Order Entry / Work Order Review

Belting Work-Order Review: Item Inquiry #1

All the belt pieces that meet the width and length requirements are displayed. Notice that some of the Slab and Piece numbers are enclosed with red brackets. This indicates they are step cut pieces. An “X” can be placed beside that piece of belt to display the belt map.

After Entering the order number in #5 Conveyor Belt Allocation Process, all the belt pieces that meet the width and length requirements are displayed. Notice that the Slab # and Piece # fields have red brackets around them. This indicates that the piece is a step cut piece. The belt piece can be viewed by placing an ‘X’ beside it and then pressing <ENTER> or clicking <OK>. To select a belt piece to cut double click on the piece.

After selecting the piece the next screen allows you to cut the belt. The belt slab and piece number is listed with the belt’s width and length. The type field must be filled in to tell how the belt will be cut. The choices for this field are CT for cut, SL for slit, and SC for step cut.

For this example the belt will be slit and then cut. The Type field is filled in with SL for slit and 1 is entered for the number of slits. Next, the Width field is filled in with 36 and the length is entered as 650. The reason for entering the entire length of the belt piece that is being cut is so that the piece will be slit all the way through. Press <ENTER> or click <OK>.

Two pieces will now be shown. The 36” piece will need to be cut to a length of 100’. The Type field is entered with CT for cut and 1 is entered for the number of cuts. Then the length is entered as 100. Press <ENTER> or click <OK>.

Three pieces of belt are listed. A piece of belt 36” x 100’ now exists. Press the <Accept> button.

The next screen allows the belt piece to be selected for the order. To do this, the return location fields must be blanked out on the piece of belt to be sold. The return locations for the belt pieces that are being returned should be changed on this screen if needed. Press the <Accept> button.

The belt piece now has an “X” placed beside it. Press <ENTER>or click <OK>.

Theper-foot price and cost of the belt piece is shown on this screen. Press the <Accept> button.

The pieces of belt are re-displayed. If a mistake has been made, the <Re-construct> button can be pressed to start over by erasing the cuts that have been made to the belt piece. .

The Work Order Final Review screen is shown. If any changes need to be made to the work-order leave the Work-order complete field un-checked (Y/N). This allows the work-order to be reviewed again and the belt pieces reconstructed if needed. If the work-order is complete, click on the Work-Order complete field to check it. Click <OK> or press <ENTER>.

Step Cut Belts

The screen shown below allows you to enter the type of cut to be used. If this had been a step cut piece the belt map would have been shown instead. For this example the belt will be Step Cut.

Enter in SC for Step Cut in the Type field and click <OK> or <ENTER>.

A picture of the step cut belt is shown. The upper portion of the belt is the left side. The lower portion of the belt is the right side. The front and back sides of the belt are labeled on the screen. Fill in the Location, Width and Length fields. The choices for the Location field are as follows:

Left Front, Right Front, Left Back, Right Back, Front Front, and Back Back.

To cut this belt, Left Front is selected in the Location field. The Number of Cuts and Slits fields have a number 1 already filled in them so they may be skipped. The Length and Width fields must be entered with the dimensions for the belt. If you want a belt map to print for each cut that is made leave the Print Tag field checked. If you don’t want a tag until all cuts are made un-check the field and re-check the field when making the final cut.

Press <ENTER> or click <OK>. The area that has been selected will be shaded. If this is not the cut that is needed press the <Refresh> button to Refresh the screen and start over. Print Diagram.

Press the <Accept Entry> button to finish the cut. The shaded piece will disappear. Press the <EXIT> button.

The belt piece will now be shown. Press the <Accept> button.

The belt piece and the Return Locations fields are shown.

Blank out all four of the Return Location fields of the belt piece for this order. Doing this is what ties the belt piece to the order. The Return Location fields for any additional pieces that will be returned to stock can be changed if needed. If a piece of belt will be scrapped, enter in the appropriate code. Press the <Accept> button.

The belt piece now has an “X” placed beside it. Press <ENTER> or click <OK>.

The per-foot price and cost of the belt piece is shown on this screen. Press the <Accept> button.

The Work Order Final Review screen is shown. If any changes need to be made to the work-order leave the Work-order complete field un-checked (Y/N). This allows the work-order to be reviewed again and the belt pieces reconstructed if needed. If the work-order is complete, click on the Work-Order complete field to check it. Click <OK> or press <ENTER>.

Magnatron Order Entry Module