Honor’s Chemistry Policy Review

Mrs. Crowley (room 114)


The purpose of this document is to refresh both the student and the parent about some policies in my classroom. Please read over the following carefully.

Grading Scale Grade weighting

90-100 A participation 5%

80-89 B Homework/class work 10%

70-79 C Quizzes/tests 35%

60-69 D Projects/Labs 30%

59-0 F final 20%


·  Scientific calculator (does not have to be a graphing calculator, but must have log function). I have some extras this year that I can sell to you for $12. If you have financial needs, see me. I will always find a way for you to work it off for me.

·  3 ring binder (3 dividers: (1) warm-ups, (2) homework/classwork, (3) tests/quizzes/labs)

·  Loose paper OR spiral notebook that you can cleanly rip pages out

·  Ear buds of your own (extras will be available for purchase from the teacher for $7)

·  Lab fee: $15 payable to Damonte Ranch HS. Most students have already paid from 1st semester. If you cannot afford this, it’s not too late to come talk to Mrs. Crowley about “working” this fee off.

Test/Quiz Retakes

·  All quizzes are available for retakes. The quiz retake for any unit must be done before the day of the test for that unit. A cut-off date will be announced in class and posted on the class calendar online. Pay attention to these cut-off dates.

·  Tests are available for retake ONLY if the student performs specific test corrections. The student must have a conference with the teacher before a retake will be provided. The test retake will be a full replacement of the original score, even if the student performs worse, so be careful and make sure you’re prepared for the retake if you choose to do so.

Homework passes/late work

·  Homework is due when the teacher says it is due. The teacher reserves the right to dock late homework accordingly. Projects, packets, or large assignments like lab write ups are subject to penalties if turned in late, and will only be accepted after a conference has been made.

·  Check infinite campus regularly for missing assignments and/or errors.

Make up work

·  www.crowleyscience.com: All assignments, calendars, and notifications will be fed through this website.

·  You will get the standard time to make up work missed due to excused absences. If you know you’re going to be gone, look at the website so that you can keep up with what’s happening and retrieve assignments given.

·  If you miss a test/quiz, you must arrange with me IMMEDIATELY to make it up.

·  If you are absent during a lab, please talk to me ASAP for a makeup time. Some chemicals spoil quickly and I have SEVERAL chemistry classes with various labs at any given time, so please be prompt about this because I also must be prompt about cleaning them up.

Contact information

Mrs. Crowley

Phone: 851-5656

Email: (easiest way to contact me)

Class website: www.crowleyscience.com

Remind me app/email signup information:

I frequently send out small notifications and reminders to my students through text and/or email through the remind app. This has proven to be very helpful for when I post videos or changes to homework assignments throughout the year. You can choose to sign up via text message or email, and you can opt out at any time. Follow this link for more information: http://crowleyscience.com/honors-chemistry/hchem-intro/

I have read the Honor’s Chemistry Policy Review. Please email questions or comments or just write on the back of this form.


Student’s Name (printed) Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Additional Questions and/or Comments (please also list any contact information that may be missing or incorrect in infinite campus).