CATEGORY / NUMBER OF BODIESA. Departmental Bodies / 12
A1.Department of State / 1
A2.Functions with Distinct Branding / 0
A3.Ministerial Councils / 3
A4.Joint Commonwealth-State Bodies / 4
A5.International Bodies / 3
A6.Advisory Bodies / 1
B. Departmental Bodies Recognised in Legislation / 1
B1.Statutory Authorities, Statutory Committees and Royal Commissions / 1
B2.Statutory Office Holders / 0
B3.Business Operations / 0
C. Prescribed Agencies under the FMA Act / 2
D. Commonwealth Authorities under the CAC Act / 1
E. Statutory Corporations
(that are neither Commonwealth Authorities nor encompassed in an FMA Act Agency) / 0
F. Commonwealth Companies under the CAC Act / 1
F1.Limited by Guarantee / 1
F2.Limited by Shares / 0
G. Other Companies / 8
G1.Limited by Guarantee / 4
G2.Limited by Shares / 4
H. Other Entities / 2
H1.Partnerships and Joint Ventures / 2
H2.Incorporated Associations / 0
H3.Trusts / 0
TOTAL / 27
List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009
Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (theDepartment)
Creation Date: / 3 December 2007
Established By/Under: / Australian Constitution, also Administrative Arrangements Order
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 63 of the Public Service Act 1999 (PS Act)
GFS Classification: / GGS
Materiality: / Material
ABN: / 46 252 861 927
Web Site: /
The Department develops resources, energy and tourism policy advice.
Departments of State are recognised under section 64 of the Constitution, the Administrative Arrangements Order, the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 and the PSAct.
Ministerial Council on Energy(MCE)
Creation Date: / 18 March1986
Constituted By: / Commonwealth, State and Territory ministers responsible for energy policy. New Zealand has full membership and voting rights when ‘Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement’ issues are being considered, otherwise, like the Papua New Guinea Minister for Petroleum and Energy, New Zealand has observer status.
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Council was established by the Council of Australian Governments to be the national policy body for the Australian energy market, including for electricity and gas.
Ministerial Council on Mineral and Petroleum Resources(MCMPR)
Creation Date: / 8 June 2001
Constituted By: / Minister for Resources and Energy, and State and Territory Ministers responsible for minerals and petroleum. Observers include the NewZealand Associate Minister for Energy, the PapuaNew Guinea Ministers for Mining and Petroleum and Energy and the Timor-Leste Secretary of State for Natural Resources.
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Council convenes to discuss the progressive and sustainable development of the Australian mining, minerals and petroleum industry. Ministers typically meet annually. The Council is supported by a Standing Committee of Officials, which meets two or three times each year.
Tourism Ministers’ Council (TMC)
Creation Date: / 1959
Constituted By: / Commonwealth, State and Territory Tourism Ministers, or their representatives, and the NewZealand Tourism Minister or representative. Norfolk Island and Papua New Guinea have observer status at the annual meeting of the Council.
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Council convenes to discuss coordinated tourism-related policybetween representatives of all Australian States and Territories and New Zealand. It operates under guidelines issued by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and meets annually. The Australian Standing Committee on Tourism (seeSection A4) reports to the Council.
Australian Energy Market Commission(AEMC)
Creation Date: / 1 July 2005
Constituted By: / Chair and 2 other members
Appointed By: / Chair is appointed by State and Territory members of the Ministerial Council on Energy (MCE). One of the 2 other members is also appointed by State and Territory members of the MCE and the other is appointed by the Australian Government.
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but must table an annual report in the South Australian Parliament. The Commission is established under the Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment Act 2004(SA). The Act requires the AEMC to give an annual report to the responsible SouthAustralian Minister who must table a copy in the SouthAustralian Parliament and also give a copy to each of the other Ministers who are members of the MCE.
ABN: / 49236270144
Web Site: /
The Commission is responsible for rule making, market development and policy advice concerning both the National Electricity Market and elements of natural gas markets.
The MCE may direct the Commission to review the effectiveness of competition in a market for natural gas or electricity, to advise on retaining, removing or reintroducing retail price controls. Responsibility for retail price control will be retained by States and Territories unless they choose to transfer such arrangements to the Commission and the Australian Energy Regulator (See Treasury portfolio Section A2).
ANZLIC - The Spatial Information Council
Creation Date: / 18 March1986
Constituted By: / 10 senior officials from the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments and the New Zealand government.
