This quiz/assignment is designed to assist you in understanding and applying the Key Developmental Indicators of the High Scope (Cognitively Oriented) Curriculum. Many of these concepts are skills discussed in math and science. Prior to completing this field trip assignment read the attachment describing the indicators. This assignment is your Science Quiz

1.  First – read pages 2 and 3 that describe the High Scope Key Developmental Indicators

2.  Visit the Learning Ladder, Toys R US, Learning Connection or a similar teacher supply or educational toy store. OR visit and educational toy company on-line. (www.childcraft.com OR www.lakeshorelearning.com OR www.constplay.com OR http://www.discountschoolsupply.com/

3. Find two materials/toys that would help children develop classification skills, two that would help develop number awareness and two activities that would develop seriation skills. Describe each toy or material and evaluate its effectiveness and whether it is DAP. Give examples of how you might use the toy or material. Would this be a good investment for your classroom? Why or why not? You can include a picture of the material if you like. Be sure to describe the material in enough depth so that I understand what you are evaluating.

4. Use the attached chart of KDIs to identify specific skills the children would be developing in each area by using the material. For example, in Classification the child might use texture dominoes to describe and compare how the different fabrics feel.

5. Look for new and interesting materials! Have some fun and protect your pocketbook. J

6. This assignment can be handwritten. You may want to type it though to include in your portfolio as an example of your ability to evaluate materials for effectiveness. Use the attached chart or create your own if you need more space.

7. The quiz will be due in class on 4/11/11

High Scope – Key Developmental Indicators (Key Experiences)

Preschool MILESTONES - Curriculum Content
Key developmental indicators.The curriculum is built around teacher- andchild-initiated learning activities in five main curriculum content areas: approaches to learning; language, literacy, & communication; social and emotional development; physical development, health, and well-being; and arts and sciences. Within these areas are 58 key developmental indicators (formerly called "key experiences") — observable early childhood milestones that guide teachers as they planlearning experiences and interact with children.

Curriculum Content Areas
Approaches to Learning
Language, Literacy, & Communication
Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development, Health, & Well-Being
Arts and Sciences
• Math
• Science and Technology
• Social Studies
• Arts

The educational content of High/Scope Preschool programs is built around 58 "key developmental indicators" (KDIs) in five curriculum content areas.The KDIs are early childhood milestones that guide teachers as they plan and assess learning experiences and interact with children to support learning.The KDIs were formerly called "key experiences." Although the 58 KDIs match the 58 preschool key experiences, thelist is now organized in new categories to align more closely with state and national learning standards.

For this assignment you are to focus on the KDI’s for Math

♦ Comparing attributes (longer/shorter, bigger/smaller)
♦ Arranging several things one after another in a series or pattern and describing the relationships(big/bigger/biggest, red/blue/red/blue)
♦ Fitting one ordered set of objects to another through trial and error (small cup—small saucer/medium cup—medium saucer/big cup—big saucer)
♦ Comparing the numbers of things in two sets to determine "more," "fewer," "same number"
♦ Arranging two sets of objects in one-to-one correspondence
♦ Counting objects
♦ Filling and emptying
♦ Fitting things together and taking them apart
♦ Changing the shape and arrangement of objects (wrapping, twisting, stretching, stacking, enclosing)
♦ Observing people, places, and things from different spatial viewpoints
♦ Experiencing and describing positions, directions, and distances in the play space, building, and neighborhood
♦ Interpreting spatial relations in drawings, pictures, and photographs
Science and Technology
♦ Recognizing objects by sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell
♦ Exploring and describing similarities, differences, and the attributes of things
♦ Distinguishing and describing shapes
♦ Sorting and matching
♦ Using and describing something in several ways
♦ Holding more than one attribute in mind at a time
♦ Distinguishing between "some" and "all"
♦ Describing characteristics something does not possess or what class it does not belong to

♦ Starting and stopping an action on signal
♦ Experiencing and describing rates of movement
♦ Experiencing and comparing time intervals
♦ Anticipating, remembering, and describing sequences of events

Info on pages 2 to 4 are from the High Scope website at www.highscope.org




Store Visited or On-line store:______

Date Visited:______


Toy or Material / HIGH SCOPE Key Developmental Indicator (see list above) / Identify ways you could use this material or toy with children / Is the toy or material developmentally appropriate? Give Reasons. / Provide Price
Good Investment? Give reasons
Texture Dominoes
Source: http://catalog.aseaoflearning.com/
Texture dominoes are made so that each side of the domino has a different fabric or texture for children to match. / Classification KDI
Exploring and describing similarities and differences; sorting and matching / Play dominoes by matching shapes or by matching the texture of the toy / Yes, children enjoy and learn from sensory experiences. Also this material allows children the opportunity to sort using at least two senses – sight and touch / 16.50 for 28 pieces.
Yes, it is inexpensive and durable. However, it could also easily be made by a teacher

CLASSIFICATION – matching, sorting, comparing similarities and differences

Toy or Material / Key Developmental Indicator (see list above) / Identify ways you could use this material or toy with children / Is the toy or material developmentally appropriate? Give Reasons. / Provide Price
Good Investment? Give reasons

NUMBER – comparing quantity (more and less), counting, working with sets, recognizing numerals

Toy or Material / Key Developmental Indicator (see list above) / Identify ways you could use this material or toy with children / Is the toy or material developmentally appropriate? Give Reasons. / Provide Price
Good Investment? Give reasons

SERIATION – putting objects in sequence ( tallest to smallest – darkest to lightest – etc) or patterning

Toy or Material / Key Developmental Indicator (see list above) / Identify ways you could use this material or toy with children / Is the toy or material developmentally appropriate? Give Reasons. / Provide Price
Good Investment? Give reasons