Placement andincomeform

Childcare for pre-school children and schoolchildren

This form must always be completed in the event of a new placement

Administration or school

The child

Last name and first name / Girl
Boy / Personal ID number (10 digits)
Working / Studying / Parental leave / Seeking work
Last name and first name
Personal ID number (10 digits) / Phone no. (home/mobile)
Employer’s name / Phone no. (work)

Familycircumstances The information given must apply to the child’sregisteredaddress

Working / Studying / Parental leave / Seeking work
Last name and first name
Personal ID number (10 digits) / Phone no. (home/mobile)
Employer’s name / Phone no. (work)

Parent (person receiving bills)Parent/cohabitee

Street address (child’s registered address) / Post code and post town
Civil status / Living circumstances / Other information
Married / Unmarried / Registered partner / Living alone / Cohabiting / Continued on page 2

Information about income, etc. for determiningchildcarefees

If the income details requested are not provided, the maximum fee shall be charged in accordance with the applicable rate. I/we accept the maximum fee

Income relevant
to the fee / Parent (person
receiving bills)
The information
applies from: / Parent/cohabitee
The information applies from: / To becompleted byadministration
Parent (personreceiving bills) / Parent/cohabitee / Notes
Gross monthly amount (before tax)
Income from employment
Salary, remuneration, etc. including taxablefringe benefits, e.g. company car orstaff accommodation / Working hours / Working hours
Full time / Part
time / Full
time / Part
Pension and temporary disability benefit
Annuity and periodic support
Compensation from health and accident
insurance taken out in connection with
Sickness benefit, rehabilitation allowance, parental benefit and taxable care allowance
Unemployment benefit
Taxable training allowance
Income from business activities after
deductions for social security
Business/agricultural property/rental
property / Registered in BOSKO on
To be completed by administration / Total / Total / Applicable from (and including) / Administrator

The fee shall be charged for 12 months of the year. In the event of a default on payment, interest of 8% above the applicable base rate shall be charged on the overdue payment from the due date. Children whose parent/guardian has two unpaid monthly bills will lose their place after the usual reminder procedure has been carried out.


In the case of cohabiting couples with shared children, the form is to be signed by both parties. In the case of a cohabiting relationship with no shared children, the parent/guardian shall inform the cohabitee of the contents of the form and affirm the information applicable to both.

I hereby affirm that the information provided on the form is correct. I am aware of my obligation to report any changes which may affect the fee immediately. When I no longer wish to keep the place, I shall provide a written notice of cancellation. A notice period of one month shall apply.I agree to checks being carried out by the Swedish social insurance agency, the employment office and the tax authority. I have taken note of and accept the conditions of payment as indicated above.
Date / Signature / Date / Signature

The information providedeshall be handledin accordancewith theswedish personaldata act

Children placed inmunicipaland privatechildcarein Stockholm

Child’s last name and first name / Personal ID number (10 digits)
Child’s placement: Street address of day-care centre/name of child minder/name of child minder in collaborative family care system
Child’s last name and first name / Personal ID number (10 digits)
Child’s placement: Street address of day-care centre/name of child minder/name of child minder in collaborative family care system
Child’s last name and first name / Personal ID number (10 digits)
Child’s placement: Street address of day-care centre/name of child minder/name of child minder in collaborative family care system
Child’s last name and first name / Personal ID number (10 digits)
Child’s placement: Street address of day-care centre/name of child minder/name of child minder in collaborative family care system
Child’s last name and first name / Personal ID number (10 digits)
Child’s placement: Street address of day-care centre/name of child minder/name of child minder in collaborative family care system
Child’s last name and first name / Personal ID number (10 digits)
Child’s placement: Street address of day-care centre/name of child minder/name of child minder in collaborative family care system

Other information

Childcare fees

Stockholm City Council decides on the rates of childcare fees in the City of Stockholm on an annual basis.

The current rates are valid from (and including) 1 July 2010. The rates apply to pre-school children and schoolchildren enrolled in the City’s childcare system. The fee amount depends on the total number of children in the household placed in childcare, regardless of whether the children are enrolled in municipal or authorised private childcare. This information will only change if the City Council decides to change the fee rates.

Full-time rates

The full-time rates apply to pre-school children aged 1-2 who are in childcare for more than 30 hours a week. The rates are as follows:

For the first child: 3% of income, up to a maximum of SEK 1,260/month

For the second child: 2% of income, up to a maximum of SEK 840/month

For the third child: 1% of income, up to a maximum of SEK 420/month

No fee is charged for the fourth child and any further children in the household.

Part-time rates

The part-time rates apply to:

●Pre-school children aged 1-2 who are in part-time childcare for up to 30 hours a week.

