Outcome of Allegation
Please complete and forward to on completion of action taken
1. / Name of Person Subject of the Allegation / Date of Birth
2. / Action Taken / YES/NO
Meeting with worker – No Further Action / Date
Criminal Prosecution or Caution / Date
Formal Disciplinary Investigation / Start Date
Cease Date
Counselling provided for Staff Member / Date
Training, Support & Monitoring / Date
Other / Date
Action Plan arising from allegation:
(Record details of any plan)
3. / Formal disciplinary action lead to / (please tick)
a. / Formal oral warning / Date
First written warning / Date
Final written warning / Date
Demotion / Date
Dismissal/End Contract / Date
Record Kept in Personal File / Date
Other, please select
1. Referred to Regulatory Body, General Teaching Council, GMC etc.
2. Referred to Disclosure and Barring Service.
3. Review Contract / Date
b. / Did member of staff appeal? / Date
Was decision upheld? / Date
Final date of conclusion of the case Date
4. / Representation – to be completed by the employer. / YES/NO
Was a trade union / professional association involved? / Date
Which trade union / professional association was involved?
5. / Support – to be completed by the employer.
Post held by designated link person for the suspended member of staff
Post held by the person offering counselling to the member of staff
Was counselling and support taken up by the member of staff? / Date
6. / Outcome for the Worker – to be completed by the employer. / (Please tick)
Return to work / Yes No / Date
Dismissal/Cessation of use / Yes No / Date
Resign / Yes No / Date
Accept redeployment / Transfer of Duties / Yes No / Date
Retire / Yes No / Date
Retire on ill health grounds / Yes No / Date
Referral to Disclosure and Barring Service / Yes No / Date
Notification to Regulator / Professional Body / Which organisation (Ofsted/ GTC / GSCC) / Date
Worker given details of enquiry outcome / Date
7. / Details of person completing this form
a. / Name:
b. / Designation:
c. / Organisation:
d. / Date:
e. / Contact Details:
8. / Outcome for Allegation – to be completed by the LADO.
Was the allegation concluded as?(please tick outcome, definitions below) / Substantiated Unsubstantiated Unfounded MaliciousFalse
Substantiated – A substantiated allegation is one which is supported or established by evidence or proof;
Unsubstantiated – An unsubstantiated allegation is not the same as a false allegation. It simply means that there is insufficient identifiable evidence to prove or disprove the allegation. The term, therefore, does not imply guilt or innocence;
Unfounded – This indicates that the person making the allegation misinterpreted the incident or was mistaken about what they saw. Alternatively, they may not have been aware of all the circumstances. For an allegation to be classified as unfounded, it will be necessary to have evidence to disprove the allegation;
Deliberately Invented or Malicious – This implies a deliberate intention to deceive. A malicious allegation may be made by a child following an altercation with a member of staff or a parent who is in dispute with the organisation. For an allegation to be classified as malicious, it will be necessary to have evidence which proves this intention.
False – There is sufficient evidence to disprove the allegation.

9. Any additional LADO notes:

Allegations Management Outcomes form August 2014Page 1