Annual Report Tabled: / No
ABN: / 31722153579
Web Site: /
ANZLIC reviews and develops initiatives that promote accessibility to, and the usability of, spatial information. ANZLIC is an intergovernmental council funded from subscriptions from the Commonwealth, State, Territory and New Zealand governments.
Australian Standing Committee on Tourism
Creation Date: / 1959
Constituted By: / Officials from State, Territory and New Zealand tourismrelated government agencies and a representative from the Department. Officials from Norfolk Island and PapuaNew Guinea are observers.
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Committeediscusses the coordination of government policies and other activities affecting tourism.
National Oil Supplies Emergency Committee
Creation Date: / 18 October 2006
Constituted By: / Officials from the Commonwealth, State and Territory resource departments and oil industry representatives.
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Committee provides advice and policy support to the Ministerial Council on Energy on national liquid fuel emergency supply planning and management arrangements, and arrangements under the Liquid Fuel Emergency Act 1984.
Designated Authority for the Joint Petroleum Development Area
Creation Date: / 2 April 2003
Constituted By: / Director for the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA) within the Timor-Leste Autoridade Nacional do Petroleo
Appointed By: / Joint Commission for the Joint Petroleum Development Area (seefollowing entry)
Annual Report Tabled: / No
ABN: / 58946894389
Web Site: /
Established by Article 6 of the Timor Sea Treaty, the Designated Authority regulates and manages petroleum activities in the JPDA.
The Designated Authority is overseen by the Joint Commission for the Joint Petroleum Development Area.
On 1 July 2008, the Designated Authority transitioned to the Timor Leste Autoridade Nacional do Petroleo (National Petroleum Authority of East Timor).
Joint Commission for the Joint Petroleum Development Area
Creation Date: / 2 April 2003
Constituted By: / Two Timor-Leste Commissioners and one Australian Commissioner
Appointed By: / Australian and Timor-Leste Ministers
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: / No current web site available
Established by Article 6 of the Timor Sea Treaty, the Commission establishes policies and regulations relating to petroleum activities in the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA) and oversees the work of the Designated Authority for the JPDA (see prior entry). The Joint Commission is responsible to the Ministerial Council for the JointPetroleum Development Area (see following entry).
Ministerial Council for the Joint Petroleum Development Area
Creation Date: / 2 April 2003, but has not yet convened
Constituted By: / An equal number of Australian and Timor-Leste Ministers
Appointed By: / Australia and Timor-Leste Governments
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: / No current web site available
The Ministerial Council is established under Article 6(d) of the TimorSea Treaty to consider any matter relating to the operation of the Treaty that is referred to it by either Australia or Timor-Leste.
National Tourism and Aviation Advisory Committee
Creation Date: / 2 December 2004
Constituted By: / 28 members, comprising officials representing State and Territory governments, airlines, airports and other tourism stakeholders.
Appointed By: / Minister for Tourism and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government.
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Committee discusses the development of tourismaviation stakeholder relationships.
It is co-chaired by the Department and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government.
Commonwealth-State Offshore Petroleum Designated Authorities (OPDA) andJoint Authorities (OPJA)
Creation Date: / 22 November 1967 (OPDA) and 29 May 1980 (OPJA)
Established By/Under: / Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, sections56 and 70
Constituted By: / A joint authority has been established for each offshore area to each State, the NorthernTerritory and the external territories. Each joint authority is constituted by the responsible Australian Government Minister and the responsible State or Northern Territory Minister
Appointed By: / Ministers hold these positions ex officio.
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Joint Authorities and Designated Authorities make decisions on the administration of petroleum operations in the relevant offshore areas.
Originally created under separate legislation, the OPDA and OPJA have been continued, from 1 July 2008, under the Act.
Geoscience Australia
Creation Date: / 1 October 2001
Established By/Under: / Financial Management and Accountability Regulations 1997
Constituted By: / Chief Executive and persons engaged under the Public Service Act 1999 (PS Act)to assist the Chief Executive.
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, refer to the annual reporting requirements approved by the JointCommittee of Public Accounts and Audit.
PS Act Body: / No, but is part of the Department for purposes of the PS Act.
GFS Classification: / GGS
Materiality: / Small
ABN: / 80 091 799 039
Web Site: /
Geoscience Australia provides and develops information resources on geoscientific information for the purposes of exploiting resources, managing the environment, protecting the safety of the community and critical infrastructure.
