
Rogers’ Chemistry

Final Review Sheet

  1. Define and give an example of a (an):
  2. Compound
  1. element
  1. mixture
  1. heterogeneous mixture
  1. homogeneous mixture
  1. qualitative observation
  1. quantitative observation
  1. chemical property
  1. physical property
  1. intensive property
  1. extensive property
  1. Are the following elements or compounds
  2. Hydrogen
  1. water
  1. gold
  1. sugar
  1. Name the Si base unit for the following measurements
  2. Length
  3. Volume
  4. Mass
  5. Temperature
  6. The density of ethanol is 0.798 g/mL. What is the mass of 17.4 mL of ethanol?
  1. Convert:
  2. 46 grams  milligrams
  1. 35 nanometers  picometers
  1. 289 kilobytes  decibytes
  1. Express the following numbers in scientific notation:
  2. 0.000000027
  1. 356
  1. 47,764
  1. 0.096
  1. Express the following as decimals
  2. 1.52 x 10-2
  1. 7.78 x 10-8
  1. 9.34 x 106
  1. How many sig figs are in the following numbers?
  2. 4867
  1. 56
  1. 60,104
  1. 2900
  1. 40.2
  1. 8900.
  1. 0.7
  1. Carry out the following operations and express your answer in the correct number of sig figs
  2. 5.6792 + 0.6 + 4.33
  1. 3.70 – 2.9133
  1. 4.51 x 3.6666
  1. (3000 + 6.827)/(0.043 – 0.021)
  1. Name the three types of radiation and the symbol for each
  1. Complete the following nuclear equations.

a. 28Al  _____ + 

b. ______ 234Th + 

c. 210Bi  ______+ 

d. 35S  ______+ 

  1. Fill in the following chart:

Substance / Atomic Mass / Atomic Number / Protons / Neutrons / Electrons
  1. Complete the following isotope chart:

Symbol / # Neutrons / # protons / # electrons / Atomic mass
2 / 1
7 / 6
21 / 19
82 / 206
  1. Strontium consists of four isotopes with masses of 84 (abundance 0.50%), 86 (abundance of 9.9%), 87 (abundance of 7.0%), and 88 (abundance of 82.6%). Calculate the atomic mass of strontium.
  1. Naturally occurring europium (Eu) consists of two isotopes was a mass of 151 and 153. Europium-151 has an abundance of 48.03% and Europium-153 has an abundance of 51.97%. What is the atomic mass of europium?
  1. Write the formulas for the following:
  2. Sodium oxide
  1. iron (II) sulfide
  1. barium fluoride
  1. dihydrogen tetroxide
  1. Cobalt (IV) Phosphate
  1. Write the names of the following compounds
  2. Li2CO3
  1. C2H5
  1. FeO
  1. PF3
  1. HF
  1. H3PO4
  1. On the periodic table below label the: metals, nonmetals, metalloids, transition metals, halogens, alkali metals, noble gases, s block, p clock, d block, f block.

  1. Using the periodic table below show the trends of ionization energy, electro negativity, and atomic radius.
  1. How many moles of Fe are present in 24.6 grams of Fe2O3?
  1. Write the empirical formulas for the following molecules
  2. C2N2
  1. C9H20
  1. Al2Br6
  1. Na2S4O6
  1. TiCl4
  1. What is the difference between an ionic compound and a covalent compound? How do you tell the difference?
  1. How many particles are in the following:
  2. 5.10 moles of Sulfur
  1. 17.5 moles of water
  1. 87.5 grams of carbon dioxide
  1. 12 grams of steam
  1. 345.8 grams of H3PO4
  1. Calculate the molar mass of the following:
  2. SO3
  1. CH4
  1. K2SO4
  1. Li2CO3
  1. Al(OH)3
  1. Co3(PO4)4
  1. Calculate Percent composition of the following:
  2. SnO2
  1. CHCl3
  1. NH3
  1. NH4OH

26. Using the following percents, figure out the empirical formula of the compound:

  1. Allicin, which smells like garlic, is 44.4% Carbon, 6.21% H, 39.5 % S, and 9.86 % Oxygen.
  1. A compound with 2.1% H, 65.3 % O and 32.6% S
  1. A compound that is 40.1% C, 6.6% H and 53.3% O

27. Determine the molecular formula for the following

  1. Empirical formula: CH3 Molar Mass: 30.0 grams/mole

b. Empirical Formula C2H3OMolar Mass: 172.0 grams/mole

c. Emperical formual AlCl3 Moalr Mass: 667.5 grams/mole

28. Balance the following equations:

a. _____ K2O + _____ H2O  _____ KOH

b. _____ KClO3  _____ KCl + _____ O2

c. _____ C6H5OH + _____ O2  _____ CO2 + ______H2O

d. _____ Fe + _____ S  _____Fe2S3

e. _____ Na + _____ HOH  _____NaOH + _____H2

f. _____ NaCl + _____ H2SO4  _____ Na2SO4 + _____HCl

g. _____KI + _____ Pb(NO3) 2  _____PbI2 + _____ KNO3

h. _____ Al + ______H2SO4  _____ Al2(SO4) 3 + _____H2

i. _____ Cu + _____ H2O  _____ CuO + _____ H2

j. _____ Al(NO3) 3 + _____ NaOH  ____ Al(OH) 3 + ___ NaNO3

29. Write the word equation for the following reactions:

  1. N2H4 + H2O2 N2 + H2O
  1. Pb(NO3)2 + NaCl  PbCl2 + NaNO3
  1. Mg + AgNO3 Mg(NO3)2 + Ag
  1. K3PO4+ Ca(NO3)2 Ca3(PO4)2 + KNO3

30. Turn the following sentences in chemical equations. (And Balance)

  1. Aluminum is a good choice for outdoor furniture because it reacts with oxygen in air to form a thin protective coating of aluminum oxide.
  1. When barium chloride is allowed to react with silver nitrate, barium nitrate and silver chloride are both produced.

