Organizing your Workplace
The Real Story about union dues (Federal)
- The Canada Labour Code says that $5 is required for the sign-up process.The $5 initiation fee is a formality required by the law. It shows a material commitment to the union. For that reason, the union is not allowed to pay it and must ask you for the money.
- There are no initiation fees when you join Teamsters Local Union 879.
- You start paying union dues only when you obtain your first collective agreement.
- The cost of union dues is 3 times your hourly wage, paid once a month.
- Remember that you can claim your dues on your taxes at income tax time.
- A vote can take place once 35% of the employees have signed membership cards.
Your Rights to Organize Under the Law
In all parts of Canada, employees have a legal right to be union members, to organize, support, and participate in union activities. The Canada Labour Code says: “Every employee is free to join the trade union of his/her choice and participate in its lawful activities”. Below is a list of your legal rights. We invite you to take a look and if you think any of your rights have been violated, call or email your local representative.
What Your Employer Can and Cannot Do:
You should expect that in most cases that your employer will be against employees organizing and becoming unionized. This is normal.By building the Union and your team, you can overcome the obstacle management will place in your path.As you build your organization suspect that your supervisor will break the law.Warn your co-workers that many of the itemized infractions below will happen.Unionsupporters should note any questionable company activity and report it immediately to your Teamster representative.They will try to frighten you by indicating they will close the Office or move.They will indicate they head hunt those responsible – let us know when you see this immediately!
The Employer Cannot…
- Attend any union meeting, park across the street from a meeting site or engage in any undercover activity which would indicate that the employees are being kept under surveillance to determine who isparticipating in the union.
- Tell employees that the company will fire or discipline them if they engage in union activity. Lay off, discharge, or discipline any employee for union activity.
- Grant employees wage increases, special concessions or benefits in order to keep the union out.
- Ask employees about union matters, meetings, etc.
- Ask employees what they think about the union or a union representative.
- Ask employees how they intend to vote or if they are going to vote.
- Threaten employees with reprisal for participating in union activities. For example, threaten to move the plant or close the business, curtail operations or reduce employees’ benefits.
- Promise benefits to employees if they reject the union.
- Give financial support or other assistance to a union.
- Announce that the company will not deal with the union.
- Ask employees whether or not they belong to a union, or have signed up for union representation.
- Ask the employee, during the hiring interview, about his/her affiliation with a labour organization or how he feels about unions.
- Purposely team up non-union employees and keep them apart from those supporting the union.
- Transfer workers on the basis of union affiliations or activities.
- By nature of work assignments, create conditions intended to get rid of employees because of his/her union activity.
- Fail to grant a scheduled benefit or wage increase because of union activity.
- Deviate from company policy for the purpose of getting rid of a union supporter.
- Promise employees a reward or future benefits if they decide to join a union.
- Tell employees overtime work (and premium pay) will be discontinued if the business is unionized.
- Say unionization will force the company to lay off employees.
- Say unionization will do away with vacations, flight privileges or other benefits and privileges presently in effect.
- Promise employees promotions, raises or other benefits if they get rid of the union or refrain from joining the union.
- Start a petition or circular against the union or encourage or take part in its circulation if started by employees.
Jim Killey
Membership Development Coordinator
Teamsters Local Union 879
Toll free: 1-800-528-8879
Cell: (289) 260-1613