McKay School of Education

Research Grant and Mentoring Environment Grant (MEG)


(Fiscal Year 2018)

Instructions: Complete this application using this template. Replace items in brackets with information pertinent to your proposal.

[Title of proposal]

1.  Faculty Profile

Applicant Name:





Department Chair:

Co-Applicants Name(s) and Affiliation(s):

2.  Project Profile

Requested funding:

Type of Grant / Year 1 / Year 2 / Total
MSE Research Grant / $ / $ / $
MEG / $ / Not available / $

Are you concurrently applying for a Mentoring Environments Grant (MEG)?



Please note: If you apply for a MEG and it is awarded, your MSE proposal will not be considered.

Have you received MSE funding for this project in the past three years? If so, please respond to the following questions:

Name of funded project:

Year(s) funded:

Products resulting from funded project (e.g., journal articles, book chapters, external funding):

Nature of the publication format, if relevant (e.g., type of journal, peer review, rejection rate):

Date annual report submitted (for 2-year grants):

Date final report submitted:

Indicate how you spent your previous grant monies in the tables below (add additional tables or columns, if necessary).

Year 1
Wages / Supplies / Travel
Awarded / Spent / Awarded / Spent / Awarded / Spent
$ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
Year 2
Wages / Supplies / Travel
Awarded / Spent / Awarded / Spent / Awarded / Spent
$ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $

Briefly explain how this project aligns with MSE mission and research priorities:

A strong emphasis will be placed on research that meets the MSE mission and priorities.

MSE Mission: We strive to model the attributes of Jesus Christ, the Master Teacher, as we prepare professionals who educate with an eternal perspective.

MSE Priorities: Priority will be given to proposals that meet one or more of the following:

·  Research that involves the mentoring of faculty with Continuing Faculty Status (CFS) to faculty without CFS

·  Research that involves the mentoring of assistant or associate professors who invite a full professor to serve as mentor

·  New initiatives not previously funded

·  Research that leads to refereed publications

·  Research that leads to external grants

Abstract (Limit: 300 words)

[Write a brief description of your research (or creative) project and the problem that needs to be solved; how the research addresses/fulfills this need and the possible benefits.]

Background and Importance of the Project (Limit: 2 double-spaced pages)

[Explain why this project is important. Include the following:

Problem Statement - clear and convincing rationale; relevance to real-world problem(s) and to McKay School of Education mission, department goals, and grant priorities; clear objectives and research questions.

Review of Literature - critical analysis of recent literature supporting need for the study; evidence of potential for extending existing knowledge base.]

Research Methods (Limit: 2 double-spaced pages)

[Write your main proposal here. Include the following:

·  Research questions

·  Research design

·  Methods and expectations for this project based on the unique skills you possess to conduct this project

·  Appropriateness of data analyses

·  Description of roles of participants]

Anticipated Outcomes (Limit: 1 double-spaced page)

[Explain anticipated outcomes of the project:

·  Academic deliverables (e.g., submitted or published manuscripts, conference presentations, external grant application) produced as a result of this MSE-funded research project.

·  Outline in a table detailed and realistic timelines for

o  conducting the study

o  preparing academic deliverables

o  submitting academic deliverables, including external grant application

·  Intended audience(s) for publication/presentation, and contribution to educational practice

·  Plans for peer mentoring and how this mentoring will help advance peers’ professional careers.]

Anticipated Outcomes Related to Mentoring (MEG only)

Describe the mentoring environment including items such as the following:

·  Number of undergraduate students and graduate students.

·  What, specifically, will the faculty member do to fulfill the role of mentor?

·  Will graduate students or advanced undergraduate students mentor other students? If so, how will they be involved?

·  Is the faculty member consistently pursuing scholarly work that results in tangible products appropriate to the field of endeavor (e.g., peer-reviewed publications, presentations, new curricula, policy statements, outcomes of professional activity)?

·  How much access will students have to the faculty mentor(s)?

·  Will the students be exposed to a full range of scholarly experiences (e.g., review of literature, project development, current techniques, data collection and analysis, oral and/or written presentation of work)?

·  How will the mentoring environment advance students' academic or professional careers, better prepare them for the future, integrate spiritual and secular learning, develop relationships, or accelerate student learning?

Qualifications, Experiences/Successes in Mentoring (MEG only)

Explain why you are qualified to pursue this project and highlight your experiences/successes in mentoring.

3.  Technology

Check the box if your grant has a technology component (e.g., development of software, a digital product, design of a website)

Describe in detail the technology component of your research here. If the technology component of your proposal requires more than 40 hours of work, you must complete the MSE Technology Project Proposal available at

4.  Project Budget

Year 1 / Year 2
(MSE only) / Total Years 1-2 / % of funds
Student Wages
·  Number of Undergraduate Students/Hourly Wage/Number of Hours
·  Number of Graduate Students/Hourly Wage/Number of Hours / [Must be at least 65%]
Travel / [Max. of $2,250/year]

Budget Narrative: [Include a clear narrative of each budget line-item to show adequacy and appropriateness of expenditures. The following guidelines apply:

·  Up to $20,000 per year up to 2 years (MSE only); $20,000 for one year (MEG)

·  An important purpose of the MSE Grants is to fund student opportunities to participate in research. At least 65% of the budget should go to student wages (for MSE grants only). Therefore, you must provide strong justification if you deviate from this percentage.

·  If purchasing equipment and/or software, please specify type, brand, and cost. You must work with Steve Burton to make approved purchases. All equipment is the property of the MSE and must be inventoried with Steve Burton.

·  The maximum amount allowable for travel is $2,250 per year (MSE only).

Priority is given to data collection travel. Student and/or researcher conference travel will be supported only if presenting on this research project and a strong justification is provided.]

5.  Faculty Agreement to Terms and Conditions of MSE Research Grant and MEG Funding

I understand and agree to the following conditions outlined in this proposal:

·  If I receive a MSE Research Grant or MEG funding I will be required to strictly follow my approved proposal, including budget expenditures and applying for external grant funds. I will submit in writing any deviation from my proposal to the associate dean to be reviewed for approval by the dean. Not adhering to my approved proposal could result in future funding restrictions.

·  If I have included equipment and/or software in my proposal, I agree to:

o  Purchase only equipment and/or software listed in this proposal that have been approved for purchase.

o  Work with Steve Burton to make all approved technology-related purchases.

o  Inventory all equipment with Steve Burton, as equipment purchased through these funds is the property of the MSE and must be inventoried.

·  If I have additional equipment/software needs not specified in my proposal that are required to complete the project, I will submit a request to the associate dean for consideration by the dean.



6.  Department Chair Endorsement & Submission

[Department chair provides an endorsement here, including a recommendation for funding, based upon the applicant’s ability to complete this project within the timeframe proposed, alignment with applicant’s research focus, etc. ]

Do Not Fund (explain)

Fund with Amendments (explain)

Fund as Proposed

MEG Submission Instructions: submit at using the MEG/MSE template by October 19, 2017. The department chair endorsement letter deadline is Thursday, October 28, 2017.

MSE Submission Instructions:

Submit your proposal via email to your department chair saved in the following format: Lastname_first_MSE_Grant.doc by October 19, 2017.

The department chair will then attach a statement regarding the proposal and if approved, will submit your proposal and his/her statement to the MSE Research and Grants Committee at by October 26, 2017.


MSE Research Grant and MEG Proposal Template

September 2017