Distance Learning Course Revision Form

Extended Learning Institute

Form is due March 15 for courses revised for fall semester.

Form is due August 15 for courses revised for spring semester

Form is due January 15 for new courses revised for summer semester.

Please supply the requested information and email this form to Dr. Jennifer Lerner, ().

I. General Information:

Today’s date:
Faculty Name:
Campus address:
Campus phone:

II. Course Information:

Course Number and Official Course Title:

Name of Instructional Designer:

Course format: Distance course Virtual Hybrid ( a blend of online activities with a weekly synchronous online class meeting using Centra)

Calendar Option: 16-week course

16-week course with 8-week accelerated option

8-week course

Semester and year you expect to implement the revised course:

III. Approval by Academic Division Dean:

Name of Approving Division Dean:

Date Email Approval Received:

IV. Project Description

1.  Summarize the history of this course including your thoughts on the success of those students previously enrolled.

2. Which question numbers on student surveys (refer to Surveyor results) have mean scores of 2 or above? What are the most frequently-mentioned likes and dislikes by students?

3. Briefly describe the changes you propose and your reasons for the changes:

4.  Do you anticipate changes to major course elements? (i.e. exams, textbooks).

5. Do you plan to add elements? Please indicate the type of course technology and content you propose and percentage of course: (Include all that apply.)

Type / Percentage of Course
Blackboard course management software
Video elements
Centra Synchronous Virtual Classroom
Audio files for downloading onto MP3 players or “PODcasting”
In-person sessions (e.g. on campus labs)
Note: Cannot be more than 30% of total class contact hours)
Software Packages (e.g. Scientific Notebook)
Copyrighted materials you are planning to use
Not sure

I am competent with the proposed technology above.

I intend to seek training in the use of the proposed technology above

1.  Textbook information

I have chosen a textbook for this course. / Textbook Name:
I have not yet identified a textbook for this course.

5. Additional comments:

When completed, send document as email attachment to

For additional information, contact (703) 323-4289.

(Complete Part V ONLY if using eNOVA)

V. eNOVA Requirements

1.  Type of course:

Virtual Hybrid/Distance Course (blend of regular weekly synchronous eNOVA virtual class meetings with online activities) Note: All Virtual Hybrid/Distance Courses will be supported by and offered through ELI.

eNOVA-enhanced (occasional online class meetings – e.g. less than 4 virtual sessions per 16-week semester)

2. eNOVA requirements: * Must specify dates/days, times & number of “seats” to reserve.

a. Requesting a limited number of eNOVA sessions:

Number of sessions:

Specific dates:

b. Requesting weekly eNOVA sessions (Indicate days below):

First Session Date (mm/dd/yy): Last Session Date (mm/dd/yy):
Mondays / Tuesdays / Wednesdays / Thursdays
Fridays / Saturdays / Sundays

c. Requesting the following slots:

Note: Time blocks are in 1½ hour slots and available seven days a week. You will be contacted if your first choice is unavailable.

8:00 am – 9:30 am
9:30 am – 11:00 am
11:00 am – 12:30 pm / 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm / 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
9:30 pm – 11:00 pm

3. Number of seats required per session (e.g. class enrollment not to exceed 35 students)

When completed, send document as email attachment to

For additional information, contact (703) 323-4289.

ELI Course Proposal Form- Last Revised January 2006