Fly Submission Guideline

1.  Please submit a total of 6 finished flies for each pattern submitted. This allows us to hold a reference sample at Orvis, supply a photo sample to our photographer, plus provide our manufacturer a proof samples for themselves and their factory.

2.  Clearly outline the materials in recipe format. Hook type, range of hook sizes pattern is tied in, various color offerings, body material, wing material, tailing fibers, etc. If a unique material is used in the construction of the fly, please list the source of the material.

3.  Provide numbered steps for tying each submitted sample. By outlining the proper tying steps, the manufacturer can replicate the sample as closely as possible. Also, tying steps are often required if the fly pattern is chosen for our Fly of the Month feature in the Orvis News publication, or the Hot Fly of the Month feature on

4.  A short biography of where the fly is fished, at what time of year, during what hatches, how the fly is fished, and any testimonials of successful fishing days. All of these information points are needed to promote the fly in marketing efforts. New flies are commonly used in the Orvis News and the placement is determined by marketability of each pattern.

5.  A short biography of the Fly Tyer. Also needed to promote the credibility of the pattern. Please list out any previous articles, guiding experience, fly-tying or fly-fishing awards. Also, please add current contact information so we can send royalty checks.

6.  All of the above should be sent to The Orvis Company, Attn: Shawn Brillon, 178 Conservation Way, Sunderland, VT. 05250


Submission # Name of Pattern______(6 samples submitted)

Fly Recipe



Body 1:

Body 2:

Wing 1:

Wing 2:

Tail Fibers:

Accent Material:

Fly Tying Steps: (use back of sheet or attach with staple if extra space is needed)

Fly Biography: (use back of sheet or attach with staple if extra space is needed)

Fly Tyer Biography and Contact information: (use back of sheet or attach with staple if extra space is needed)