PO BOX 130


Minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting

Held March 14, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the Tropic Town Heritage Center

PRESENT: Mayor WaLon Brinkerhoff BOARD MEMBERS: Gaia Greenhalgh, Max Stewart, Jim England and Doug Ahlstrom. Marie Niemann - Tropic Town Clerk & Sydney Syrett – Tropic Town Treasurer.

OTHERS: Superintendent Jeff Bradybaugh, LaMar and Cheri Feltner, Jeannene Pollock, Brett Chynoweth, Raymond Brinkerhoff.

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor WaLon Brinkerhoff

PLEDGE: Sydney Syrett

APPROVAL OF MINTUES: In his review of the minutes, Mayor Brinkerhoff felt that the recording of the discussion regarding 550 North incomplete; an accurate account of everyone’s views on the issue was not recorded. Mayor asked that the approval of the minutes of February 10th be tabled and revised to include all opinions expressed. A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to table the minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting held February 10, 2011. Second by Doug. Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF THE 2010-2011 BUDGET MEETING MINUTES: A motion was made by Doug Ahlstrom to approve the minutes of the budget meeting with Ken Hinton. Second by Jim England – Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to approve the agenda. Second by Doug Ahlstrom. Motion carried.



Bryce Canyon Superintendent Jeff Bradybaugh: Superintendent Bradybaugh is visiting the neighboring communities of Bryce Valley and the governing bodies. Offered his support and assistance in establishing a working relationship between Bryce Valley and the Bryce Canyon National Park.

Volunteer Service Award: LaMar Feltner was recognized for his dedication to the Bryce Valley Baseball Complex. Tropic has benefited greatly and continues to be rewarded from his many hours of community service.Along with a plaque acknowledging his dedication, Mayor Brinkerhoff and Town Councilnamed the road leading to the complex "LaMar Feltner Lane". LaMar will also be receiving a letter from Governor Herbert acknowledging his service. Jeannene Pollock took pictures and along with an article will be placed in the newspaper.


Continuing revisions and updates of the General Plan.


Brett reported on the electrical work for the air rater stating that no design for the electrical work is supplied, therefore no details of the project was available for the project to be bid out. Brett discussed the project with Randy from the Ash Creek Sewer District; Randy is a certified electrician and will be getting a formal bid for the project.

Resolution #R-31411 * Establishing and regulating water connection fees and water billing procedures: A motion was made by Doug Ahlstrom to adopt Resolution #R-31411 with the following changes: Bills are due the last day of each month and $100 deposit for all renters Second by Jim England. Motion Carried. Notice will be placed on the Town’s website and facebook page as well as on the water bill. Max expressed support for those behind in their bill, stating that a courtesy call prior to disconnection would not be inappropriate; being a small community and knowing people circumstances a telephone call should be made.


As the warmer weather approaches, preparing to repair and upgrade roads: gravel 1250 North, 250 West: Duane Stewart, Harkleroad, Cooks Ranch. Assistances in helping the Town gravel the road leading to Cook’s Ranch was asked of Superintendent Bradybaugh; many tourists use this road to hike up to Bryce Canyon. Superintendent agreed to look into it and get back.

Sidewalk Project: Cost of the project was $30,000; $15,000 will be allocated from both the Water Fund and Sewer Fund.

550 North Street: A proposal is needed before a decision is made regarding installation of the sewer line. Meeting with all involved is pertinent for the project to move forward; whether with sewer services or without.


Bowery lights repaired.


Fire Department meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month; Mayor and Council members are invited to attend and review the Town’s emergency plans and procedures should there be a need. Superintendent Bradybaugh expressed his gratitude for the great working relationship the fire department as with the Park Service.


Grants: Rick Rosenberg will be accompanying Mayor Brinkerhoff at the CIB meeting, Thursday, April 7th in Salt Lake City. This meeting is to present the projects Tropic has applied funding for.


Sydney reviewed the month’s warrants; a motion was made by Doug Ahlstrom to approve the warrants. Second by Gaia Greenhalgh – Motion carried.

Mayor and Council were asked to watch spending. The 2010-2011 Budget will need to be amended; plan on doing it prior to board meeting in April.

Tropic received notification that the Town version of the billing program QuickBooks will no longer be supported, will need to be upgraded. Deadline is May 31st. There are a number of plans; Sydney will look into what version of QuickBooks will best suit the Town’s needs.

The ULGT list for the 2011 training was received; safety training is required. Brett reported that he receives certification through Rural Water and the conferences he attends; Brett will get his certifications to Sydney.


Utah Municipal Clerk’s Conference: The UMCC Spring Conference is April 20-22 in Park City; a motion was made by Jim England to approve Marie to attend. Second by Max Stewart – Motion carried.

Rural Water Conference: Brett reported this year 1,580 people were in attendance. Brett learned much regarding water rights and water use reports. Mayor and Council extended their congratulation to Brett for his new position as Vice President on the Rural Water Board. Brett has served many years on the board and represents Tropic well. It is a benefit for Tropic to have Brett on the Rural Water Board.


A notice was posted advertising bids were being received on a mapping machine; a bid was received from Travis LeFevre. Bryce Pioneer Village has a Cannon office copier that was used for their Eagle Valley Youth Correction business; it sorts, collates, staples, etc. Gaia suggested that an exchange take place. Skyler Syrett had shown interest and was placing a bid; did the Town not receive it? Mayor asked that the item be tabled until next meeting when clarification is made whether or not Skyler is interested and placed a bid. If Skyler is not interested, Mayor felt that the exchange could take place.

Town Equipment: Two 7 x 12 cattle guards were given to the town by the cemetery district; the town has no use for them. Brett suggested placing them up for bid; they have never been used and the going price on them is $2,100 - $2,900. It was asked that a notice placing them up for bid be posted, with the minimum bid of $1,500.

Roller and tar pot was given to Tropic from the County; Brett will contact Ben and have them help dispose of the roller. The tar pot Brett felt that it could also be put up for bid; it has an excellent motor, possibly Thompson’s could use it for parts.


A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to adjourn. Second by Jim England – Motion carried.

Approved this 13th Day of April 2011
Marie H. Niemann – Town Clerk