31. Count and write down the number of atoms for each different element in the following compounds.

  1. LiOHb. Ag(NO3)2

c. 3 BeCl2d. (NH4)3P

e. 6 C3H6f. 4 Al2(CO3)3

32.Identify which one of the five types of chemical reactions the following reactions are: (They are not balanced, this is OK)

  1. C5H7 + O2 CO2 + H2O
  1. AgNO3 + Cu  Cu(NO3)2 + Ag
  1. S + O2 SO3
  1. NaCl + CaF2 NaF + CaCl2
  1. C2H2O  C + H2 + O2
  1. Ethylene (C2H4 ) reacts with oxygen gas to produce carbon dioxide and water. If you start with 45 grams of ethylene, how many grams of carbon dioxide will be produced?
  1. Given the equation: HCl + Na2SO4 NaCl + H2SO4
    If you start with 20 grams of hydrochloric acid, how many grams of sulfuric acid will be produced?

35.Given the following equation: LiOH + KCl  LiCl + KOH

a.I began this reaction with 20 grams of lithium hydroxide. What is my yield of lithium chloride?

b.I actually produced 6 grams of lithium chloride. What is my percent yield?

36. 6 CO2 + 5 H2O  C6H10O5 + 6 O2

If 4.58 grams of carbon dioxide is reacted with 18.6 grams of water how much oxygen gas is produced? What is the limiting reactant? How much of the excess reactant is left?

37. NaCl + AgNO3 ---> NaNO3 + AgCl

How much silver chloride is produced if 18.8 grams of NaCl is reacted with 25.9 grams of AgNO3? What is the limiting reactant? How much of the excess reactant is left?

38. Write the net ionic equations for the following:

a. __Na2S(aq) + __ZnCl2(aq) - __ZnCl2 (s) + __NaCl(aq)

b. __NaCl (aq) + _ Ag(C2H3O2) (aq) →__Na(C2H3O2) (aq) + __AgCl (s)

c. __Ca(OH)2 (aq) + __H3PO4 (aq) →___H2O (l) + _____ Ca3(PO4)2 (s)

d. _____ HNO3(aq) + ____ Ni (s) →____ Ni(NO3)2 (aq) + _____ H2 (g)

39. A gas takes up 36.7 L of space at STP. How many moles of gas are present?

40. At a pressure of 654 mm Hg a gas occupies 34.9 L. How much space will it occupy at 4.1 atm?

41. A sample of argon gas is kept in a 2.3 L container and at 320C is exerts a pressure of 4.7 atm. How many moles of gas are there?

42. A gas occupies 5.6 L at a temperature of 564 K, how much space will it occupy at 340 K?

43. Nitrogen monoxide reacts with oxygen to produce nitrogen dioxide. If 9.0L of NO are reacted with excess oxygen at STP, how many grams of nitrogen dioxide is produced?

44. S + O2 SO2

If 2.54 grams of S are reacted with oxygen, how many liters of SO2 are produced if the reaction takes place at 30.8 oC and 1.12 atm?

45. A mixture of gases contains three gasses. There pressure are 3.45 atm, 987 torr, and 345 mm Hg. What is the total pressure of the mixture in atm?

46. What is the difference between an ideal and a real gas?

47. What is the difference between an exothermic and an endothermic reaction? Give an example of each.

48. What is the wavelength of light in nm that has a frequency of 8.6 x 1013 Hz?

49. Calculate the energy of a photon with wavelength 624 nm.

50. Electrons can be described as both ______and ______.

51. What are the four quantum numbers and what do they represent?

52. Write the electron configuration of the following :

a. P

b. K+

c. Cu+4

53. Write the SHORT HAND configuration for the following:

a. Cl

b. Ni

c. Au

54. What is Hund’s rule?

55. Why isn’t the following an acceptable set of quantum numbers? ( 2,4,1,+1/2)

56. Draw the orbital diagram for Oxygen

57. List the three phases of matter and the major properties of each.

58. Draw the following molecules (lewis structures) and determine if they are polar or nonpolar:

a. PCl3

b. CH4

c. CH3OH

d. SO2

e. SF6

59. Determine what INTERMOLECULAR force(s) are present in each of the above.

60. What is resonance? Draw a compound that shows resonance.

61. A hydrate is a compound that contains ______. Write the formula for Magnesium Chloride pentahydrtae.

62. What is the molarity of a solution that conatins 45.8 grams of NaCl dissolved in 450ml of water?

63. How many grams of magnesium oxide are present in 670 mL of a 5.4 M solution?

64. Label the following diagram:

65. Indicate what each of the letters represents in the following diagram:

66. Use the solubility curve below to answer these questions:

a. what type of compounds decrease in solubility as temperature increase?

b. how many grams of NaCl can be dissolved in 50 grams of water at 50OC

c. At 95OC what two compounds have roughly the same solubility?

d. how many moles of NH3 should be added to 75 g of water at 25OCto make a saturated solution?

67. What is the difference between an acid and a base? What do all acids have? What do all bases have?

68. What is the pOH, [H+] and [OH-] of acid rain with a pH of 4.82?

69. Calculate the pH of a 0.3 molar solution of hydrochloric acid.

70. Calculate the pOH of a 0.004 molar nitrous acid solution.

71. Explain the purpose of a titration and how they work.

72. Define oxidation and reduction.

73. Balance the following Redox reaction using the electron method:

MnO4- + Cl- Mn+2 + Cl2