Geoscience Australia was formed by the merger of the Australian Geological Survey Organisation and the Australian Survey and Land Information Group.
National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority (NOPSA)
Creation Date: / 1 July 2004
Established By/Under: / Offshore Petroleum Act 2006, section 355
Constituted By: / Chief Executive Officer and staff engaged under the PublicService Act1999.
Appointed By: / Minister for Resources and Energy appoints the Chief Executive Officer
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 150YV of the Offshore Petroleum Act 2006
PS Act Body: / Statutory Agency
GFS Classification: / GGS
Materiality: / Small
ABN: / 22 385 178 289
Web Site: /
NOPSA is the occupational health and safety regulator for the Australian offshore petroleum industry. NOPSA monitors and enforces compliance with OHS legislation in offshore petroleum operations, andinvestigates offshore OHS incidents.
The Authority was originally created in 2004 under section 150XD of the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967 and continues in existence under the Offshore Petroleum Act 2006.
Tourism Australia
Creation Date: / 1 July 2004
Established By/Under: / Tourism Australia Act 2004, section 5
Governed By: / 9 members
Appointed By: / Minister for Tourism, except for the Managing Director who is appointed by the Board.
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes
PS Act Body: / No
GFS Classification: / GGS
Materiality: / Material
Auditor: / Auditor-General
ABN: / 99 657 548 712
Web Site: /
Tourism Australia promotes Australia as a tourism destination internationally and domestically and provides research and forecasts for the industry.
The main objectives of Tourism Australia are to influence people to travel to Australia, influence people travelling to Australia to travel throughout Australia, influence Australians to travel throughout Australia, help foster a sustainable tourism industry in Australia, andhelp increase the economic benefits to Australia from tourism.
Australian Solar Institute Limited
Creation Date: / 10 August 2009
Governed By: / 3 to 7 directors
Appointed By: / Minister for Resources and Energy
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes
GFS Classification: / GGS
Materiality: / Small
Auditor: / AuditorGeneral
ABN: / 65138300688
ACN: / 138 300 688
Web Site: /
The company was established to advance solar power research in Australia, with particular emphasis on solar thermal and solar photovoltaics technologies.
Australian Energy Market Operator Limited (AEMO)
Creation Date: / 10 May 1996
Governed By: / 10 directors
Appointed By: / Ministerial Council on Energy
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Auditor: / PKF Chartered Accountants
ABN: / 94072010327
ACN: / 072 010 327
Web Site: /
AEMO was previously the National Electricity Market Management Company and was renamed and restructured on 1July2009 to become thesingle, industryfunded, national energy market operator, following a decision by the Council of Australian Governments on 13April 2007.
AEMO assumed the functions of the previous National Electricity Market Management Company, theVictorian Energy Networks Corporation, the Electricity Supply Industry Planning Council, theRetail Energy Market Company, the Gas Market Company, and the Gas Retail Market Operator. The Commonwealth also subsequently became a member of AEMO.
Australian Energy Market Operator (Transitional) Ltd (see following entry), of which the Commonwealth is also a member, was established solely for the purpose of actively managing the transition to the establishment of AEMO.
Australian Energy Market Operator (Transitional) Ltd
Creation Date: / 16 September 2008
Governed By: / 10 directors
Appointed By: / Ministerial Council on Energy
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Auditor: / PKF Chartered Accountants
ABN: / 14 132 770 104
ACN: / 132 770 104
Web Site: /
On 13 April 2007, the Council of Australian Government (COAG) agreed to establish asingle, industryfunded, national energy market operator, to be called the Australian Energy Market Operator Limited (AEMO) (see previous entry).
This transitional company, of which the Commonwealth is a member, was established solely for the purpose of actively managing the transition to the establishment of AEMO.
Australian Marine Science and Technology Limited (AMSAT)
Creation Date: / 25 October 1991
Governed By: / 4 directors
Appointed By: / Members
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Auditor: / Auditor-General
ABN: / 29 053 146 857
ACN: / 053 146 857
Web Site: /
AMSAT is a marine science and environment consulting company. Company membership is comprised of ten Australian Government funded agencies undertaking international research and development of marine science.
Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute Ltd (GCCSI)
Creation Date: / 12 June 2009
Governed By: / 3 to 7 directors
Appointed By: / Members elect the directors
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Auditor: / Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
ABN: / 92 136 814 465
ACN: / 136 814 465
Web Site: /
The GCCSI promotes the global adoption of carbon capture and storage technology by overseeing the development of carbon capture related demonstration projects.
