Life Skills & Personal Adjustment
Personal Growth 140
3.0 Units (CSU transferable/ General Education Area E) - On-line

Instructor: JimWales Office: Mail Office hours: Mail response within 24 hrs

In order to participate and complete this course successfully, it is very important to be aware of the following points:

  • Log into the course EVERY day and review the following three pages, regularly, on the web site:

Announcements – for general information about upcoming activities
Learning Modules – for specific details and instructions
Calendar – for current and future deadlines and due dates

  • The assignments are due at the end of each moduleat 9 PM (WITHOUT EXCEPTION) (The due dates & times are posted on the Calendar). This includes Discussion Board postings, Written Assignments, and Quizzes. Unexcused late work will NOT be accepted. There is one Extra Credit assignment available to make up for lost points.
  • Keep track of your points, which can be found in My Grades (in My Tools)
  • Review this Syllabus carefully at the beginning of the course and refer to it, occasionally throughout the course to keep an overall perspective.


Upon completion of this course the student will have been given the opportunity to explore, apply and assess various principles, strategies and skills that contribute to emotional, social, educational and professional well-being.

  • Principles for Personal Growth by Adam Khan (required)
  • Tuesday’s with Morrie by Mitch Albom (required)


Mod 1 - Expectations
- During this module and Mod 2, students will become familiar with the web site, the textbook, the instructor and classmates
- Reading Assignments: 1) Course Syllabus and 2) Self-Help Stuff That Works - pages 1-5, including Contents, Introduction, How to use this book and, finally, skim the entire text.
- Mail (5 points)
- Discussion Board #1: Expectations (5 points)
Extra CreditDiscussion– Personality
- Complete the “Jung Typology Test”
- Discussion Board X: Personality –complete as early as possible to achieve maximum results during the class.(10 points)

Mod 2 – Introductions
- Reading Assignment: begin reading Self-Help Stuff That Works, Part One – Attitude (pp 9-129) earmarking the principles that have the most appeal to you.
- Discussion Board # 2: Introductions (5 points)
- Quiz #1: Syllabus, Leaning Module 1, SHSTW pages 1-5 (10 points)
Mod 3 – Life Satisfaction
- Reading Assignment: finish reading Self-Help Stuff That Works, Part One
- Discussion Board # 3: Life Satisfaction (5 points)
Mod 4 – Attitude
- Two attitude principles that you can begin applying to your life.
- Discussion Board # 4: Attitude (5 points)
Mod 5 – Self-Esteem
- “How to Improve your Self-Esteem” (pp 67-68): create an action plan that incorporates this principle into your daily life
- Discussion Board # 5: Self-Esteem (5 points)
- Quiz # 2: Self-Help Stuff That Works, Part 1 – Attitude, pp 9-129 (10 points)
Mod 6 – Intra-personal Skills
- Select one principle from your two choices (DB 4); create an action plan that incorporates this principle into your daily life
- Discussion Board #6: Intra-personal skills (5 points)
- Writing Assignment # 1: 1-2 page paper addressing attitude (10 points)
Mod 7 – Work
- Reading Assignment: read Self-Help Stuff That Works, Part 2 – Work (pp 133-239) and identify 10 principles which most interest you
- Discussion Board # 7: Work (5 points)
Mod 8 – Purpose
- “I Don’t Know What to do with My Life” (pp 157-159): create an action plan that incorporates this principle into your daily life
- Discussion Board # 8: Purpose (5 points)
- Quiz # 3: Self-Help Stuff That Works, Part 2 – Work, pp 133-239 (10 points)
Mod 9 – Self-management
- Select one principle from your top ten (pp 133-239); create an action plan that incorporates this principle into your daily life
- Discussion Board # 9: Self-Management (5 points)
- Writing Assignment # 2: “Time Management” (10 points):
Mod 10 – People
- Reading Assignment: Self-Help Stuff That Works, Part 3 – People (pp 243-352) and identify 10 principles which interest you most
- Discussion Board # 10: People (5 points)
- Quiz #4: Self-Help Stuff That Works, Part 3 – People, pp 243-352 (10 points)
Mod 11 – Interpersonal Skills
- Select one principle from your top ten (pp 243-352); create an action plan that incorporates this principle into your daily life
- Discussion Board # 11: Interpersonal skills (5 points)

Mod 12 – Tuesdays with Morrie
- Reading Assignment: Tuesday’s with Morrie by Mitch Albom, making note of his views on love, work, community, family, aging, forgiveness, fear, money, our culture, and death
- Discussion Board # 12: Tuesdays (5 points)
- Quiz # 5: Tuesday’s with Morrie (10 points)
Mod 13 – The Perfect Day
- Discussion Board # 13: The Perfect Day(5 points)
Mod 14 – Conclusion
- Discussion Board # 14: Parting (5 points)
- Quiz 6: Final (10 points)
This class may be taken for credit/no-credit (pass/fail). The point system for your grade follows:

1 Mail to Instructor (Assignment): / 5 points
14 Discussion Boards (5 points each): / 70 points
6 Quizzes: (10 points each): / 60 points
2 Writing Assignments: (10 points each): / 20 points
TOTAL (assigned points): / 155 points
Discussion Board X: Personality (Extra Credit): / 10 points
TOTAL possible (assigned + extra credit points): / 165 points

Grades will be based on the following grade point totals:
140 - 155+= A
124 - 139 = B
109 - 123 = C
93 - -108 = D
92 &-below = F

Note - It is the student’s responsibility to drop all classes in which he/she is no longer participating. Students who remain enrolled in a class beyond the published withdrawal deadline, as stated in the class schedule, will receive an evaluative letter grade in this class. Late petitions will not be approved without proof of circumstances beyond the student’s control. Inability to pay fees is not considered an extenuating circumstance. Students anticipating difficulty in paying fees before the add deadline should check with the Financial Aid Office about sources of funds.
ATTENDANCE &PARTICIPATION: The final grade in this class will be affected by active participation, including attendance, as follows: Students are expected to meet all course requirements and to participate in all daily activities in a timely manner. Circumstances that result from illness, accident, or other circumstances beyond the student's control, should be reported to the instructor by Mail ASAP. The instructor may excuse such circumstances, but will require make-up work. It is the instructor’s discretion to withdraw a student after the add/drop deadline (09-03-2008) due to excessive absences. Students may be dropped for not completing (missing) three (3) consecutive required activities (any combination of Discussion Boards, Quizzes and/or Writing Assignments).
STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Students are expected to respect and obey standards of student conduct while in class and on campus. District Policy 3100 enumerates the rights and responsibilities of all San Diego Community College District students. Please refer to the San Diego Mesa College Catalog for details.
Academic Integrity: This class will be conducted in accordance with the college student code of conduct and basic standards of academic honesty. Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty are not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Violations of standards of academic honesty will be reported to the college disciplinary office for appropriate action.
ATTENTION: I have made every effort to ensure that this course is accessible to all students, including students with disabilities. If you encounter a problem accessing any portion of this course, please contact me immediately.
Change to the Syllabus: From time to time, this syllabus may need to be amended. Students will be notified through Announcements and the Calendar.