Mr. Matthew Hall
August 9, 2017
United States History (10th Grade): Prehistory-1877
SpainParkHigh School
Tenth Grade United States History and Geography
Course Description:United States History and Geography Prehistory-1877 is a required social studies course in Alabama schools. The tenth grade United States history course begins with the earliest discoveries of the Americas and the establishment and evolution of the United States of America to Reconstruction.
Course Text: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s The Americans by Danzer, Klor de Alva, Krieger, Wilson, and Woloch.
Grading Policy: Grades will be based on a weighted scale. The scale of grades is the following:
60% - Summative (Tests, Projects, Research Paper, etc.)
30% - Formative (Class/Homework and Quizzes)
10% - Daily (Bellringers, End of Class Review Questions)
- Blue/Black pens
- Color pencils
- Binder
- Loose Leaf Paper
- First 9 Weeks: Discovery and Colonization of the Americas (Prehistory-1776) – three chapter tests & one unit Test (Chapters 1-3)
- Second 9 Weeks: Establishment of the United States of America (1776-1812) – three chapter tests & one unit test (Chapters 4-6)
- First Semester Exam (Chapters 1-7)
- Third Nine Weeks: Expansion of America (1800-1848) – three chapter tests & one unit test (Chapters 7-10)
- Fourth Nine Weeks: Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877) – three chapter tests (Chapters 10-13) and one unit test
- Second Semester Exam (Chapters 8-13)
Classroom Rules:
- Be prompt to class
- Be prepared to work (bring pens, binder, textbook, etc.)
- Be professional in your work
- Be courteous and respectful to others
Classroom Procedures:
- Arrive to class on time and pick up daily bellringer off the front desk
- Begin work on the instructional primer
- Instruction will begin promptly after recording the classroom roll
- No student will be dismissed from class until instruction is completed (includes requests to use the bathroom, throw trash away, etc.)
- All classes will be dismissed by the teacher (not the bell)
Classroom Policies:
- All work turned into the teacher will only be in blue/ black ink. Pencil will be used only on maps. If any work is completed in pencil it will be penalized a letter grade.
- Late work!!!All assignments are expected to be turned in on the day scheduled. Any assignments turned in late will be penalized a letter grade for each day it is turned in late.If you do not put your name on an assignment it is 10% of your grade.
- Makeup Work!!! Students must have an excused absence to make up any missed assignments. All notes must be turned into the attendance officer in the office before making up any assignments. Any assignments completed without an absence being excused for that day will be a zero!Please check my website to see if the assignments have been posted to help you keep current if you are absent. Makeup work can be scheduled before or after school and during AO period.
- Students are responsible for all rules in the student handbook.
I encourage parents to be highly involved in the academic work of their teenagers. I welcome the opportunity to meet with any parent regarding their child’s progress in my class. Please call the school at 439-1400 ext. 7816 or email me (best way to reach me) at to contact me. Upon receiving your message, I will respond at my earliest convenience. Also, you can keep up with the assignments and itinerary atmy homepage:
Please sign this form and return to Mr. Hall.
I have read Mr. Hall’s Tenth Grade United States History Syllabus 2015-2016 school year.
Student Signature Date
Parent Signature Date