●Pre-school children aged 3-5 (starting from August of the year in which the child turns 3) who are in childcare for more than 15 hours a week.


The rates are as follows:

For the first child: 2% of income, up to a maximum of SEK 840/month

For the second child: 1% of income, up to a maximum of SEK 420/month

For the third child: 1% of income, up to a maximum of SEK 420/month

No fee is charged for the fourth child and any further children in the household.

The youngest child in the household is deemed to be the first child, with the next youngest being the second child and so on. The fee is calculated based on the house-hold’s gross monthly income (see next page). The maximum amounts indicated above apply in the case of a household income of SEK 42,000/month or more. Those wishing to pay a lower fee must provide information about their household income. Checks may be carried out to verify the information provided. The fee is to be paid for 12 months of the year.

If no income details are provided, the maximum fee shall be charged!

Parents living alone or cohabiting are obliged to provide information about their income.

If the person obliged to provide information is cohabiting with someone who is not a parent of the child in question, both their incomes shall be used as a basis for calculating the fee.

See next page

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UtbF 3004 13-07 / Page 1(4)

Income relevant to the fee

Income relevant to the fee includes salary before tax and other taxable income from employment, as well as surplus income from business activities in accordance with the Swedish Income Tax Act (SFS 1999:1229).

The main types of income relevant to the fee are as follows:

A.Income from employment

●Salary, remuneration, etc. including taxable fringe benefits, e.g. company car or staff accommodation

●Pension and temporary disability benefit

●Annuity and periodic support

●Compensation from health and accident insurance taken out in connection with employment

●Sickness benefit, rehabilitation allowance, parental benefit and taxable care allowance

●Unemployment benefit

●Taxable training allowance

B.Income from business activities after deductions for social security contributions:


●Agricultural property

●Rental property

If the income is irregular or if it is difficult to predict when income will be received, the person obliged to provide income information shall calculate it for a specific period, which should not run beyond the next end of year.

If the fee has been set on a preliminary basis, the income must be subsequently verified and any adjustments made to the fee accordingly. This procedure also applies to people who are self-employed.

The fee is always calculated based on the household income at the child’s registered address.

Any information which affects the fee must be repor-ted to the administration department immediately.

The adjusted fee shall apply from the end of the month following the month in which the income or family circumstances changed.

Retroactive changes involving a reduction of the fee are usually applied for a maximum of two previous months.

Please check that the correct fee is debited in order to avoid subsequent charges. If no income details are provided or permission to carry out checks on the details provided is not granted, the maximum fee shall be charged in accordance with the applicable rate.

Part-time childcare

Part-time childcare means that a pre-school child spends up to six hours a day in care. The time the child spends in care is agreed in writing with the District Council or the childcare organiser. The child’s guardian is responsible for adhering to the agreed time in childcare.

Special rules

●Fees are debited in proportion to the number of children in the household who are enrolled in the City’s childcare system, for which charges apply, but only for up to three children. The youngest child is always deemed to be the first child, with the next youngest deemed to be the second child and so on. Children who are placed in a foster home are not taken into account.

●If the time a pre-school child spends in childcare varies from week to week, the childcare time is calculated per week, based on the week with the longest time spent in care.

Changes to the time a child spends in care can only be applied from the end of a month.

●In the case of full-time childcare, the fee depends on the number of days per month the child spends in childcare, and the length of time spent in care per day.

●Children whose parents are on parental leave to care for newborn siblings shall be offered a place in childcare for up to six hours a day during the parental leave period.

●If a child is withdrawn from his/her place in childcare and obtains a new placement within three months, a fee shall apply during the interim period. However, this shall not apply in the case of pre-school children transferring to childcare for schoolchildren or moving to another district.

●Fees shall be debited starting from the child’s first day in childcare at the earliest. Statutory general preschool education for 3- to 5-year-olds comes into effect from August of the year in which the child turns three and includes the right to free pre-school care for up to 15 hours a week.

●If the child has not been accepted in his/her childcare placement and the city has been unable to offer an alternative childcare option, the fee shall be reduced per day, by a proportion equivalent to one calendar day out of the monthly fee.

●The fee shall not be debited if the child is proven to be ill for a period of time which, taken altogether, exceeds one month.

●Children whose parents fail to pay two or more bills may be withdrawn from their place in childcare.

Withdrawing a child from a place in child-care

If the family no longer wishes to take up a child’s place in childcare, it must be cancelled in writing. A notice period of one month shall apply, starting from the date on which the written notice of withdrawal is received by the administration department. The fee shall continue to apply during the notice period.

Please submit the form to your District Council or school, where you can also find out more information.

UtbF 3004 13-07 / Page 1(4)