HarfordCounty Division of Emergency Operations &
The HarfordCounty Local Emergency Planning Committee
Incident Command Training from “Our Town”, Emergency Professionals Consulting Group, LLC
Harford County, Maryland will be host to a week long training session featuring “Our Town” of Pittsboro, North Carolina and instructor John Bierling. Training activities will focus around a large scale, very realistic, Tabletop Simulator. The focus of the sessions will be Incident Command, in particular, command at a large scale, disaster type situation. Training will focus on use of the National Incident Management System.This is our 19th year sponsoring the simulator training and find it to be one of the best and most realistic situations you can put students in to learn the complexities of a major event.
Training Schedule for the 2010 Session is as follows:
MondayJuly 19Major Hwy & Transportation Incidents0830 – 1600 hrs.
TuesdayJuly 20Law Enforcement Scenarios0830 – 1600 hrs.
TuesdayJuly 20Fire / EMS / Rescue Scenarios1900 – 2200 hrs.
WednesdayJuly 21EOC / Continuation of Operations Plans0830 – 1600 hrs.
ThursdayJuly 22Haz Mat and WMD Scenarios0830 – 1600 hrs.
FridayJuly 23DetentionCenter / Mass Arrest Scenarios0830 – 1600 hrs.
Highlighted classes are EVENING sessions.
Session listings show which agency would serve as the lead response group that time period. Any session will offer a role for those attending. Each day is a stand alone training session featuring different lead groups. There is no requirement you attend more than one day. If you cannot make it on the date your primary group is shown feel free to register for another session. There will be only one session for Fire and EMS this year, Tuesday evening.This session will be offered to any Fire/EMS Organization willing to take the lead. If no one else expresses interest, Chief 5-9 will once again guide the scenarios for Tuesday evening.
This year we will be changing our focus on Wednesday. Activities will be centered around COOP (Continuation of Operations Plans) and Municipal Government. If you want to participate please bring your local plans and put them to the test during this session.
LOCATION: Level Volunteer Fire Company
3633 Level Village Road
Havre De Grace, Maryland 21078
Phone: 410-734-6880
Continental style breakfast and full lunch will be provided each day at no cost to the student.
Drinks of some type will be available all day for those attending. Snacks and drinks will be provided for evening sessions, no meal…
Training is open to any individual who may be involved in any fashion with the planning for,or response to, an emergency, disaster situation or catastrophic event. Encouraged to attend are elected and administrative officials at all levels of government, public schools, public health officials, health care facilities, public works personnel, business, industry and public utilities.
Pre-registration is required. Please contact the Harford CountyEOC at 410-638-4900
At time of registration you will be asked to provide a total number attending from your agency, name of a contact person and a phone number should any questions arise prior to class date.
This training is supported by grant funding, there is no charge to those who attend.In today’s fiscally strapped economy there are not many training opportunities like this available, so please don’t miss out on this valuable NIMS based Incident Management Training!
For specific questions about the training (not to register for the class…) please contact:
Michael Brunicke
Public Safety Manager, Special Operations
HarfordCounty Division of Emergency Operations
2220 Ady Road
Forest Hill, Maryland 21050
410-879-5091 FAX
CommandSchoolGeneralFlyer2010Revision lam
Revised April 7, 2010