Exam Proctor Information.

"Open Notes Exam"

Dear Proctor,

You have been asked to oversee the student while they are taking an exam to be sure they follow the "rules" and receive no outside help. You qualify by being physically close to the student as they take the exam. If you are willing to do this, please have the student does the following:

1. Take the computer-based exam at a computer within your general eyesight. It doesn't need to be close, but you need to be close enough to see the student's activity when you choose to. The monitoring does not need to be constant eyesight, but you should review the student's activity as frequently as required.

2.This proctored exam is:

a. Open notes. The student may use anything on paper that the student produced: lecture notes, printouts of spreadsheets, formula sheets, homework printouts. However, the student may use no published books, CDs, "stick drives", etc. The computer can be used for only the exam taking, no WEB browning, emailing, Excel, Word.

b. Calculator Only. The student may use a basic hand held calculator only without any survey chips or programs.

c. No personal assistance. No person should be giving the student assistance during the exam. The student is very aware of how to operate WebCT for taking the exam.

d. No cell phone use. The cell phone could be used for student-to-student discussion.

e. Exam materials are not to be printed, copied, or saved.

3. If you see anything being done outside of these "rules", you should request that the student stop from doing the activity.

4.If a student does not stop, or you feel that the exam has been compromised, please feel free to contact me with the details:

Prof. Dave Gibson

UF Geomatics

Office: email: , Phone: 352-392-4995

Home: email: ,Phone: 352-591-2804

If there are no incidents, you do not need to contact me. I THANK YOU for assisting in this process.