Members of the GCCSI are drawn from governments, corporations and other organisations that carry on a business or activity where the advancement of carbon capture and storage is not merely incidental to their core business or activities, and which are making a material contribution to the advancement of associated technologies.
Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited
Creation Date: / 6 July 1992
Governed By: / 5 directors
Appointed By: / Directors are elected by the Members. Managing Director is appointed by the other directors
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes
Auditor: / PricewaterhouseCoopers
ABN: / 82 055 736 671
ACN: / 055 736 671
Web Site: /
The company was establishedin 1992 to develop fuel cell technology.Theoriginal consortium memberswere CSIRO, BHP, theAustralian Government's Energy Research and Development Corporation (ERDC), Pacific Power, the State Electricity Commission of Victoria and the Strategic Energy Trust.Currently, theCommonwealth's share represents approximately 0.4% of the company’s shares.
CRC for Sustainable Tourism Pty Ltd(STCRC)
Creation Date: / 7 February 1997
Governed By: / 8 directors
Appointed By: / STCRC Essential Participants (being shareholders who commit annual funding or in-kind contributions)
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes
Auditor: / Hayes Knight Brisbane
ABN: / 53 077 407 286
ACN: / 077 407 286
Web Site: /
The company was established under the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centres program to develop the Australian Tourism industry. Itpublishes research reports, develops educational materials and facilitates conferences, workshops and seminars to inform and assist stakeholders in the tourism industry to be more competitive. Participants include private and public sector bodies and a number of universities.
PSMA Australia Limited
Creation Date: / 20 June 2001
Governed By: / 12 directors
Appointed By: / Shareholders, comprising the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments, each nominate at least one director.
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Auditor: / Maxim Chartered Accountants
ABN: / 23 089 912 710
ACN: / 089 912 710
Web Site: /
The company develops national spatial data sets consisting of administrative boundaries, cadastre, Geo-coded National Address File, Points of Interest and Transport and Topography through combining spatial data from each jurisdiction. TheCommonwealth has a 12.5% shareholding.
Snowy Hydro Limited
Creation Date: / 27 June 2001
Governed By: / 7 directors
Appointed By: / Commonwealth, New South Wales and Victorian Government ministers with relevant portfolio responsibility
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 55 of the Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997
Auditor: / Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
ABN: / 17 090 574 431
ACN: / 090 574 431
Web Site: /
The company provides renewable electricity to the national electricity market as well as water-related hedge products to irrigators and farmers. It also provides financial hedge and insurance products to participants in the electricity and irrigation industries.
Snowy Hydro Limited commenced formal operations on 28 June 2002, when it issued shares andreceived as consideration all assets and liabilities (and the transfer of all employees) of the former SnowyMountains Hydro-electric Authority. This transfer wasaccomplished under threecomplementary NSW, Victorian and Commonwealth Acts each known as the Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997.
Thecurrent shareholding arrangements are New South Wales 58%, Victoria 29% and the Commonwealth holding the remaining 13% share.
CRC for Spatial Information (CRCSI)
Creation Date: / 1 July 2003
Constituted By: / Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) Participants
Appointed By: / CRC Centre Agreement with the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, the agency responsible for the CRC program.
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes
ABN: / 16 969 236 782
Web Site: /
CRCSI is an unincorporated joint venture in which Geoscience Australia is a core participant. CRCSI undertakes research to develop new and existing technologies for remote sensing, surveying and geodesy.
CRC for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC)
Creation Date: / 1 July 2003
Constituted By: / Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) Participants
Appointed By: / CRC Centre Agreement
Annual Report Tabled: / No
ABN: / No registered ABN
Web Site: /
CO2CRC is a collaborative research organisation focused on carbon dioxide capture and geological sequestration.
CO2CRC is an unincorporated joint venture comprising participants from Australian and global industry, universities and other research bodies from Australia and New Zealand, and AustralianCommonwealth, State and international government agencies.
CO2CRC is resourced through the Australian Government’s CRCs program, other Commonwealth and State Government programs, CO2CRC participants, and other industry contributors. It was preceded by the Australian Petroleum CRC.
Geoscience Australia (seeSection C) and CSIRO (seeInnovation, Industry, Science and Research portfolio, Section C) are participants in this CRC.
List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009