Rufford Pony Club Area Academy – 2017


The Equestrian World Class Programme is designed to support talent identification and nurturing of that talent through the development of that talent. The philosophy behind this development programme is that training achieves excellence and correct training is the foundation to success. We want to support this philosophy so the committee is delighted to continue the RUFFORD PONY CLUB AREA ACADEMY PROGRAMME.

Groups to be covered

Open)Eventing and Showjumping – Training and Teams

Intermediate)to be arranged by Heather Llewellyn-Smith (Eventing)

Novice)and Debbie Dawson (Showjumping)

Development)Eventing – Training and Teams to be arranged by Heather

ALL levels)Dressage – Training and Teams to be arranged by Jo Gray

DevelopmentShowjumping Training and Teams to arranged by Alison Lawton and Sue Hollingworth

ALL levelsShowjumping entries to be arranged by Alison and Sue (in conjunction with

Debbie Dawson)


To have individual and team representation at the PONY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS and PONY CLUB REGIONAL FINALS IN 2017


  1. To enable each member to be the best that they can be
  2. Provide winning teams and individuals for Rufford, at inter- branch, Area and other competitions
  3. To be inspirational and aspirational to younger members
  4. To retain senior competitive members within the branch
  5. To showcase the ability of members of the Rufford within the Pony Club and other equestrian bodies


From Member

  1. Commitment from member and support team in respect of:
  2. Training in each discipline selected on a regular basis
  3. Dress – to adhere fully with the required dress code at competitions (including Arena Eventing) as instructed by the team/individual selectors–Jo Gray (Dressage – all levels); Sue and Alison (Development SJ); Debbie D – Nov, Int, Open SJ); Heather (Eventing – all levels)
  4. Quality Attitude - This should be competitive and fun for all involved. Team members are required to course walk together, warm-up together and support each other in general.
  5. To attend at least 3 working rallies mounted on each horse they wish to compete.
  6. To compete for Rufford on at least 3 separate occasions at interbranch level plus Area.

From Parents

  1. Commitment from Parents in terms of costs and support:
  2. Training £20 to £25 per session approximately 1 per month per discipline
  3. Competition:
  4. SJ and Dressage: £15 approx each, Area £25
  5. Eventing: £50 approx each, Area £65
  6. Championship and Regional Finals Entry Fees will be paid by the Rufford Pony Club. Additional expenses to be met by the parent (n.b. stabling expenses are currently under review by the committee)
  7. Payment in advance for training and Competition fees – an individual will not be entered for any competition until full payment is received.
  8. Early communication if member unavailable – at least 48 hours in advance of the training or event as after this timescale, payment is expected and an invoice will be raised.
  10. Regular updates to the member’s competitive level outside of Pony Club as it happens as this could affect their team eligibility – unaffiliated or affiliated.
  11. Detailed understanding of the respective rule books – Pony Club Rule Books purchased from HQ. Their interaction with the discipline rule books – BD, BS or BE (when the member/horse is affiliated).
  12. Support to the member with respect to the required dress code as outlined in the member requirements section
  13. Familiarisation with “the Role of Parents” on

From Rufford

  1. To provide training at an optimum frequency as agreed with the trainer
  2. To be communicative about competitions, training and cost
  3. Advice on rules and dress codes etc
  4. To provide coaching for Area Warm-ups
  5. To include all members who arecapable and wish to participate. Capability will ultimately be decided by the Trainers and Rufford. Outside competitions (i.e. members competing BE, BD or BS) may play a part in which level a member can compete at.


  1. Andrew Hepburn (Development), Kirsty Hardstaff, Sam York and Robyn Wetherall have agreed to be consulted as Mentors to Rufford and Trainers to the members. Other coaches will be introduced as required.
  2. Area Dates and Competition Lists to be circulated and made available to members at earliest opportunity – these are accessible from the Area 6 website and other Branch websites and are currently being developed.
  3. Teams will be selected and entered for competitions as outlined above.
  4. Training to be planned well in advance to enable attendance
  5. Results to be passed to Team Selectors for inclusion in the event database and for final year recognition.


  1. Members will be invited to be a member of the Area Development/Novice/Intermediate/Open Academy following completion of their Application Form and subsequent discussion and decision by the Trainers, Committee, and Parent/Guardian
  2. Correct training dress at all times including hairnets and tack as per Pony Club guidance (n.b. absolutely NO hoodies please)
  3. Competition Team Dress is compulsory and is as follows: (please note that incorrect dress can eliminate a team)
  4. SJ: as per SJ rule book. Area turnout will be discussed with Debbie Dawson
  5. Dressage: Hacking Jacket, Cream or Buff breeches, Black or Brown Boots, Black or Navy Hat, Dark gloves – please refer to the rule book.
  6. Eventing: Rufford skins and hat silks must be purchased and worn with White/NavyNumnah. – please refer to the rule book.
  7. Arena Eventing: if competing for the Rufford as opposed to competing as an individual please adhere to the dress code for Eventing.
  8. All training for Area Academy must be attended.
  9. You must compete for Rufford on 3 separate occasions per year at Interbranch level and Area.
  10. Only those members competing in a class will walk a SJ course together. Other members who wish to walk the course do so independently.
  11. In line with the National Pony Club Rules, a minimum of 3 working rallies must be attended for each horse competed. (ANY deviation from this is at the discretion of the DC – Sue Hollingworth)
  12. To help mentor younger members trying to progress through to the Area Academyit is mandatory to assist at rallies/Christmas rally/competition rallies/Interbranch SJ, Dressage, Eventing etc. Please request a job from the organiser.
  13. All parents to help set up and clear down training sessions and poo pick
  14. A quality attitude is key. This should be competitive and fun for all involved. Team members are expected to course walk together, warm-up together and help each other in general.

Any breach of the above rules may result in that member being asked to leave the Area Academy