Background Information

Teacher - Waqas Mahmood / Observer - Michelle
Date 27/06/14 / Lesson number - 08
Class level - Intermediate / Lesson focus – Functional – language for recommendation
Timetable fit
Previous lesson:
Functional -
This lesson: Functional - recommendations
Next lesson:
Aims (for the teacher)
·  Focus on form and pronunciation
·  Focus on drilling
·  Work on clear instructions
·  Encourage S-S interaction
·  Effective eliciting
Objectives (for the students)
By the end of the lesson the students will have practiced key lexis for recommendation.
Language Analysis
Form Meaning Pronunciation
recommend (v) - apieceofadvice for something to do
recommended(v) - toadvisesomeone that something should be done
recommendation (n) – apieceofadviceabout what to do
should (modal verb)
could ( modal verb)
London – capital of England - Lundun
Scottish Highlands - North-western portion of Scotland. (Home to Ben Davis)
York - York is a walled city with a stone cathedral
Cornwall -
Lake distract
Improbable (adj) unlikely to happen im·prob·a·ble
Assumed knowledge
Ss are intermediate so therefore able to understand form and grammar. They will be familiar with some key lexis. They will be familiar with ‘hypothetical’ events.
Anticipated problems
·  Students change with new and returning students attending the lesson, so level of some students may be unknown.
·  Unfamiliar with come vocabulary and grammar
·  Final activity may not generate much STT.
·  Unfamiliar with the use of key lexis
·  Pre-teach key vocab to ensure understanding
·  Monitoring closely to assess level. Provide support or adapts task as necessary.
·  Encourage pair and group work.
·  Whiteboard and pens
·  Visuals when required
·  PowerPoint presentation
·  Computer
White-board plan
Timing / Interaction / Procedure / Rationale
10 - mins / Clarification of context:
In pairs I would like you discuss areas you have visited in the United Kingdom. (In pairs)
Elicit vocabulary: (write the names on the board)
Match the name of the locations in UK to the picture.
Name to the Location.
1.  London (n)
2.  Scottish Highlands (n)
3.  Stonehenge (n)
4.  Edinburgh (n)
5.  York (n)
6.  Cornwall (n)
7.  Chester (n)
8.  Snowdonia (n)
9.  Lake District (n)
10.  Cambridge (n)
·  Drill names of the cities or tourist attractions and drill pronunciation. / Establish context and engage ss with the topic.
To get an understanding of the level of understanding of subject.
Increase STT and fluency and using new lexis
15 - mins / Clarification of context:
Places of interest.
Ss will asked to place the correct words in the sentence.
Complete the sentences using the given words.
1.  palace - designed for comfort
2.  lake
3.  bluestones - type of stone
4.  castle – designed to withstand enemies or an attack.
5.  walled – enclosed city or area by a wall
6.  peninsula – land that mostly has water around it.
7.  medieval - the middle ages, started at the collapse of the roman empire.
8.  Scenery – natural features of landscape
9.  clear day -
10.  gothic – style of architecture mostly with pointed archs
Feedback answers.
Elicit meaning /
To engage ss with the topic of the text and increase motivation.
To practise skimming for gist to get understand of text.
Clarification of TL
Imagine it is your first time visiting these locations.
Where could you find information for these locations?
1.  Tourist attraction (n)
2.  Map (n)
3.  Local (n)
4.  Internet (n)
5.  Facebook (links to internet)
6.  Newspaper
What are they informing you with?
What are they telling you?
Are they are giving you…..?
1.  Advice (n)
2.  Suggestion (n)
3.  Recommendation (n)
What types of verbs could I use to make a recommendation?
Could I use Modal verbs? Could, Should, would.
We can use verbs such as 'must' or 'should' to say when something is necessary or unnecessary, or to give advice.
For example:
·  Youmust visit, London Bridge in the Summer.
·  Youhave to take a boat ride around the peninsula.
·  Youshould go to Chester and look at the medieval walls.
·  You could go for a walk around York and then get a coffee. / To provide a restricted practice of TL orally and in written form.
25 – 35 mins /

Less-restricted practice:

/ To provide less restricted and personalised practice in written and oral form.
15 mins /

Freer practice:

Ss will have to pick out the city that they are from.
They have to write a brief paragraph about the city and some useful recommendations.
Once they have written their recommendation piece they will be asked to mingle and talk about their recommendations. / To provide less restricted and personlised practice of TL.