Minutes of the meeting held on 7th July 2014 at Invacare Bridgend


Alex Winterbone Suffolk

Krys Jarvis Shropshire

Alan Moore Manchester

Rory Davies Preston

Christine Rice Surrey

Sue Cobby East Sussex

Francis Beavis Gloucestershire

Julie Croysdale Leicester

Brian Smith Northern

Nikki White Cornwall

Henry Lumley Bristol

Rebecca Denson Liverpool

Janine Eagle Manchester

Caroline Desjardins Leicester


Keith Roberts South Wales

Carol McCudden North Wales

Kath Griffiths Crewe

Ann Dyson Brighton

Hazel Derbyshire Preston

Sarah Sherwood Bedfordshire

Angela Cannon Stoke on Trent

Samantha Sterling Leeds

Elaine Coope Airedale

Yvonne Baron Chorley, South Ribble & West Lancs

Paula Moore Salford

Lynne Peters Bridgewater

Zena Wisbey

Maria Sherrington


The AGM decided on having an Executive Committee meeting which happened in June and that meeting decided to start with the new matters before we revisit old matters and spend too much time on the same things.

Executive Meeting

Met in Northampton in June the first part of the meeting was with representatives from Naidex. They are keen for us to repeat our involvement next year and to have a higher profile.

We discussed:

Having a stand at the exhibition and possibly sharing with someone else CECOPs was suggested.

How and where to hold the AGM; the room this year was great but it was a bit too far away to attract extra people

Releasing more time for people to see the exhibition

Running some sessions across the whole 3 days

Suggestion that we call for papers about good practice from wheelchair services nationally and choose the best ideas to run the sessions. Caroline Desjardins volunteered to do a session. The aim being to showcase something that a service is doing that no-one else is doing

The maintenance course Krys runs might be worth thinking about especially if we don’t get much in from services.

The meeting agreed to send out a call for papers and see what we get from services. Krys will send out the call by e mail with replies to AW before 14th October so we can decide at our next meeting which ones to run with.

The meeting discussed having a stand and if we did what might it look like; suggestions

using Sam’s You Tube videos,

website running on a laptop,

documents we have produced.

AW has all the stuff from Stoneleigh

Agreed to form a small task group:

Julie Croysdale




AGM / meeting Naidex want us to go around the exhibition rather than have a meeting. It was suggested that we need to be seen, could the AGM be linked in with PMG; have a normal meeting but not the AGM at Naidex – short meeting am or pm.

After much discussion it was agreed that we will have a stand, do sessions on all 3 days and have a meeting on the middle day in the morning allowing people the afternoon to go around the exhibition. Krys will confirm with Naidex organisers.

The Executive meeting then continued without Naidex representatives and discussed:

Priority Issues for the next year:

·  Wheelchair Summit / includes reference costs, tariffs – next main summit meeting early October

·  Competencies / training / Training of Rehabilitation Engineers

·  Establishing the Responsible Commissioner


·  Review of National Managers Forum Standards

·  War Veterans

DOH Local Innovations first published Dec 2010

Is this document worth revisiting or is it so old that we should just leave it alone. Could we produce an updated version from what comes in from services for Naidex. Should we make contact with the people who were in the document and get updates.

Can’t remember if we made a decision on this one

National Standards

Sue has done some work on updating the formatting of the standards to update the look and putting logos on etc. no work has yet been done on the content some of which is wrong now and needs updating.

Could we each take sections to update: Agreed we need to consult users to make it a document that the commissioners will sign up to.

The meeting agreed that everyone would read it and take back to user groups if you have one and bring comments back to the next meeting, if you can’t come please send comments to Alex. Sue will change the obvious wrong bits and then send out for this purpose.

Minutes of the meeting on 29th April 2014 were agreed

Matters Arising

Web Site:

Ian’s notes are attached to these minutes.

Various requests had been received to access the members area; this was discussed at length and agreed that it should be restricted to those who are members of the Forum – a member is someone who has paid their subs.

Should it be called something different – members archive. It seems people think they are missing out on something and maybe that sounds less interesting.

Angela Green is doing some work for NHS Innovations in Yorkshire wants a link from our web site. Should we have a note saying we are not responsible for any content on sites we provide links to? It was agreed that we would check with Elaine Coope that this work is relevant as she has been involved and then if so agree the link.

The current list of members needs updating Alex will send out an e mail for information and then update and circulate

Military Veterans

Henry & Alan met with Alison Treadgold and the Therapy Lead for Headley Court last week. They still don’t have the information they require from DOH and Department of Work and Pensions, development plan will be put to the DOH for funding.

In the meantime if you have a wheelchair user who is also an amputee it is worth trying the prosthetics panel it is likely you may get funding.

It is possible that the scope of the prosthetic panel will be extended to cover all wheelchair users. NHS England may fund under the Armed Forces Covenant.

Specialist Commissioning / Reference Costs

Some services have been asked to send in their costs to form the basis of reference costs, but otherwise it hasn’t really moved on from Henry’s last update.

Commissioning for complex pathways – the clinical reference group has recommended that funding goes back to CCG’s from April next year so that there is a single pathway.

Best guess on tariffs looks like shadowing in 2017/18 but it will depend on the work of the wheelchair summit and what priorities come from that.

Rosamund Houghton, Head of Commissioning for NHS England is now heading up the Summit John Warrington has moved to a different remit.


Meeting on Friday of this week in Manchester to discuss the Codes of Practice for Wheelchair Services.

Competencies / Training:

This has moved on in terms of training; Gail Russell heads up training and education for PMG and Krys has been co-opted onto that committee to look at identifying any glaring gaps and maybe PMG put on some training to fill them. Quite a lot of mapping has already been done and is available on the PMG website, the intention is to match the training available to the competencies and therefore point people in the right direction for training that will fulfil the competencies.

It has been queried who signs off on the competencies; it was assumed that this would be the person’s supervisor.

Repair Service competencies; Krys’s service has already done some for her service so will e mail them out for discussion and maybe adoption by NWMF.

Competencies are all on the website, Assistant ones are still in draft.

Wheelchair Summit

Meeting of sub group “better commissioning and procurement” is 23rd July – Alan Moore is on this one.

Krys has been asked to be on the Assessment sub group

All sub groups are meant to have met by the end of July

Follow up of the full summit 9th October

The Summit is convened by NHS England assuming that the complex pathways goes back to CCG’s as planned then NHS England can only advise so doubts about whether it will continue.

Information is available on NHS England website.

ResMag update

BRCT – want people to register on IPEM Voluntary Register, the need for this has got mixed up with Modernising Scientific Careers.

Apprenticeships – IPEM looking at becoming an education provider for apprenticeships.

Coventry course will finish this year. Bradford University should be taking this on via modernising scientific careers.

Discussion about Rehabilitation Engineer training and the inability of services to train their own in the way we used to, we used to employ engineers and train them we need to collaborate together to put something in place that works or we will not have any RE’s in the future.

Brian asked to feedback to ResMag that NWMF would like to see some movement on this.

Any Other Business

BBC – Krys sent an e mail which everyone saw before it went out, Henry sent a response via Twitter neither has had a response from the BBC.

The meeting agreed to publish Krys’s reply on our website and see if we can get a link from BBC. Krys to send to webmaster

Subscription levels were not agreed at the AGM and people are asking how much; the meeting agreed that it will be £50 per service and the subs year will run from April – March. AW to send list of contacts to Sarah for billing once this list has been updated.

Date of next meetings:

14th October Airedale

20th January Manchester