILL FILL OUT/ *** DIVISION WILL FILL OUT]


Date Submitted: October 10, 2009
Discipline / HUMANITIES / Dean: Maurice Jones
Chair / Chair: Carlotta Campbell
Lead Faculty: Dr. Dylan Eret
Brief, one paragraph / The Humanities is an interdisciplinary field that involves the study of local and global forms in the creative arts and sciences. The main objective of studying Humanities at the College of Alameda is to explore the aesthetics of everyday life from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. As a form of general education, the Humanities encourages students to examine emerging forms of play, creativity, and innovation so that they learn to become more deeply engaged in their own lives and with the world-at-large. Through fun lectures, games, discussions, workshops, and multi-sensory projects, College of Alameda courses in the Humanities explore such exciting topics as performance, the visual arts, language, literature, poetics, semiotics, film, media, popular culture, folklore, underground movements, storytelling, humor, games, religion, music, dance, foodways, fashion, tourism, technology, ecology, and environmental studies.


Please review the program review data and the CSEP review criteria and complete the following matrix.

Baseline Data

2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / CODE / Comments
Quantitative Assessments
1. Enrollment (duplicated) / 169 / 235 / 294 / 320 / 274
2. Sections (master sections) / 5 / 8 / 9 / 11 / 8
3. FTEF / 0.90 / 1.40 / 1.73 / 2.19 / 1.60
4. FTES / 15.60 / 21.83 / 30.11 / 31.89 / 26.66
5. FTES/FTEF / 17.33 / 15.56 / 17.39 / 14.53 / 16.66
6. Program Cost
(Cost methodology is under development. Please complete the remaining items. This step to be completed later.)

Qualitative Assessments

Community and labor market relevance
Present evidence of community need based on Advisory Committee input, industry need data, McIntyre Environmental Scan, McKinsey Economic Report, etc. This applies primarily to career-technical (i.e., vocational programs). / NA
Licensure & Job Placement Rates (CTE specific)

Strategic Planning Goals**

Which of these college goals do you intend to fulfill and how? Goals in brackets [ PCCD ] are those of the district.

(1) To improve student persistence, retention and completion rates to increase student success, particularly for educationally and economically at-risk students. [Advance Student Access, Success and Equity]

(2) To continuously review, improve and develop curriculum in order to meet the changing needs of our students and community. [Build Programs of Distinction and Create a Culture of Innovation and collaboration]

(3) To communicate effectively and efficiently with internal and external constituencies in order to achieve COA’s mission. [Engage Our Communities and Partners]

(4) To improve administrative services in support of institutional effectiveness. [Develop Resources to Advance and Sustain our Mission]

I intend to fulfill ALL strategic planning goals in some manner. For (1), I plan to create an early-alert system (online and in-person, after class) for at least one course to notify students who are missing key materials, performed poorly on quizzes/assignments, or have missed a certain number of classes. In addition, I plan to focus on retention via ethnicity – especially African-American males – since, in my experience so far, some of these students tend to get “lost” in the system or do not get the attention they need to succeed in a college environment. For (2) and (3), I plan to improve my curriculum to address the life concerns and cultural backgrounds of my students. Given that students have responded well to course materials on language, media, music, and religion, I intend to expand these units more within my introduction courses in Humanities, and develop my courses in Popular Culture and World Religions. I have talked to the Dean about the increasing Yemeni and Arabic populations at the COA campus who would possibly desire a course that explores their cultural traditions in the context of American culture. Using my background as a folklorist, I have already emphasized the value of studying varieties of linguistic differences throughout my courses. For (4), I plan to work with my Chair and the Transfer Center to pilot an Honors program to help students on an individual and small-group basis. The purpose of this program is to help students secure a spot in respectable programs at various local colleges and universities within the UC and CSU systems, including Mills College. Please see Action Plan below for a detailed version of these goals.

College Strategic Plan Relevance**

Check all that apply
q  New program under development
* Program that is integral to the college’s overall strategy
* Program that is essential for transfer
* Program that serves a community niche.
q  Programs where student enrollment or success has been demonstrably affected by extraordinary external factors, such as barriers due to housing, employment, childcare etc.
Other ______

Action Plan Steps to Address Integrated Planning & Budgeting Results**

Please describe your plan for curriculum, pedagogy/instructional, scheduling, and marketing strategies. Also, please reference any cross district collaboration with the same discipline at other Peralta colleges.

