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The CO Task Checklist
Effective Date: / 7/22/2009Revision Date:
To explain why the CO Task Checklist, along with its Cheat Sheet and supporting documents, is the backbone of the Bill Good Marketing System®.
Revision History
One of the bedrock policies at the Bill Good Marketing® is, has been, and always will be: continuously improve "the system."
Sometimes these improvements are technological. Bill Good Marketing has gone from Gorilla 2.3 to 3.0, to 4.0. There will be future versions as well.
Sometimes the improvements are in the form of new letters, new campaigns, or even new scripts. Sometimes it's new Speedbuttons®.
And sometimes, it is an upgrade to the procedures needed to implement the system. That's the case with CO Task Checklist. The technology in Gorilla® 4.0, especially in messaging, opens new possibilities. If these possibilities are not embedded in procedures, they will most likely not be implemented.
This is the reason for the Computer Operator Task Checklist. This document, along with its Cheat Sheet and supporting documents, is the backbone of the system. Without a task checklist you just have a spineless contact management program. You certainly do not have a system.
You can get the CO Task Checklist from the resource page, www.billgood.com/users/cotaskchecklist. All staff should visit this page. Because the system is so interconnected, this will affect the entire team. Whoever gets there first, make sure the rest of the team finds it.
Purposes of the CO Task Checklist
1) Knit the pieces together in a whole.
2) Ensure data is entered correctly and cross checked.
3) Provide information to the team necessary to enable you to double your revenue or work half as much.
4) Ensure hard copy is correctly filed so in the event of a complaint, proper documentation exists.
5) Ensure a redundant backup is made and moved off location.
The Computer Operator Task Checklist contains sections explaining daily, weekly, and monthly steps. The first section contains the daily tasks. These guide the CO through getting organized, updating data, messaging, reports, and a daily backup.
The next section governs what you will do weekly. These tasks feed into your Weekly Staff Meeting Agenda. This guides the team through a review of the week, an examination of opportunities, planning your progress on the 110% Chart, and setting goals for the week to come.
The final section guides the CO through the reports you will need for your Monthly Staff Meeting as well as routine maintenance.
How the CO Task Checklist Cheat Sheet Works
The Cheat Sheet gives additional instruction, only when necessary.
Consider this task from the CO Task Checklist.
Process e-mails that were returned or didn't go out, faxes that didn't go through, and letters returned in the mail.
That seems obvious, right?
Just consider: Should you treat a client e-mail that is returned different than a prospect e-mail? And if so how? And what happens to a letter that comes back addressee unknown. What if it's a client’s envelope? A prospect? A mass mail?
The Cheat Sheet takes each of these scenarios and shows the computer operator exactly what to do.
Or consider this task:
Print letters, fold, stuff, stamp, seal, and place in the outbox.
Again, obvious, right?
Consider this gem from the Cheat Sheet.
Do not start folding or stuffing the letters as soon as they print. We recommend waiting and doing it while the Confirmation Queue is processing.
Why is that? Because it can take a few minutes for the Confirmation Queue to process. While it's doing its thing, the CO is focused on another task, minimizing down-time.
Summary: The Backbone
What do you want? A system that will enable you to quickly respond to whatever? Or a spineless contact management program that struggles to get a letter out?
Backbone. You want that. That’s what the CO Task Checklist, fully implemented, provides.
All staff.
© 2009 by Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Confidential DO NOT SHOW TO CLIENTS. Licensees of the Bill Good Marketing System may revise this policy to suit local and broker/dealer requirements.