ACTION PLAN -- Include overall plans/goals and specific action steps.
Curriculum – Fulfill the vision of the Humanities as a interdisciplinary field with local and global scope that attempts to explore the interfaces between cultural tradition and innovation; Establish new required, transferable, and fee-based courses such as Popular Culture, Storytelling, World Religions, Conflict Resolution, Creativity in Education, Improvisation and Performance, etc. to build departmental offerings and attract more students to our program.
Pedagogy/Instruction – Plan to experiment with more active, bodily learning techniques in classroom setting, new media technologies, speech recognition software and recording devices; Work with other instructors on best practices in the classroom; Create interdepartmental exchange programs (already working with Art/Cultural/Film Studies faculty at BCC); Write grants for technology equipment and instruction; Pilot Honors program
Scheduling – Continue to build intercampus partnerships and coalitions with other Humanities programs in PCCD, especially at BCC and Laney; Outreach to local community programs and schools
Marketing Strategies – Build upon newly-created web platform with Wordpress to establish a more attractive and user-friendly internet presence (successful so far); Bring in/train more faculty to create a continuity of appearance and reliable information portal; Distribute and post paper flyers at regular intervals across campus sites and bulletin boards to make students aware of departmental offerings.
Full Time FTEF/ Total FTEF ratio
this is where you put your total Full time faculty/your total faculty (Full time and part time combined for a ratio)
If 3 full time FTEF and Total Full time, extra serv., and temp= 12
3/12 25% of the classes taught by full time faculty. / Full Time Faculty FTEF (A) / Extra service FTEF (B) / Temp FTEF
(C) /

Total FTEF

3 / Ratio A/ (A+B+C)
1 / 0 / 2
Narrative: are PT faculty available? Can FT faculty be reassigned to this program? Implications if not filled / I request additional full-time faculty to help expand each program (especially for Philosophy) and course offerings.
Personnel / CD Enrl / Tot FTES / Contract FTEF / Ext Srv FTEF / Tmp FTEF / Total FTEF / Contract % / FTES/FTEF
253 / 26.66 / 1.0 / 0 / .60 / 1.60 / 62.5% / 16.66
Equipment/Material/Supply/ Classified/Student Assistant Needs:**
Please describe any needs in the above categories.
·  New Compact LCD/DLP Projector (XGA) and Compact Computer Speakers While C and D Building is Set to be Renovated
·  NOTE: I heavily rely on multimedia texts (audio, video, images, PowerPoint) in the classroom to make my materials more engaging and accessible to a wide variety of students.
·  In the future, I would like to request student assistance in the collection of data, scheduling, and application process while co-directing a pilot Honors program.
Facilities Needs (Items that should be included in our Facilities master Plan) for Measure A funding:**
Please describe any facilities needs.
·  20-30 Smart Classrooms (e.g., LCD Projectors, Speakers, Computer, Screen, Document Reader, Media Center, Interactive Whiteboard, Clickers, and Podium in each academic classroom).
·  Computer and Screen in Offices
·  Video Equipment, Microphones, Tripod, Digital Recording Devices, Video Editing Software, Speech Recognition Software
·  Updated Film Archives (DVDs) and Library Materials (Books)
Technology Needs **
·  New Compact LCD/DLP Projector (XGA) and Compact Computer Speakers While C and D Building is Set to be Renovated
·  NOTE: I heavily rely on multimedia texts (audio, video, images, PowerPoint) in the classroom to make my materials more engaging and accessible to a wide variety of students.

Additional Planned Educational Activities**

Health/safety/legal issues: / NA
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Have you completed Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) for all your courses? / YES__X__ / NO_____
If you answered no to the above question, then what percentage have you completed?
What are you assessing this year? Please attach your assessment results and action plan. List needed resources in Section III of Unit Plan. /
___X__ course outcomes
______program outcomes (please provide the program definition you used for your #s)
______institutional learning outcomes

III. Resources***

Budget Categories / Allocated
08/09 / Expended 08/09 / Requested 09/10 / Comments
Fund 1
Fund 14
Fund 17 / $429 / $351.84 / 500.00 / Has received $318 for the 2009-2010 academic year
Measure A
Additional Revenue (grants, fee-based, and donations etc) / Awarded/Generated
08/09 / %Expended
08/09 / Comments

Personnel Needs BASED ON FALL 2008

Faculty Diversity

Gender / # of Contract / # of Adjunct / Total
African American / 1 / 1
Native American
White / 1 / 1
Unknown / 1 / 1
Male / 1 / 1 / 2
Female / 1 / 1
TOTAL / 1 / 2 / 3

IV. STUDENT EQUITY AND Academic Performance Measures

Table X: Student Access


Discipline / Discipline / Discipline / College / College / College
EQUITY /GENDER / FA2006 / FA2007 / FA2008 / FA2006 / FA2007 / FA2008
Asian/PI / 35% / 35% / 29% / 36% / 35% / 31%
African American / 20% / 26% / 28% / 24% / 24% / 22%
Filipino / 6% / 4% / 3% / 5% / 4% / 4%
Hispanic/Latino / 12% / 7% / 9% / 13% / 14% / 12%
Native American / 0% / 0% / 2% / 1% / 1% / 1%
Other / 3% / 4% / 5% / 2% / 2% / 2%
White / 20% / 19% / 18% / 16% / 15% / 13%
Unknown / 4% / 5% / 8% / 3% / 5% / 15%
Male / 42% / 46% / 38% / 43% / 43% / 42%
Female / 57% / 53% / 59% / 56% / 56% / 54%
Unknown / 1% / 1% / 3% / 1% / 1% / 4%
Total / 268 / 322 / 253 / 5657 / 5952 / 6614


1.  Does access need to be increased?

2.  If so, how will you do this?

As stated previously (under Strategic Planning Goals), I believe that “access” needs to be expanded, rather than increased, to serve the changing populations at COA. Through conversations with my Chair and Dean, I have attempted to specify what these community needs are (such as with Arab-American students and recent immigrants), and align them with the institutional goals of student retention, curriculum development, and administrative effectiveness.


%S / %W / %S / %W / %S / %W
Asian / 60% / 23% / 70% / 13% / 68% / 15%
African American / 69% / 13% / 67% / 21% / 48% / 29%
Pacific Islander / 50% / 50% / 0% / 0% / 50% / 25%
Hispanic/Latino / 69% / 19% / 77% / 18% / 59% / 27%
Native American / 0% / 100% / 0% / 100% / 100% / 0%
White / 78% / 16% / 81% / 10% / 74% / 13%
Unknown / 75% / 10% / 74% / 11% / 64% / 26%
Male / 68% / 15% / 66% / 17% / 63% / 20%
Female / 69% / 19% / 78% / 13% / 64% / 20%
Unknown / 33% / 33% / 50% / 0% / 38% / 50%
Overall Rate / 68% / 18% / 72% / 15% / 63% / 21%
Base Number / 267 / 325 / 253
College Rates / 65% / 23% / 64% / 22% / 65% / 18%


1.  If your disciplines successful course completion rate (SCCR) is beneath the college rate, then why?

2.  If your SCCR is below the college rate, then what are you doing to increase it?

3.  If your SCCR is above the college’s rate do you have any best practices to share?

RESPONSE TO ANALYSIS: It is hard to base any conclusions on the data listed above, since they may or may not be appropriately disaggregated to reflect numbers of students within each Humanities or Philosophy class (not to mention there is no specific methodology or data set that explains how this collection is made). There are also many variables that we may be unaware of that may contribute to the “change” in numbers via ethnicity (specific instructor, face-to-face, online enrollment, time/days of class, conflict with other related classes, degree requirements., etc.) Furthermore, we do not know how this compares to other data sets within similar departments (Communication, Anthropology, History, Sociology, Psychology, African-American Studies, etc.). That said, as part of my Strategic Planning Goals and Action Plan, I intend to collect and analyze my own data to check significant changes in performance, retention, and enrollment to ensure the accuracy of data and interpretations based on this data.